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Everything posted by am39exocet

  1. hi , I've a little problem with SFP1 , i've installed the patch SP4 to 4.2 + Checksic Mega Pack and the sound of engines have disapeared on the Pucara and AH1 Skyrader , i don't have a characteristic sound of piston engine , the reactors are not concerned by this problem . Perhaps you have encountered this problem with your SFP1 and you could help me ... Thx.
  2. it is necessary to reewrite all files for each aircraft ??!!! The weapons pack modifiy itself the lines of this files ?
  3. how are these souns files ( their extension , wav , mp3 etc) and how obtain this files dl on your site. It's strange, i have installed these files previously and i don't have this problem.

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