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About xahldera

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    Anime and Video games.


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  1. Doesn't seem to be there. Can someone please upload the modified cockpit? I would like to download it as well.
  2. I remember that as well. If the Migs radar got picked up on your RWR, you can fire a HARM at it. They wouldn't realise until it was too late...
  3. Don't you mean an F.3? Either way I would like to see an updated F.3 Tornado.
  4. Not meaning to annoy anyone, but does anyone know if a new version of the ADV Tornado is being worked on?
  5. Is it just me or did I find I had to do zero editing with some of my aircraft to get the weapons working?
  6. And how do I check that through DXDIAG? I also assume it is available on Microsoft's site?
  7. Am I the only person here who seems to be getting CTDs with the patch? I used a clean install and according to "DXDIAG" I have Direct X 9.0c. When I try to fly, it immediately returns me to the desktop with no errors. Please help.
  8. Thanks for the help anyway. Looks like I'm going to have to do this the hard way.
  9. Is there a program that will allow you to edit aircraft data files, apart from a text editor?
  10. Thanks. That worked. Although it took some fiddling around to get it to work. Any other hints?
  11. I'm trying to create a new missile and it involves editing an existing skin and model. Can anyone provide any hints? I assume that the LOD file needs to be edited as well. Can anyone suggest a program to edit LOD files?
  12. OK, can someone provide the link to the SFP1E Extract Utility as I can't find it. Also, can I assume this will work for any carrier I want to install, such as the HMS Invincible model I downloaded from here, or is it only the one out of WoV that can be used?
  13. Rather stupid question and I apologise if it has already been asked. However, I tried searching the forums for the answer and it doesn't help. Anyway, does anyone know how to add carriers to SFP1 and how to use them when they are installed?

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