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About sparky75

  1. Great Mod from the menu's to the ground objects . Just been exploring the aircraft yesterday liking the spark vark, just started a campaign this morning with 43 Sqn, first mission low level attack on K2 airfield, ordered 2nd flight to engage ground targets, they drop off and start to tangle with a pair of Mig 23 which are flying cap in the area, 2nd flight lead loses situational awareness and crashes into hill on approach to target. Run in on target SEAD already has taken care of a couple of ZPU AA guns but there are still plenty of threats on the ground. Make a fast run in and pop up to attack the target pickle the bombs , good strike, rounds on target take down a pair of Zil 157 and a hangar as well as the objective. Start to egress low to the north ordering my wingman to attack an AA position. Wingman attacks several AA targets but gets hit after I order him to rejoin by AAA and goes in. Pull up to and turn to the northeast, switch over to Aim 9's and by pure luck have a Mig 25 in the middle of the HUD about 1.4nm out, get a good tone , Fox two , Mig 25 doesn't have chance and spirals into the deck in flames. Remaining 2nd element ordered to rejoin and we start to egress to southeast, in the process getting locked up by SA-2, and SA-8 gecko. SA-8 Gecko takes a liking to Dallas 14 and my remain wingman goes in. Objective achieved but at a heavy price. Once again guys thanks for the hardwork, the radio chatter , the other traffic , ground objects all make this feel like a new game. Also thanks for the Germany addons aswell did anyone else not notice them yet?
  2. Microsoft Aces Studio is Closed

    Blimey this one did surprise me, having started on flight sims back in the 80's with Harrier Attack on my CPC 464, and having had copies of MSFS in it's various forms since the 90's guess X plane will have to carry the torch now.
  3. what can you say but, wow!, can't wait to get hold of this. Just finished reading Vipers in The Storm, so in the mood for a little early 90's scud bashing.

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