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Posts posted by GerritJ9

  1. Ki.46 Interception

    This mission recreates the interception and destruction of a Ki.46 in the early morning of Jan. 10th 1942 by two Brewster Buffalos of 243 Sqn, New Zealanders Sgts. Bert Wipiti and Charles Kronk.

    Guided to the approacing bandit by radar and using a height advantage, they managed to slow the Dinah, eliminating its speed adavatage over the Buffalos, then shot it down over Johore. It was 243 Sqn's first kill.

    Can you do the same?


  2. Brewster Divebombing Practice

    My second mission and the very first Dutch mission ever to be uploaded (unless I missed something), a fictional mission that will allow you to practice the actual divebombing technique used bt the ML-KNIL's Brewsters against the Japanese invasion convoys off Balikpapan and Java in January and March 1942.


    Developed on FB/PF 4.04m.



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