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Everything posted by Enjoyr

  1. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    O mapě Slovenska je více info tady: http://www.vwings.net/forum/viewthread.php...;thread_id=2089 no a hlavně tady (mapa,Avia B-534,rozpracovaná Avia B-135,atd.): http://www.letka13.sk/forum/viewforum.php?...0198fd9f7df7d78
  2. IL-2 Sturmovik 1946

    Zdarec. ....ti vaši matadoři udělali nejkrásnější mapu do Šturmovika,jaká kdy vznikla !! Opravdu nádhera,když vyšla v Patchi 4.09b1m, lítal jsem 2 hodiny po téhle úžasné mapě a jen se kochal. :yes: Snad se brzy dočká Il-2 komunita i jejich Avie B-534 a Letova,které jsou už hotové... Mimoch.,když tady vidím ty krásné 23-tky,nebo Sučka... docela mě to láká na chvíli přeběhnout k rourám, ...jen kdyby sakriš bylo víc času..
  3. New versions 3.6 available In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) Vtrelut adjusted next filest nationXY_ru.dat so that Russian letters no longer appear during briefings/debriefings when using the Sound Mod. 2) Fix problem with campaignsUSP (* US Army Fighter) - problems with transitions out of Pearl Harbor to the New Guinea in the P-40B - P-40E. 21 files modification by Vtrelut In EnjoyrPatchA.exe version for BoE; BoE+Ostfront and BoE+TLD+Ostfront: 1) Update for French Wings (for BoE) by Vtrelut: 2 files modified In EnjoyrPatchA.exe version for BoE: 1) Supplementeds missing files for campaignsDeR - (BoE) Rocket interceptor (from DGen 4043 update) Update EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack6-Allied v.1.1 Included - new skin from French Wings Patch by Vtrelut (Spitfire Mk IXc) More about Patches: Enjoyr Page Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy landing! Enjoyr.
  4. Message for all authors campaigns,corrections,supplements and skins authors. In this week 30000. downloads of all versions EP from their birth in January 2007. Thanks for all authors and to all behind cooperation and help. Happy flights. Enjoyr
  5. NEW - Enjoyr Patch A skins 2 (317 MB) In this Patch are merged: EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack2-Allied a Axis EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack3-Allied a Axis EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack4-Allied a Axis Included skins: - skins included in French Wings 1943 – 1945 by Vtrelut - skins included in French Wings Patch v.2,3,4,5,6,7,8 by Vtrelut - skins for Ki-44 Shoki hack by Ojcar - skins included in WinterWar 1940 by Ojcar - skins included in USAAF MTO campaign by Boelcke - skins included in JG27 campaign 1.0 by Boelcke - skins included in Greenhearts campaign 1.0 by Boelcke - skins included in Reichsverteidigung - home defense campaign 1.0 by Boelcke www.enjoyr-page.cz Mission4Today - Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page
  6. New versions 3.5 available In the all versions EnjoyrPatcheA.exe: 1) included French Wings Patch v.8 by Vtrelut NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack6-Allied v.1.0 Included - skins from French Wings Patch v.8 by Vtrelut Update EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack3-Axis v.1.1 Included - skins from French Wings 1943-1945 Patch v.8 by Vtrelut Update EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack5-Allied v.1.3 Repaied mistaken title skins folder P-51B-5NT to the P-51D-5NT folder. More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  7. New versions 3.4 available In the all versions EnjoyrPatches: - Last remaining body adjustment original files XYZ_ru.dat (from 1946 and Ostfront) for correct function Patches with ,,SM,,. In EnjoyrPatchA.exe version for BoE; BoE+Ostfront and BoE+TLD+Ostfront: 1) included update for BoE: * JG27 campaign v.1.1 by Boelcke * Greenhearts Campaign v.1.1 by Boelcke ( - corrected a bug in the second Normandy subcampaign) More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  8. New versions 3.3 available In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) included campaigns: * JG27 campaign by Boelcke * Reichsverteidigung 1943-45 by Boelcke In EnjoyrPatchA.exe version for BoE; BoE+Ostfront and BoE+TLD+Ostfront: 1) included campaigns for BoE: * JG27 campaign by Boelcke * Reichsverteidigung 1943-45 by Boelcke * Greenhearts Campaign by Boelcke In the all versions EnjoyrPatches (without Patch for No Addons): 1) Included files from X-1 Software Patch 1.1.2 for TLD and X-1 Software Patch 1.01-1.02-1.1 for Ostfront NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack4-Axis v.1.0 Included - skins from JG27 campaign, Reichsverteidigung 1943-45 and Greenhearts Campaign by Boelcke Update EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack5-Allied v.1.2 Included - skins from JG27 campaign, Reichsverteidigung 1943-45 and Greenhearts Campaign by Boelcke More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  9. New versions 3.2 available In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) included French Wings Patch v.7a by Vtrelut 2) included French Wings Patch v.7b by Vtrelut 1) and 2) Several improvements: - New skins: P-40s, Spitfires Mk Vc, Mk VIII, P-47Ds, A-20C. (Beebop, _Harpia_Mafra55_, Imme and Phazmid) - New Dynamic Campaign: bomber group “Bretagne”, on B-26 Marauder. The A-20C is proposed here as a hack for the B-26 (Beebop). Later on, the A-20G will also be available for this campaign, in addition to the A-20C. - Reworked Tunisia & North Africa mission templates. - New moving front markers for Tunisia and North African campaigns. - Corrected skins for the P-38s/F-5s of GR I/33 (Phazmid), and the GC II/5 P-40s (Claymore). - Bug fixes: load-out of the P-39Q1, AI behaviour in certain escort missions, missing skins for the P-47D-27. 3) MTO USAAF campaign 0.7a by Boelcke In EnjoyrPatchA.exe version for BoE; BoE+Ostfront and BoE+TLD+Ostfront: 1) Hotfix Allied Channelfront by Boelcke Update EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack5-Allied v.1.1 Included - skins from French Wings 1943-1945 Patch v.7a and v.7b by Vtrelut All downloads is here: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Readme: SimHQ Forum - Topic Enjoyr
  10. Update EnjoyrPatchAskins to version v.1.1 (208 MB). This fix is for the problem with a double loading skins(MAT) from West Front campaigns in using IL-2 STAB. Problem description is here: http://www.simhq.com/forum/ubbthreads.php?...118#Post2392118 Download EnjoyrPatchAskins v.1.1: Mission4Today - PatchAskins v.1.1
  11. NEW version EnjoyrPatches (v.3.1) In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) included USAAF MTO campaign by Boelcke 2) included French Wings Patch v.6 by Vtrelut - new skins - new AI plane MS 500 Criquet (French Fi 156) - New skin assignments especially for AI wingmen, using generic skins: more variety. - Reworked Ardennes and Berlin mission templates to display USAAF, RAF or French static allied aircraft on player’s allied airfields. - Added P-40 African sub-campaign to the GC III/3 “Ardennes” campaign. - Reworked the GB I/20 Lorraine campaign to better personalize it. - GC I/5 Champagne, GC II/5 Lafayette, 1ère EC (1st Fighter Wing) and GC III/3 Ardennes campaigns: creation of a mission profile for patrol, reconnaissance, protection and escort of ship convoys in certain North-African sub-campaigns 3) included French Wings Patch v.7 by Vtrelut - New skins: P-47Ds, A-20C. - New Dynamic Campaign: bomber group “Bretagne”, on B-26 Marauder. The A-20C is proposed here as a hack for the B-26. - Reworked Tunisia mission template. - Corrected skins for the GC II/5 P-40s. Update EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack3-Allied v.1.2 Included - skins from French Wings 1943-1945 Patch v.7 by Vtrelut NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack5-Allied v.1.0: Included - skins from French Wings 1943-1945 Patch v.7 by Vtrelut NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack4 - Allied v.1.0: Included - skins from USAAF MTO campaign by Boelcke - skins from French Wings 1943-1945 Patch v.6 by Vtrelut New EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack3-Axis v.1.0: Included - skins from USAAF MTO campaign by Boelcke - skins from French Wings 1943-1945 Patch v.6 by Vtrelut Enjoyr
  12. NEW version EnjoyrPatches 3.0 In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) included Winter War 1940 v.1.1 sub-campaign by Ojcar Finland - * Fighter Russia - * Heavy Bomber (TB-3) - * Fighter (Leningrad) 2) added flyable Bf-109G-6 and Bf-109G-6Late (summer 1944 in Finland campaign (x) Me-109 by Ijekio Ulmar) Files modification by Enjoyr NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack3 - Allied v.1.1 included Winter War 1940 v.1.1 sub-campaign by Ojcar NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack2 - Axis v.1.3: included Winter War 1940 v.1.1 sub-campaign by Ojcar Bonus in folder ,,Other files,, :-) All downloads is here: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Readme: SimHQ Forum - Topic
  13. NEW version EnjoyrPatches 2.9 In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) included French Wings Patch v.5 by Vtrelut - Adds 6 new dynamic campaigns - Additional flyable aircraft: P-51C Mustang, Hurricane Mk IIb/c - Reworked and corrected briefings, particularly for Tunisia and Germany campaigns NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack3 - Allied v.1.0 NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack2 - Axis v.1.2: Included - skins from French Wings Ptach v.5 by Vtrelut (New skins: A-20C, Spitfire Mk Vc, Do-335, FW-190-A8 & A9, Hurricanes, P-47Ds, P-39s, P-40s, Ta-152, Tempest by - Barda, Buglord, Claymore, Defrag, Phazmid, RONNCO, Tromplamort, Vpmedia, Winger69, Zargos, Zorin) NEW EnjoyrPatchC for DCG 3.36 All downloads is here: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Readme: SimHQ Forum - Topic
  14. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.8 ) In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) New sub-campaings added to the awesome Nimits True Pacific Campaings: -New Guinea 1943 and 1944 added to IJAAF, 5a Air Force (fighter and bomber careers) and RAAF (fighter and bomber) Files modification by Ojcar Good flying!!!! More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Enjoyr
  15. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.7 ) NEW - EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack2 - Allied v.1.1 NEW - EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack2 - Axis v.1.1 NEW - modified files and improvement by Vtrelut and Jeanba NEW - Included French Wings Patch v.4 by Vtrelut In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) included French Wings Patch v.4 by Vtrelut 2) included modified file Bagration.DB by Jeanba (It makes the campaign longer and includes important dates for the Normandie Niemen squadron) In PatchAskinsPack2-Axis v.1.1: 1) - skins from French Wings Patch v.4 by Vtrelut - skins for Ki-44 Shoki hack by Ojcar In PatchAskinsPack2-Allied v.1.1 1) - skins from French Wings Patch v.4 by Vtrelut Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  16. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.6 ) !!!! NEW - EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack-Allied v.1.0 !! NEW - EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack-Axis v.1.0 !! NEW - modified files and improvement by Vtrelut !! NEW - French Wings 1943-1945 + Patch v.2 by Vtrelut !! NEW - French Wings for BoE by Vtrelut !! In all versions patches that the concern BoE addon: 1) included French Wings for BoE by Vtrelut In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) included French Wings 1943-1945 campaigns by Vtrelut 2) included French Wings Patch v.2 by Vtrelut 3) bug fixes and corrections in files: campaignsDe7; De7_de; De7_fr.dat campaignsHuU.dat campaignsRNP_Fr;campaignsUN1_Fr.dat;campaignsUSP_Fr.dat classesIN2;RuO;UM1;UN1;UN4;US1.dat NewGuineaPlanes.dat opsGuadalTulagi.dat planesRuO.dat Files modification by Vtrelut In all versions patches that the concern Ostfront addon: 1) modified file campaignsDe@_Fr File modification by Vtrelut NEW EnjoyrPatchAskinsPack2 v.1.0: Included - skins from French Wings 1943-1945 by Vtrelut - skins from French Wings Ptahc v.2 by Vtrelut More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  17. Hi, Summary of campaigns in DGen folder for use EnjoyrPatchA (+ TruePacific 0.09 + Disaster On The Frontiers v.2.1 + MoreAir + Alternate Edited Campaigns + Enhanced Eastern v.2 + West Front Campaign v.2.11 + Ian Boys Stage 2,3,4 + Ijekio ulmar campaigns + Willi Reschke campaign by Boelcke ) Germany: campaignsDe« * Stuka/ Jabo South Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsDe] * Stuka/Jabo North Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsDe^ * Stuka/Jabo Center Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsDe! * Luftlotte 3 In The West West Front Campaign campaignsDe{ (x) Africa (bf-110) Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsDe° (x) Africa Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsDe} (x) Africa (Ju-88) Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsDe[ (x) Africa (Ju-87) Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsDe§ * The Wild Huntsman – Willi Reschke - Ta-152 Boelcke campaignsDeB * He - 111 FB+AEP+PF campaignsDeC * Fighter Center FB+AEP+PF campaignsDeF * Fighter (South) FB+AEP+PF campaignsDeL * JABO FB+AEP+PF campaignsDeN * Fighter (North) FB+AEP+PF campaignsDeS * Stuka FB+AEP+PF campaignsDeT * Ta – 152 FB+AEP+PF campaignsDeZ * Bf – 110 FB+AEP+PF campaignsDe2 * Ju – 88 FB+AEP+PF campaignsDe3 * Drang Nach Osten (Bomber) Disaster On The Frontiers campaignsDe4 * Drang Nach Osten (Stuka) Disaster On The Frontiers campaignsDe5 * Drang Nach Osten (Fighter) Disaster On The Frontiers campaignsDe6 * Drang Nach Osten (JABO) Disaster On The Frontiers campaignsDe7 (NWE) Germany 1945 – Fighter Ian Boys Altogether 23 dynamic campaigns Dutch: campaignsDU1 * Fighter TruePacific Finland: campaignsFiF * Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsFiB * Ju-88 update - Johannes Ritter campaignsFiG (x) Me-109 Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsFiU (x) JU-88 Ijekio ulmar campaigns Altogether 4 dynamic campaigns France: campaignsFrA * Normandie-Niemen FB+AEP+PF RAF: campaignsGB1 * Far East Command Fighter TruePacific campaignsGB2 (Burma) Fighter Reconnaissance Ian Boys – Stage4 campaignsGB3 (Burma) Spitfire Ian Boys – Stage4 campaignsGB4 (Burma) Strike Pilot Ian Boys – Stage4 campaignsGBC (x) Africa (JABO) Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsGBJ * 2nd Tactical Air Force West Front Campaign campaignsGBK (x) Africa Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsGBQ (NWE) 2nd Tactical Airforce – Fighter Ian Boys campaignsGBR (NWE) 2nd Tactical Airforce – Ground Attack Ian Boys Altogether 9 dynamic campaigns Hungary: campaignsHuF * Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsHuU * Ju-88 Ijekio ulmar campaigns Japan IJA: campaignsJAA *Imperial Japanese Army Fighter FB+EP+PF campaignsJAB (Burma) Oscar Fighter Ian Boys – Stage4 campaignsJAC * Fighter TruePacific Japan IJN campaignsIN1 * 1st Air Fleet Carrier Fighter TruePacific campaignsIN2 * 1st Air Fleet Carrier Bomber TruePacific campaignsIN3 * 11th Air Fleet Floatplane Fighter TruePacific campaignsIN4 * 11th Air Fleet Bomber TruePacific campaignsIN5 * Imperial Japanese Navy Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsIN6 * Imperial Japanese Navy Bomber FB+AEP+PF campaignsIN7 * 11th Air Fleet Fighter TruePacific campaignsIN8 * Rufe Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsIN9 * Betty Bomber FB+AEP+PF Altogether 9 dynamic campaigns Italy: campaignsItI * Italian Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsItA (x) Africa (Fighter) Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsItB (x) Africa (Jabo) Ijekio ulmar campaigns campaignsItF * Italian Fighter (Ijekio) Ijekio ulmar campaigns Altogether 4 dynamic campaigns Poland: campaignsPlF * Fighter (Lotnictwo Ludowego Wojska Polskiego) FB+AEP+PF campaignsPlS * Sturmovik (Lotnictwo Ludowego Wojska Polskiego) FB+AEP+PF RAAF: campaignsRA1 * Royal Australian Air Force FB+AEP+PF campaignsRA2 * Bomber TruePacific campaignsRA3 * Fighter TruePacific FAA: campaignsRNA * FAA Fighter TruePacific campaignsRNP * Royal Navy FB+AEP+PF Romania: campaignsRoA * Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsRoB * Bomber FB+AEP+PF campaignsRoS * Stuka FB+AEP+PF Russia: campaignsRu- * Fighter (Center) Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsRu+ * Fighter (South) Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsRu= * Fighter (North) Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsRu% * Sturmovik (Center) Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsRu6 * Disaster On The Frontiers Disaster On The Frontiers campaignsRu7 * Disaster On The Frontiers (Bomber) Disaster On The Frontiers campaignsRu8 * Disaster On The Frontiers (Sturmovik) Disaster On The Frontiers campaignsRuB * Heavy Bomber FB+AEP+PF campaignsRuD * Sturmovik (North) Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsRuF * Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsRuI * Sturmovik (Leningrad) FB+AEP+PF campaignsRuL * Fighter (Leningrad) FB+AEP+PF campaignsRuO * Sturmovik (South) Enhanced Eastern v.2 campaignsRuP * Soviet Belgorod Campaign FB+AEP+PF campaignsRuS * Sturmovik FB+AEP+PF Altogether 15 dynamic campaigns RNZAF: campaignsRZ1 * Fighter TruePacific Slovakia: campaignsSkA * Fighter FB+AEP+PF USMC: campaignsUM1 * US Marine Corps FB+AEP+PF campaignsUM2 * Fighter TruePacific campaignsUM3 * Bomber TruePacific USN: campaignsUN1 * US Navy Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsUN2 * US Navy Bomber FB+AEP+PF campaignsUN3 * Carrier Air Group Fighter TruePacific campaignsUN4 * Carrier Air Group Dive Bomber TruePacific USAAF: campaignsUS1 * US Army Bomber FB+AEP+PF campaignsUS3 * 5th Air Force Bomber TruePacific campaignsUS2 (Burma) 10th Airforce Boys – Stage4 campaignsUS7 * 318th Fighter Group Fighter TruePacific campaignsUSO * 13th Air Force Fighter TruePacific campaignsUSP * US Army Fighter FB+AEP+PF campaignsUSQ (NWE) - US 9th Air Force Ian Boys campaignsUSR * 5th Air Force Fighter TruePacific campaignsUSW * 9th Air Force West Front Campaign Altogether 9 dynamic campaigns Together 99 dynamic campaigns.
  18. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.5 ) !!!! !! NEW - EnjoyrPatch B skins !! !! NEW - modified 28x files and improvement for TLD by Vtrelut !! !! NEW - modified 31x briefing files by Vtrelut !! !! NEW - DGen campaign German Channelfront 1941-44 v.1.3 by Boelcke !! !! NEW - DGen campaigns Allied Channelfront v.1.1 by Boelcke !! In all versions patches that the concern BoE addon: 1) includes DGen German Channelfront 1941-44 v.1.3 update by Boelcke 2) includes DGen Allied Channelfront v.1.1 update by Boelcke In all versions patches that the concern TLD addon: 1) bug fixes in files: Afrika_operations.DAT; campaignsDeO.DAT;classesRuG.dat;Crimea_TLD_operations.DAT; 22x TLD files ops.DAT; opsLuft46Afrika.DAT; planesRuG.DAT Files modification by Vtrelut In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) Corrections of briefings files: 31x briefing files Files modification by Vtrelut NEW EnjoyrPatchBskins v.1.0: From version Patches 2.5 were skins,earlier included in all versions PatchesB displaced to the new EnjoyrPatchBskins – reason be down size single Patches and make easy download,so and easier upload on Mission4Today. To functioning properly campaigns,included in all PatchesB,is recommended use this EnjoyrPatchBskins. More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  19. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.4 ) NEW - Disaster On The Frontiers v.2.1 by Amagi NEW - modified files and improvement by Vtrelut NEW - DGen briefings fixed v.2.0 by Vtrelut NEW - DGen campaign German Channelfront 1941-44 v.1.2 by Boelcke + skins NEW - DGen campaigns Allied Channelfront v.1.0 by Boelcke + skins In all versions patches: 1) Disaster On The Frontiers v.2.1 by Amagi In the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe: 1) bug fix in Ijekio Ulmar's Africa and Finland campaigns files classesGBK.dat ConWar44Summer.DB ops41afr.dat Files modification by Vtrelut 2) bug fixes in files (Pacific campaigns): CampaignsIN4_cs.dat;IN4_de.dat;IN4_fr.dat;IN4_hu.dat;IN4_pl.dat campaignsUM1.dat;UM1_de.dat;UM1_fr.dat;UM1_ru.dat classesUM1.dat;classesUN1.dat planesUM1.dat Files modification by Vtrelut 3) DGen briefings fixed v.2.0 by Vtrelut In all versions patches that the concern BoE addon: 1) includes DGen campaign German Channelfront 1941-44 v.1.2 by Boelcke + skins 2) includes DGen campaigns Allied Channelfront v.1.0 by Boelcke + skins More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  20. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.3 ) NEW - ALTERNATE FILES KI-44 (I-185 M82)HACK IN DGEN by Ojcar - update + skins NEW - modified files and improvement by Vtrelut NEW - MULTILANGUAGE PATCH by VTRELUT NEW - DGen.exe is part of installation of all PatchesA A) To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: 1) DGen.exe (is part of installation of all PatchesA - replaces DGen.exe in your game folder; backup DGen's.exe, and is part of all EnjoyrPatches.zip - folder ,Other files,) 2) ALTERNATE FILES KI-44 (I-185 M82)HACK IN DGEN by Ojcar - update 31.5.2007 (...and corrected file BurmaD3.dat - 14.6.2007) 3) Corrected and completed Pacific Fighters briefings, for use with other languages than English: pf_messageEN,DE,CS,FR,HU,PL.dat Files modification by Vtrelut 4) Corrections of briefings files (spelling mistakes, missing briefings for Normandie-Niemen campaigns) MessageFr.dat and nn_messageCS,DE,EN,FR.dat Files modification by Vtrelut B) MULTILANGUAGE PATCH by VTRELUT For all users to keep the language they want in their game,without any manipulation of files after installing patches- In all versions patches that the concern TLD addon: campaignsDeD_de.dat;DeD_fr;DeG_fr;DeH_fr;DeM_de;DeM_fr;DeQ_de;DeQ_fr.dat campaignsRu2_de.dat;Ru2_fr;Ru3_de;Ru3_fr;Ru5_de;Ru5_fr;RuU_de;RuU_fr.dat To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: campaignsDe3_de.dat;De3_fr;De4_de;De4_fr;De5_de;De5_fr;De6_de;De6_fr.dat campaignsRu6_de.dat;Ru6_fr;Ru7_de;Ru7_fr;Ru8_de;Ru8_fr;RuP_de;RuP_fr.dat (Disaster On The Frontiers files) campaignsDeC_fr.dat;DeN_fr; campaignsFiF_fr.dat;campaignsHuF_fr.dat campaignsIN1_de.dat;IN1_fr;IN2_de;IN2_fr;IN3_de;IN3_fr;IN4_cs;IN4_de;IN4_fr;IN4_hu;IN4_pl.dat campaignsRZ1_cs.dat;RZ1_de;RZ1_fr;RZ1_hu;RZ1_pl.dat campaignsSkA_fr.dat (IL-2 1946 files and TruePacific files) All multilanguage files created and modified by Vtrelut C) To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: 1) Heavy template for DGEN: Lviv and Smolensk by Chameleon Template with high-details static ground object - airfields, towns, stations. Not a frontline. For DGen campaign - operations Lvov41 and Barbarossa. BarbarossaBlue.mis BarbarossaRed.mis Lvov41Blue.mis Lvov41Red.mis Files modification by Chameleon More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  21. Correction for users these patchs: EnjoyrPatchs for BoE EnjoyrPatch for TLD EnjoyrPatch for NoAddons Download repaied version 2.31 - bug fix in campaigns with Kurland44 and correction briefings in French language (file MessageFr.dat). Enjoyr.
  22. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.2 ) !!!! Fix errors in Patches - description in txt Version History and in New Topic. Download your version and run PatchA and PatchB. !! NEW - The Wild Huntsman-Willi Reschke-Ta-152 campaign by Boelcke + skins !! !! NEW modified files and improvement by Vtrelut !! To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: 1) includes DGen campaign *The wild huntsman - Willi Reschke Ta-152 campaign by Boelcke + skins campaignsDe§.dat (and other files) 2) ALTERNATE FILES TO INCLUDE KI-44 (I-185 M82) HACK AS AI PLANE IN DGEN by Ojcar - - included it as AI plane in the awesome Burma campaings by Ian Boys and in Nimits' True Pacific Okinawa and Japan templates - Included skins by Ojcar using Jesters Ink template, and JadehawkII 3) modified files: PacificPlanes.dat pf_messageen.dat pf_messagefr.dat Files modification by Vtrelut 4) modified file: opsJapan.dat Files modification by Vtrelut 5) Correction errors in the French briefings MessageFr.dat Files modification by Vtrelut 6) Repaied bug in the German JABO/Stuka North campaign: Leningrad41.DB Files modification by Vtrelut 7) Complemented files from Enhanced Eastern v.2: ops41-H.dat ops42-H.dat ops42len-H.dat ops43-H.dat ops43len-H.dat ops44-H.dat 8) Rename campaign: campaignsDe# * Stuka/ Jabo South (Enhanced Eastern v.2) to campaignsDe« * Stuka/ Jabo South !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delete from your DGen folder these files,please: campaignsDe#.dat campaignsDe#_de.dat classesDe#.dat planesDe#.dat squadronsDe#.dat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! In all versions patches is modified files: 1) planesIN1.dat planesIN5.dat planesIN7.dat planesJAA.dat planesJAB.dat More flyable Jap. planes - Files modification by Vtrelut In all versions patches that the concern Ostfront addon: 1) Rename campaign: campaignsRu# (KUR) Kurland Pe-2 (Ostfront) to campaignsRu« (KUR) Kurland Pe-2 (Ostfront) !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Delete from your DGen folder these files,please: campaignsRu#.dat campaignsRu#_de.dat campaignsRu#_fr.dat planesRu#.dat squadronsRu#.dat !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  23. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.3 ) NEW - ALTERNATE FILES KI-44 (I-185 M82)HACK IN DGEN by Ojcar - update + skins NEW - modified files and improvement by Vtrelut NEW - MULTILANGUAGE PATCH by VTRELUT NEW - DGen.exe is part of installation of all PatchesA A) To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: 1) DGen.exe (is part of installation of all PatchesA - replaces DGen.exe in your game folder; backup DGen's.exe, and is part of all EnjoyrPatches.zip - folder ,Other files,) 2) ALTERNATE FILES KI-44 (I-185 M82)HACK IN DGEN by Ojcar - update 31.5.2007 (...and corrected file BurmaD3.dat - 14.6.2007) 3) Corrected and completed Pacific Fighters briefings, for use with other languages than English: pf_messageEN,DE,CS,FR,HU,PL.dat Files modification by Vtrelut 4) Corrections of briefings files (spelling mistakes, missing briefings for Normandie-Niemen campaigns) MessageFr.dat and nn_messageCS,DE,EN,FR.dat Files modification by Vtrelut B) MULTILANGUAGE PATCH by VTRELUT For all users to keep the language they want in their game,without any manipulation of files after installing patches- In all versions patches that the concern TLD addon: campaignsDeD_de.dat;DeD_fr;DeG_fr;DeH_fr;DeM_de;DeM_fr;DeQ_de;DeQ_fr.dat campaignsRu2_de.dat;Ru2_fr;Ru3_de;Ru3_fr;Ru5_de;Ru5_fr;RuU_de;RuU_fr.dat To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: campaignsDe3_de.dat;De3_fr;De4_de;De4_fr;De5_de;De5_fr;De6_de;De6_fr.dat campaignsRu6_de.dat;Ru6_fr;Ru7_de;Ru7_fr;Ru8_de;Ru8_fr;RuP_de;RuP_fr.dat (Disaster On The Frontiers files) campaignsDeC_fr.dat;DeN_fr; campaignsFiF_fr.dat;campaignsHuF_fr.dat campaignsIN1_de.dat;IN1_fr;IN2_de;IN2_fr;IN3_de;IN3_fr;IN4_cs;IN4_de;IN4_fr;IN4_hu;IN4_pl.dat campaignsRZ1_cs.dat;RZ1_de;RZ1_fr;RZ1_hu;RZ1_pl.dat campaignsSkA_fr.dat (IL-2 1946 files and TruePacific files) All multilanguage files created and modified by Vtrelut C) To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: 1) Heavy template for DGEN: Lviv and Smolensk by Chameleon Template with high-details static ground object - airfields, towns, stations. Not a frontline. For DGen campaign - operations Lvov41 and Barbarossa. BarbarossaBlue.mis BarbarossaRed.mis Lvov41Blue.mis Lvov41Red.mis Files modification by Chameleon More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  24. NEW VERSION EnjoyrPatches ( v.2.3 ) NEW - ALTERNATE FILES KI-44 (I-185 M82)HACK IN DGEN by Ojcar - update + skins NEW - modified files and improvement by Vtrelut NEW - MULTILANGUAGE PATCH by VTRELUT NEW - DGen.exe is part of installation of all PatchesA A) To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: 1) DGen.exe (is part of installation of all PatchesA - replaces DGen.exe in your game folder; backup DGen's.exe, and is part of all EnjoyrPatches.zip - folder ,Other files,) 2) ALTERNATE FILES KI-44 (I-185 M82)HACK IN DGEN by Ojcar - update 31.5.2007 (...and corrected file BurmaD3.dat - 14.6.2007) 3) Corrected and completed Pacific Fighters briefings, for use with other languages than English: pf_messageEN,DE,CS,FR,HU,PL.dat Files modification by Vtrelut 4) Corrections of briefings files (spelling mistakes, missing briefings for Normandie-Niemen campaigns) MessageFr.dat and nn_messageCS,DE,EN,FR.dat Files modification by Vtrelut B) MULTILANGUAGE PATCH by VTRELUT For all users to keep the language they want in their game,without any manipulation of files after installing patches- In all versions patches that the concern TLD addon: campaignsDeD_de.dat;DeD_fr;DeG_fr;DeH_fr;DeM_de;DeM_fr;DeQ_de;DeQ_fr.dat campaignsRu2_de.dat;Ru2_fr;Ru3_de;Ru3_fr;Ru5_de;Ru5_fr;RuU_de;RuU_fr.dat To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: campaignsDe3_de.dat;De3_fr;De4_de;De4_fr;De5_de;De5_fr;De6_de;De6_fr.dat campaignsRu6_de.dat;Ru6_fr;Ru7_de;Ru7_fr;Ru8_de;Ru8_fr;RuP_de;RuP_fr.dat (Disaster On The Frontiers files) campaignsDeC_fr.dat;DeN_fr; campaignsFiF_fr.dat;campaignsHuF_fr.dat campaignsIN1_de.dat;IN1_fr;IN2_de;IN2_fr;IN3_de;IN3_fr;IN4_cs;IN4_de;IN4_fr;IN4_hu;IN4_pl.dat campaignsRZ1_cs.dat;RZ1_de;RZ1_fr;RZ1_hu;RZ1_pl.dat campaignsSkA_fr.dat (IL-2 1946 files and TruePacific files) All multilanguage files created and modified by Vtrelut C) To the all versions EnjoyrPatchA.exe is added: 1) Heavy template for DGEN: Lviv and Smolensk by Chameleon Template with high-details static ground object - airfields, towns, stations. Not a frontline. For DGen campaign - operations Lvov41 and Barbarossa. BarbarossaBlue.mis BarbarossaRed.mis Lvov41Blue.mis Lvov41Red.mis Files modification by Chameleon More about Patches: Topic - SimHQ Download: Enjoyr Patch Downloads Page Happy Flying! Enjoyr.
  25. !!! For all users EnjoyrPatchC !!! Download modified version EnjoyrPatchC for programme DCG v.3.35. ( Mission4Today - EnjoyrPatchC for DCG v.3.35 ) Best regards Enjoyr.

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