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Posts posted by RAF_Dumoulin

  1. Hello Fates,

    Tk's for your very detailled and quick response about the King Air 350 matter.

    Your explanation seem be logical and I will scroll a few the webb to find more litterature about this very interesting fact.

    BTW my graphic card is a GTS 4600 MSI with antialiasing and anisotropic ON but I think this is not revelant to the problem encountered...(I have try many settings before post this question ,for be sure no anoing peoples..).



  2. Hello all,

    Just my first post here....

    Was a long time lurker.....sorry about that.

    So I take a big return to FS2OO2 .........All addon's reinstalled...and more...

    All running perfectly.

    I have just 2 questions about no really big issues but I mean small annoying probs...


    When you begin a fly with the King Air 350 (default flight) your engines are running supposely at iddle speed.Instead that (throttles levers at 0) you have a small residue power and the plane begin to move....I remember it's a patche or fix for that but no find it after many searchs on differents forums and D/L sites...


    At the intersection of the sky and the ground (or sea) seem to be a thin (or larger,variation with the altitude of the viewer) milky white line...

    Any fix for that??

    Tk's anyway to this good forum and posters it's a real help.




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