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Posts posted by psaunder

  1. Well, I don't mind to answer my own question.

    There doesn't appear to be as much functionality as I would have liked.

    It appears to be a limited subset, just enough for primitive cockpit mods:


    This is from the export.lua file:


    Data that we can get out:


    LoGetModelTime() -- returns current model time (args - 0, results - 1 (sec))

    LoGetMissionStartTime() -- returns mission start time (args - 0, results - 1 (sec))

    LoGetPilotName() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (text string))

    LoGetIndicatedAirSpeed() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (knots))

    LoGetTrueAirSpeed() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (knots))

    LoGetAltitudeAboveSeaLevel() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (feet))

    LoGetAltitudeAboveGroundLevel() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (feet))

    LoGetAngleOfAttack() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (degrees))

    LoGetAccelerationUnits() -- (args - 0, results - 1 (G))

    LoGetVerticalVelocity() -- (args - 0, results - 1(feet per sec))

    LoGetADIPitchBankYaw() -- (args - 0, results - 3 (degrees))


    Inputs we can give programatically to LOMAC:


    They are identifed by a number which is passed to function

    LoSetCommand(command, value)


    where: value is between -1.0, 1.0



    command = 1 - joystick pitch

    command = 2 - joystick roll

    command = 3 - joystick rudder

    command = 4 - joystick thrust (both engines)

    command = 5 - joystick left engine thrust

    command = 6 - joystick right engine thrust

    command = 7 - mouse camera rotate left/right

    command = 8 - mouse camera rotate up/down

    command = 9 - mouse camera zoom

    command = 10 - joystick camera rotate left/right

    command = 11 - joystick camera rotate up/down

    command = 12 - joystick camera zoom

    command = 13 - mouse pitch

    command = 14 - mouse roll

    command = 15 - mouse rudder

    command = 16 - mouse thrust (both engines)

    command = 17 - mouse left engine thrust

    command = 18 - mouse right engine thrust

    command = 19 - mouse trim pitch

    command = 20 - mouse trim roll

    command = 21 - mouse trim rudder

    command = 22 - joystick trim pitch

    command = 23 - joystick trim roll

    command = 24 - trim rudder

    command = 25 - mouse rotate radar antenna left/right

    command = 26 - mouse rotate radar antenna up/down

    command = 27 - joystick rotate radar antenna left/right

    command = 28 - joystick rotate radar antenna up/down

    command = 29 - mouse MFD zoom

    command = 30 - joystick MFD zoom

    command = 31 - mouse move selecter left/right

    command = 32 - mouse move selecter up/down

    command = 33 - joystick move selecter left/right

    command = 34 - joystick move selecter up/down

    command = 7 - cockpit view (F1)

    command = 8 - external view (F2)

    command = 64 - increase thrust (both engines)

    command = 65 - decrease thrust (both engines)

    command = 72 - flaps on/off

    command = 73 - air brake on/off

    command = 84 - cannon fire on

    command = 85 - cannon fire off

    command = 161 - increase left engine thrust

    command = 162 - decrease left engine thrust

    command = 163 - increase right engine thrust

    command = 164 - decrease right engine thrust

    command = 350 - weapons pickle on

    command = 351 - weapons pickle off


    Is this useful for anyone? I don't plan on making my own cockpit in near century but I do like to hack programs, in a nice way of course. ;-)

  2. I understand that some people here may have already played with LOMAC LUA scripting.


    Can anyone give me a short summary of what they know about this?


    If not, I s'pose i'll have to go and read the files myself . :D


    In case anyone is interested I am application developer.

    I mostly work on Unix / Oracle apps, though

    can program in C/C++/Perl/Ksh/Oracle/VB and a few others.






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