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Everything posted by gerald14

  1. Nice to see you back, Bunyap! Ohhh!!! So no Navy Seals kidnapped you uhh?? Anyway did you see K1A1's???
  2. 1. Which Flogger did you download ? If it is the old beta type?? or the one at C5 site with the exe. 2. Which Il-2??? 3. Go to your weapon data and go to gun you need the sound for. Edit the gun sound and type down your gun sound and that's it!!
  3. Check This out

    Looks like a cool game for it's graphics It says that it have more than 1000 detailed tanks,jets,and etc. Check it out http://www.eech2.com/index2.html
  4. Ohh my god!! I am starting to love this sim than FSX
  5. Guess what!!!!!!!! Mig-21 Lancer is here baby!!!!!!!! Updated weps and FM's baby!!! Fly it baby it is a beautiful beast.
  6. I like saying baby,baby
  7. File Name: Mig-21 Lancer v 2.00 File Submitter: gerald14 File Submitted: 14 Apr 2007 File Updated: 19 Apr 2007 File Category: Modern Era Aircraft Mig-21 Lancer Under Many weeks of data tweaking and other things I have created the Mig-21 Lancer. This Aircraft is a modern Mig-21 in use by the Romanian Airforce. The aircraft has updated radar and etc. The weapons are updated too, and TV- Guided missiles. Has a Mig-21MF cockpit, with a radar/tv screen. History The Romanian Ministry of Defence decided to upgrade the country's MiG-21 fleet in 1991. The first flight of a MiG-21 Lancer took place in 1995, last delivery to the Romanian AF took place in April 2003. FM's: Gerald14 and Wrench Loadouts:Gerald14 Skin:Marcfigther Cockpit:mago Updates:Gerald14 Tester:Gerald14 Update v 2.00 Wrench Updated Some Stuff Add Flare and Chaff Remove Soviet Star Updated Loadouts Updated AVIONICS Other stuff Next Update: HUD Radar R-77 Other FM's Other Mig-21 Lancer Types By: Gerald 14 ( Mig Lover) Tweaks: Wrench Click here to download this file
  8. Can you say Mig-21 Lancer??? img00005.bmp
  9. First I need permisson to post it because it has the Mig-21MF cockpit and skin yo. I add a soviet star on the flag to make it look cool.
  10. Rogar that!!! But right now i'll post it later today. And I am working on Mi-24 versions too!!
  11. If you like this there is more to come Wrench!!!!!!!!! Plus it comes with chaffs and flares and a radar/tv screen!!!!! Muah!! Muah!!
  12. Wait for the Mig-29S. The aircraft have updated loadouts and weapons. So It will all ways show up with weps all the time at the right time. Now I am testing and etc.
  13. F-35A

    It really does !!!!
  14. Yeah In Check Six download the French F-100 it is cool.
  15. Red devil watch out for your wife...... She may be a Navy Seal
  16. Just Wait for my Mig-29S, you will need your skills up to the test Muah Muah Muah!!!!!!!!!!!!! Coming Soon and no there is no pictures. Top Secret
  17. SFP1

    That is a good deal!!!!!
  18. SFP1

    From Ebay????
  19. I know want happen!!! The Government knows that Bunyap is going to the data base to much about the weapons. So they send Navy Seals to capture him. And shut down his website. I don't know if it happen but thats what I think.
  20. BlackBird I'll try to update the planes but if I am not busy make new migs and updating their FM's.
  21. Man I can't wait , I loved their products!!!!!!!!!!
  22. That's a good story Fubur512... Nice Also nice HUD!!!!

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