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Everything posted by gerald14

  1. 300 The Movie

    Ah yes VG Cats!!!
  2. That's what you think Saywhat?! !!!!! ,Muah,Muah,Muah,Muah,Muah ,Muah (Cough) (Cough)
  3. yes it is, but gold don't have the star fighter or the C-130.
  4. wip

    Ah yes, The Army's New Camo. Great Work
  5. For a aircraft the goes more than mach 2, I thing it needs a bigger air brake!!!! LOL
  6. USAFMTL, I have a 1950x pro and a kick ass computer to, but I have the same problem too. My freezes up in the cockpit of the F-18!! Damn White Box
  7. The model is not finish. Some one need to add details to it like the Bomb bay, Windows , and extra details yo. I need some one to finish it or If I am not busy doing things maybe I can finish it.
  8. I have made a B-2 model but no one would want to make it to a mod.
  9. 2006 Idiot awards!

    Wait A Click.... I am not up there??? Wow!! I thought I was up there!!! LOL!
  10. I made a B-2 model but i am not sure if some one is working on it, but I know that the F-117A is in WIP, I think the Tu-160 is in the works, or I think it is a rumor. The rest i don't know and maybe i have some thing in the works (cough" s#u ^&39 cough") :blush2:
  11. See if you want really good fast video card with no lag (and you have 300 dollars, and maybe not) then get the ATI x1950 It works really good and also you need to have a 650watts. Yo
  12. thank god , i was waiting for this for a long time good work.
  13. Military History

    i say yugosavia,and Netherlands
  14. me too, i think there are skins for F-86 and F-105 Chief but they at Sandy's Skins and the downloads don't work.
  15. Like soon?soon?soon? Now you guys just made me go in my inside man! :blush2: Yo Yo
  16. the cockpit for lock on is a upgrade of the Mig-29, also here is the link http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...p;showfile=1493 also there is not much cockpit makers around here, you can make cockpits on your own... With 3DS Max or gmax Also we have way,way,way more flyble jets then lock on also the cockpits is like 2d and 3d like.. People around he do there best for the mods so if you don't like then don't.
  17. Yeah,all we need is a new cockpit and chaff and flares and PLA, and Warsaw counties skins!!!! Or a Mig-21 -2000 upgrade http://www.airforce-technology.com/projects/mig21/
  18. Gerald R Ford Passes Away

    He was a good leader,and he made the right thing to bring back the troops from Vietman.... Cheers to Gerald R Ford. :cray: Now have a drink

    No man it is just Us Men !!! We love Sports, and The beer oh oh yeah man That is a Man's Life
  20. Kind of looks like if they want to shot down a freaking Sealth Fighter or some thing , If that was me i will go in to burner and start diving and leveling up to get Eels off me hovercraft!!!
  21. I'am thinknig to make a B-2!!!! But some one need to make a skin please for it!! I can't make skins that good!!

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