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Everything posted by gerald14

  1. I am trying to add some stuff to the HUD and radar to make it close to the real thing. Right now I am working on the Mig-21bisN the nuclear strike model and some weapons also. Well I better start working,and maybe make some waffles
  2. Yeah, the pack has some good effects!!!!! I love the skins!! They look almost real, I think that is the closet to the real thing in any game.
  3. It's not very much.... It's 1/6 of the weapons that of the July '06 weapons pack.
  4. nele, I think you got your info wrong. Mig-21SMT's wasn't exported to Iraq at all!!! The Mig-21SMT was made for PVO use and home use also. The engine fit still didn't provide enough thrust to keep up with the MiG-21SMT's weight growth, and in fact the MiG-21SMT was something of a disappointment, being built in limited numbers. So the Znamya Trudaya plant built 15 examples of an export version of the MiG-21SMT designated the "MiG-21MT" or "I-96T" in 1971, but they never left the country. So that means that Iraq never had any Mig-21SMT or Mig-21MT was exported. Also the Mig-21SMT was fitted with a R-13-300 engine not the Mig-21bis. Also that's why the Mig-21bis was fitted with a much powerful R-25-300 engine so they won't make that thrust problem again as the Mig-21SMT!!! The R-25-300 can out climb the F-16A types and the F-14A also. Iraq did made a deal to get Mig-21bis but some wasn't never delivered. As for the Egyptian Mig-21's they were upgraded to carry Sidewinders not Sparrows ( think) and other western avionics .
  5. Yes,Gepard the Mig-21S was the first Mig to be fitted with a RP-22 or a RP-22S Sapfir-21 and then the PFM was fitted with a RP-21MA TsD-30TP Izdeliyie 830MA (which was also fitted in export Mig-21MF's and M's). But the Exported Mig-21PFM was fitted with RP-21M TsD-30TK Izdeliyie 830M which was less powerful then the Soviet one.Also the RP-22SMA Sapfir-21M wasn't used in any country until the Mig-21bis was exported. Also the Mig-21MF-75 was fitted with a RP-22 radar also but with a Mig-21bis cockpit layout.
  6. Yes, I know that. I got permission from Gerpard for his HUD data and etc. So I am going to make a new HUD for them. So no more repainted F-104 cockpit
  7. It's a Mig-21bis not BISON, I am doing that in my modern mig pack. Ohhh no!!!!!!! I must uploaded the wrong file! Well you got the cockpit fixes and radar screens but not the engine fixes and weapons. I'll fix it don't worry
  8. Thanks Wrench, now we are almost finish!!!! We thank you. It is a real pain in the ass for the decals and numbers. Nice going
  9. ok, nothing is working. Here is what I have: [Decal007] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=RIGHT FilenameFormat=Czech2\d\CzechNumbers\czech < this part, when I add xxx numbers I get the first decal only and this goes for any decal. Position=3.50,-0.02 Scale=1.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 [Decal008] MeshName=Nose DecalLevel=2 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=Czech2\d\CzechNumbers\czech < just like this there is no decal! Position=4.26,-0.02 Scale=1.6 DecalMaxLOD=3 I tried every thing and check everything but everything is good. P.S. the decal does show up but the thing is they show the same decal for every aircraft! When I pick 1805 or etc And my Wingman is 1806 and etc. My whole squad gets 1805 decal number!! I worked all day just for this!! LOL
  10. Update!!!!!!!!!!!!! Updates: 0.75 Added the right radar info for the early Mig-21bis L Added new radars (RP-22 and Boresight RP-22 for the Mig-21bis N Ground Attack Fix Radar errors Fix Correct Dates Added New Mira, the right one not the MiG-21SM Added Gunsight and range bar Use Paladrian's data to remove the gun camera Added Radar Names Next update 1.0 New HUD with MiG-21MF pit Fix engine postion Add new skins Mig-21bis D decals and skins Add Indian Mig-21bis and skins New Gunsights Real photo real radar screens New weapons Thanks Too:
  11. You guys it is not working, I tried what drdoyo said to do. I need help from you skinners and decal makers
  12. I have 15 sets of numbers decals and it is not working, they keep showing the same number but in the loadout My number is 1824 and my wingman is 1501 but they keep showing the same number which is 1824 for everyone.
  13. Well, I had this game since 2005 but I didn't knew it had a mods and etc. Then I found Combatace in 2006 Also it has MiGs hehe
  14. OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Man that is cool!!!!!!!!
  15. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...sst&id=5519 File Name: Russian Defence Pack File Submitter: gerald14 File Submitted: 15 Nov 2007 File Updated: 7 Feb 2008 File Category: Ground Objects Mods File Version: No Information Website: No Information ZSU-23-4 Pack ********************************** This is just a pack with 4 different types of ZSU-23-4 that will give you a hard time. Bad News for Helos and A-10's!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Maybe Harriers............... @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ Types: # ZSU-23-4 (1964): pre-production and then initial production models. # ZSU-23-4V (1968): minor modifications. # ZSU-23-4V1 (1972): more minor modifications. # ZSU-23-4M (1977): one extra ammunition panier on turret exterior (now three), added an armoured cover for the guns, upgraded fire-control computer to digital, "Gun Dish" radar can operate independently in search mode rather than only slaved to the guns. These have radar!!! So your aircraft (with RWR) will have a radar warning because the ZSU-23-4 is tracking you down. If you are in 4 miles or less.... You are screwed... Man aren't you screwed. Just because you have ECM does mean you are safe. It will still shoot you!!!!! So just take it out or you are dead. Plus the tracers are set at 1 so you can have bullets in the sky. In night time the sky fills up with light. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ by : Gerald14 for skins and info And Combatace and Thirdwire. Combatace for the hosting and great site Thirdwire for the model Click here to download this file
  16. I tried to do that with the Mig-21MF pit for the Mig-21bis but I had some success. Like wrench said it is very hard! Thats why I used the F-104 pit with Wrench's HUD data for the F-104 and repainted.
  17. Yes that is true but it is a "What if" aircraft.
  18. Dude!!! Man i can't wait!!!! New pit also???
  19. -.-- --- ..- / --. ..- -.-- ... / .-- .... .- - / .. ... / ..- .--. / .-- .. - .... / - .... .. ... / .--. . . .--. ... .-.-.- / .. .-..-. .-.. .-.. / -. . ...- . .-. / ..- -. -.. . .-. / ... - .- -. -.. / -- --- .-. ... . / -.-. --- -.. . .-.-.- / -.-. --- -- . / --- -. / .. / -.-. .- -. .-..-. - / .-. . .- -.. / .. - .-.-.- / ... --- -- . / --- -. . / .... . .-.. .--. / -- . DUDE SOME ONE HELP ME!!!!
  20. Thanks for that data!!!!!! I thank you for it Wrench, and also I'll update it Monday or Tuesday. I'll give you credit!! Thanks!! P.S: I am also making a new RWR Texture for it.
  21. If you are making a new one then yes it is but making changes to one is kind of hard.
  22. I know that Wrench because I added RWR for the Mig-21bis Late and the Mig-21bis N but the repainted F-104 cockpit kind of looks like the Mig-21'sbis pit ( with the HUD). Yeah i am missing the RWR gauge Hehe
  23. I guess so but you can get some HUD data from Marcfighter's Su-27 and make a new one from different HUD's like (F-15 and F-16) to match it.
  24. Yeah, Wrench and I did say I will update it and can you send me those files? And yes the MiG-21bis did have Flares and etc but the exports did not but they can be fitted

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