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Everything posted by Timmy

  1. Try this http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=21102 There are a couple of ways to make decals - the way I do it is included in the above thread. Hope this helps!
  2. As Patsy said in the the Holy Grail, "It's only a model..."
  3. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26003&hl=
  4. Been there, done that. All I know to tell you is that the way Mustang's tutorials tell you to map a model is way more labor intensive than it needs to be in later versions of Max. It seems that there are many different ways to get a model mapped. I'm by no means an expert, but I went from being almost completely unable to map anything to being slow but unafriad of mapping my models thanks to reading and watching many tutorials and finding the way that worked best for me. I'm always around if you need a hand. TD
  5. Mike - what version of Max are you using? I've found that in the newer versions using the UVW Unwrap modifier is much simpler to use than Lithunwrap.
  6. I thinned it down 75%. It does look kind of like a post-Cheers Kirsty Alley hanging on that Avenger
  7. Kevin Check PM. I have one made quick and dirty like - just need to know where to send it. TD
  8. Haven't really worked on it in a while - been playing too much WOI... The engines are now done but I'm too lazy to grab a shot of the current model. Don't know when I'll get around to finishing it.
  9. I've never seen that Texan shoot a flare either... "Twelve O'Clock rockin' my wings" my ass... Why don't you spray some 20MM down on those peckerwoods manning the 23MM's rather than having a spin in that scooter???
  10. Does anyone have templates for the J-29 and/or J-35 that they'd be willing to share?
  11. Wow AmokFloo, that little diagram would have saved me about 100 hours in the learning curve! Miya_Sama, keep at it. I know that Max can be very frustrating. I sent my first model to Capun for him to look at and he pointed out some things that were wrong with my initial model and told me how to fix them. He was tremendously helpful in helping me get it into the game and I'm still very much in his debt.
  12. I don't mean to be stupid... BUT... WHERE in the knowledge base is there "a whole Forum devoted to ONLY WoI"??? I'm too lazy to fix the Super Mystere B2's cockpit on my own and I can't find your easy fixes... EDIT: After clicking every subtopic in the knowledge base I finally found it... http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=26101 under "adding weapons." Silly me, I didn't realize adding a cockpit was adding a weapon - unless you're putting Chuck Norris behind the stick of course. Great work as always Wrench...
  13. Sadly, that's as good as I could find.
  14. It's only half of a half of an airframe right now. I'm having some problems with the wing/fuselage joint which has to be right because the main landing gear bays have to be cut out of both so the transition needs to be smooth. If I ever get that right, I've still got to do the animations- the unwrapping - the skinning - the groveling, crawling and begging for someone to do an FM :blush2:
  15. I have a B-36 that's about 2 weeks (cough, cough) away... Didn't know that there was so much enthusiasm for it... Also this is a bit more than 2 weeks...
  16. The pigments in the USAAF's paints weathered very quickly when subjected to sunlight. I'm sure you've seen the images of the RAF fighters from Desert Storm or some of the recon birds from WWII that have faded from tan to pink. That's the same effect as what you're seeing here. I've seen the Olive Drab the color of anything from dark green when freshly out of the factory - to almost tan.
  17. I'm in. Not that I have a whole lot of stuff but you never know what may be lurking in the pipeline...
  18. Add this line to your stock WOI F-16 Decals ini file and you'll see this. [Decal011] MeshName=Fuselage_Front DecalLevel=3 DecalFacing=LEFT FilenameFormat=killA Position=5.65,-0.2 Rotation=2 Scale=0.6 DecalMaxLOD=2 (This is the stock location: C:\Program Files\ThirdWire\Wings Over Israel\Objects\Aircraft\F-16A_Netz\IDFcamo1\decals) The scale could be enlarged a bit to make it more realistic (see below) but then a number of kills would end up on the underside of the fuselage. Enlarge if you wish using the Scale=1.0 image courtesy of MathKnight, Hebrew Wikipedia & WikiCommons
  19. Hmm, I guess they can. You really need to lighten up, Francis.
  20. It looks like a marionette to me... Do they breed?
  21. What he said... I suppose I'm in the minority - but most of my time is spent in my own campaigns between two completely fictional forces. I lose immersion when I've got 35 kills over North Vietnam. What I really love is the ability to mod this sim to my own tastes. I really wish I could create a completely fictional map with fictional target placements without having to have the Rain Man's skill set that the Map Editor and target placement seems to require - no offense Kev...
  22. You know C5, I bought Strike Fighters BECAUSE it was a non-historical flight sim. Having every unit that flew in Nam is awesome right up until I get 7 kills - then historical accuracy is thrown out the window and I might as well be flying over Paran again... Just my opinion.
  23. 1. A 2. High moddability 3. Dynamic campaign (less story-driven) 4. Detailed comms and ATC 5. Detailed carrier ops 6. Good performance on older systems 7. Seat-switching in multi-seat aircraft 8. High resolution graphics, terrain and effects 9. Story-driven campaign (less dynamic) 10. Detailed cockpit procedures (switchology) I'd be willing to put $50 up for "A" alone... and/or a dynamic campaign editor/ terrian creator/target placer type thingy that is user friendly.* I'd love to see convoys on the move or army units in laager between waypoints rather than killing every freaking comm building in Paran or each individual fuel tank in North Vietnam. *User friendly meaning someone as dense as me could use it.
  24. Do you mean - Mission editor - not campaign editor? I am not aware of a campaign editor other than notepad. If there is one can someone post a link?

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