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Everything posted by Timmy

  1. 3d objects and their associated skins... I really hope you're looking for a J-32...
  2. Marut. I have only been modding for a short time and let me tell you - that learning curve is STEEP. The awesome thing about the community is that I've been helped by every single person that I've asked for assistance. Lexx jumped in for the MiG-9 FM and did a fantastic job, even though he's not satisfied with it... Once again, the learning curve is steep people... The things being released now are of very much higher quality than anything I can put out alone. I'm glad that my stuff has been received well - because there is a very high level of expectation, particularly from those of you that are modders, and I think it is those expectations that make people shy away from attempting to mod the sim. I have things in the pipeline that will take time because I can build 4 3D models with numerous skins faster than I can make one FM that almost of acts like the real aircraft being modeled. Here's my beef: I've seen Veltro ask numerous times for help with FM's and skins and seen no one from the non-modding community at large take up his offers. I'd like to ask (in the nicest way possible) for some of you gimmie, gimmie's to attempt to make a flight model or a skin or a loadout or a hangar screen or whatever you think might be helpful. Making the first attempts to mod this sim - then grasping what it is that you are trying to do - and completing a project - no matter how small or insignificant it may seem to you - will put you on the road to becoming a modder yourself. You don't have to be great like many here to be appreciated... Hell, I had no experience with 3D Max before I bought my copy - none. I taught myself with the help of Mustang's tutorials and Capun's guidance. Now I feel like I have graduated into being a half assed model maker and I'm getting much better and faster and some day I hope to graduate into being considered a modder myself. Veltro is, I'm sure, the same way. Just my two cents.
  3. Whatcha building right now?

    It's probably the 1/48 Revell/Monogram. A real beotch to build but a true stunner on the shelf.
  4. File Name: MiG-9 FARGO File Submitter: Timmy File Submitted: 25 Oct 2007 File Category: Soviet Aircraft and Variants Mikoyan MiG 9 Strike Fighters Project One Add-on by Timmy and Lexx_Luthor. In response to a state requirement issued in February 1945 for a pure jet fighter, the MiG OKB developed a twin-engine, straight-wing aircraft that was given the designation of "I-300". It was also referred to by the internal OKB code of "izdeliye F (model or product F)". And was finally designated "MiG-9" by the Soviet Union and code named "Fargo" by NATO. The first of three prototype performed its initial flight on 24 April 1946, with test pilot Alexei N. Grinchik at the controls, making it the first Soviet pure jet aircraft to take to the sky. It beat its competitor, the Yakovlev Yak-15 jet fighter, into the air by only an hour. There are six skins included. One basic Soviet Silver version. One Soviet silver with lightning bolts. One People's Republic of China - silver with red nose and wingtips. One PRC solid green camoflage. One PRC Grey/Green Camoflage. One fictional Polish scheme. Click here to download this file
  5. I'm afraid I don't understand your banter old boy.
  6. 5- The wing tip tanks are located in the MigTanksNew.zip zip file and must be unzipped and added to your weapons pack in order for them to appear. For information on doing this please refer to the tutorials at http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showtopic=9323
  7. Also make sure the center of the aircraft is centered in max. On my first project I built the plane WAAAY oversized initially and when I rescaled it - offcenter. The pilot was flying around about 45 metres to the left of the aircraft.
  8. Version


    Mikoyan MiG 9 Strike Fighters Project One Add-on by Timmy and Lexx_Luthor. In response to a state requirement issued in February 1945 for a pure jet fighter, the MiG OKB developed a twin-engine, straight-wing aircraft that was given the designation of "I-300". It was also referred to by the internal OKB code of "izdeliye F (model or product F)". And was finally designated "MiG-9" by the Soviet Union and code named "Fargo" by NATO. The first of three prototype performed its initial flight on 24 April 1946, with test pilot Alexei N. Grinchik at the controls, making it the first Soviet pure jet aircraft to take to the sky. It beat its competitor, the Yakovlev Yak-15 jet fighter, into the air by only an hour. There are six skins included. One basic Soviet Silver version. One Soviet silver with lightning bolts. One People's Republic of China - silver with red nose and wingtips. One PRC solid green camoflage. One PRC Grey/Green Camoflage. One fictional Polish scheme.
  9. MiG-9 WIP. It still needs some work but it's getting there. http://i177.photobucket.com/albums/w202/birdysauce/MiG9.jpg
  10. I have been toying with the idea of building this for a while... Info here: http://home.att.net/~jbaugher1/f4_33.html
  11. Whatcha building right now?

    Wow! The Hasegawa Skyhawks are worth $50 by themselves. As I travel across the country I stuble across such hobby shops - there used to be one like that in St. Louis - and the hobby shop is still there - but the prices aren't.
  12. Congrats! Hope he has good hand eye coordination...
  13. I've asked for permissions from both Kesselbrut and USAFMTL - just waiting to hear from Kesselbrut... Thanks for the idea Fubar. Cubs lose! Cubs lose! Cubs lose!!!!! 99 years of futility apparently continues.
  14. Look at Mustang's videos - they are very, very helpful. Try, try and try some more... I'll be happy to help if I can - Capun was of immense assistance to me when I was trying to learn so I'll make what ever attempt I can at aiding you when you hit a snag.
  15. From what I've read the MiG-9 was used mainly in ground attack squadrons prior to being retired.
  16. Silver skin? Check your email. I'm continually amazed by what you can do with cockpits...
  17. If you want me to wait until that is complete I'm happy to oblige. Email on the way...
  18. It has the Meteor F8 pit in it now and since I didn't make that one - I removed that folder and listed in the Read.me file that if they had that pit to put it in the MiG-9 folder - and if not to put some other pit in that folder and change the Data file to reflect that change. I don't have any interest at all in creating cockpits - in fact, I don't fly with the cockipt enabled so it's obviously no big deal to me... I'm making an executive descision and releasing it today.
  19. Soooo... I'll wait a bit longer to release prior to the final FM. The present one is a booger compaired to what I had been flynig (Two Allison J33-A-35's pushing her around.)
  20. If anyone who received the MiG-9 pack from me has a copy of the skin "soviet2" will you please send a copy back to me... Another genius move seems to have befallen your fearless skinner as I no longer have the lightning bolt portion of the nose. Ah, well - I suppose I can always make a new one... BTW - release date is... Very, very soon.
  21. Not missing my brother, just caught up in the swirling, sucking eddy of dispair filled with brief glimpses of hope and light in an ever darkening universe that is my life... I should be back on track in a day or so (Good Lord willin' and the creek don't rise.)
  22. I have had no problems of that sort with the tanks. Of course, I'm probably doing something wrong here as it's my first time making a "weapon." The parameters you listed in your last post are the same that I have in my MiG-9 Data file and here is my result: You can see the tanks in this shot so I'm not sure what the problem could be. When I made the tanks I centered them in MAX before exporting the LOD. It's possible that I sent you the LOD that I made BEFORE I centered the tanks... I'll send the correct LOD. BTW: I've had a minor malfunction of my Outlook program (I'm assuming co-pilot error as it happened while I was away) and EVERY SINGLE FILE is gone. Would you mind re-sending the MiG files?
  23. Capun - He's getting all those Max/Min numbers from P1oppy's program. I think it's sensory overload! I have a question for you FM types - Aside from the Max/Min numbers - you also have collision points. This example from the stock MiG-17s right stab... MinExtentPosition= 0.06,-6.10,1.42 MaxExtentPosition= 1.67,-4.79,1.34 CollisionPoint[001]=1.67,-5.90,1.38 CollisionPoint[002]=1.67,-6.39,1.38 Am I correct in assuming that the collision points are what determines if bullets or shells actually hit the aircraft? If you look at the numbers above, how do you get -6.39 when that is apparently outside the surface of the stabilizer? I honestly don't understand this process at all. Which is why I have Lexx.
  24. HOLY SHEEP DIP BATMAN! P1oppy, that is really impressive. I can't even beiliev that's my MiG.

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