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Everything posted by Timmy

  1. I got the email and sent you some goodies as well. I think we are very, very close to release.
  2. I don't know why but when I saw that this thread was titled "Bunnie" I thought you had released the Monty Python Killer Rabbit mod...
  3. I use SELECTIONS > INVERT so often I'm surprised my Shift+Cntrl+I keys aren't broken... Maj Lee - Do you see any omissions in my directions? The instructions that I posted are exactly how I make my decals. Like I said, it's not supposed to work but on my machine it does. I'd nickname it "Neo" but I don't want it to become a bad actor...
  4. If you want to send me what you have I'll be happy to look at it. I honestly don't know what to tell you otherwise. In looking at the pic's with the yellow tails it seems that on the bottom one the alpha channel isn't selected on the insides of the numbers. Honestly, I'd have to see the files to figure it out I think. What version of PSP are you using? salukiavaition at charter.net TD
  5. It took me forever to figure out that it would work. I don't know why because all the documentation says it doesn't but I'm living proof that it will - at least in PSP5.
  6. I use Paint Shop Pro 5 and have had no problems at all creating decals. Create the image Select it. (Or select the background and then go to SELECTIONS and choose INVERT) Make sure you have selected the portion that you want to show in the game. Go to SELECTIONS - Choose SAVE TO ALPHA CHANNEL It will give you a NEW CHANNEL. You can just click OK twice. If you are making numbers and writing over the top of old numbers and re-saving the alpha channel you will have to delete the old alpha channel first. Save as TrueVisionTarga (*.tga) I clicked on the options tab and set it up as 24 channel uncompressed. It works fine. EDIT: Changed "NEW SELECTION" to "NEW CHANNEL" to reflect what the program actually says... drrr.
  7. Neither the East Germans nor the Poles used the MiG-9. Hey Viggen, how about I send you the templates and you can make whatever you want?
  8. I feel your pain. I have a feeling that all the experienced guys are busy with their own projects. Too bad I'm not dilligent or bright enough to figure out the flight models.
  9. Here are the completed skins. Soviet Plain green but this one is PRC A little fancier PRC bird. There is a plain silver skin that is not shown but I'm sure you can just imagine this one without the red markings. And finally a camo PRC aircraft. I'll release it as beta shortly (PM me if you can't wait that long) but the FM is still WIP (which is fine considering that I have no idea how to make them.)
  10. Here's the current state of the MiG. Skin nearly complete. Probably finish it in another 2 weeks... Edit: Trying to figure out how to make the image appear...
  11. Capun - Thanks man, you have always been tremendously helpful and have considerably shortened my model building learning curve, I am very greatful. Lexx - I only have one picture of the drop tanks so I don't know if they are accurate or not but from tinkering with the model I think the pylon has to be that large so as to not interfere with the ailerons. I assure you that I will make a LOD with the pylons and one with the tanks so we can use them on the finished aircraft - I've even already mapped them both... The problem lies in the fact that the real world is taking a rather large chunk out of my buttocks right now so free moments to work on the MiG are pretty much like hillbilly teeth (few and far between) right now. I'm getting it skinned slowly but anything that is going to look decent will take some time - and making a template from scratch takes quite a bit of time and trial and error - sadly, exactly what I'm lacking right now... Once I get the house in reasonable shape I'll be able to finish the MiG and reveal my other project which is about 75% complete :)
  12. Here is what I came up with for drop tanks and pylons...
  13. I have the tanks modeled with small pylons but can export them as a seperate lod. The thing I'm not sure about is if I need to export the pylons with the plane or also as a seperate item and then use the weps editor to put them in the game. I'll figure it out but for now I'm focused on skinning so that can wait for a bit.
  14. What are the chances your problem is the "[766]" in [766]NUKE BETA? I know I've had problems with double nested folders and having bracketed numbers in filenames mess up my installs before so look at that... Sorry, that's all I con think of.What are the chances your problem is the "[766]" in [766]NUKE BETA? I know I've had problems with double nested folders and having bracketed numbers in filenames mess up my installs before so look at that... Sorry, that's all I con think of.
  15. My only thought is that the FW-200's were long-range maritime aircraft and they mainly used the RLM 70/71 splinter scheme with 65 undersides throughout the war. However the Bv 222 Flying Boats used RLM 72/73 topside with 65 under. By 1940 the fighters were painted in 70/02/65, however in 1941 the Luftwaffe changed their fighter scheme to a RLM 74/75 splinter over RLM 76, a dark gray/green, a light gray/violet and a lighter blue. With all those changes I don't think you could go wrong with any way you decided to paint the Graf Zeppelin contingent.
  16. Thanks to the awesome new program by p10ppy I now have min/max extent positions on the mig. Fuselage MinExtentPosition=-0.733,-4.84,-1.176 MaxExtentPosition=0.733,1.333,0.351 Nose MinExtentPosition=-0.803,1.329,-1.215 MaxExtentPosition=0.803,4.411,0.335 RightCannonCover MinExtentPosition=0.307,3.743,-0.994 MaxExtentPosition=0.415,4.287,-0.869 RightCannon MinExtentPosition=0.337,4.191,-0.965 MaxExtentPosition=0.397,5.084,-0.905 LeftCannonCover MinExtentPosition=-0.423,3.743,-0.994 MaxExtentPosition=-0.315,4.287,-0.869 LeftCannon MinExtentPosition=-0.397,4.191,-0.965 MaxExtentPosition=-0.337,5.084,-0.905 Cannon MinExtentPosition=-0.059,4.317,-0.447 MaxExtentPosition=0.059,5.448,-0.32 Windscreen MinExtentPosition=-0.309,2.616,0.179 MaxExtentPosition=0.309,3.174,0.532 FrontGlass MinExtentPosition=-0.297,2.644,0.217 MaxExtentPosition=0.297,3.154,0.509 Fronttop MinExtentPosition=-0.069,2.666,0.496 MaxExtentPosition=0.069,2.705,0.524 CanopyFrame MinExtentPosition=-0.34,1.29,0.179 MaxExtentPosition=0.34,2.647,0.541 Bubble MinExtentPosition=-0.322,1.345,0.234 MaxExtentPosition=0.322,2.63,0.558 Headrest MinExtentPosition=-0.076,1.869,0.299 MaxExtentPosition=0.076,1.894,0.443 AntennaBase MinExtentPosition=0.359,2.001,0.104 MaxExtentPosition=0.442,2.092,0.171 Antenna MinExtentPosition=0.372,1.672,0.077 MaxExtentPosition=0.731,2.117,0.768 NoseDoor MinExtentPosition=-0.088,3.671,-1.052 MaxExtentPosition=0.088,3.993,-0.981 RightNoseDoor MinExtentPosition=0.0,2.79,-1.137 MaxExtentPosition=0.171,3.671,-1.043 LeftNoseDoor MinExtentPosition=-0.171,2.79,-1.137 MaxExtentPosition=0.0,3.671,-1.043 NoseStrut MinExtentPosition=-0.035,3.699,-0.833 MaxExtentPosition=0.035,3.961,-0.7 CastoringNode MinExtentPosition=-0.035,3.462,-0.979 MaxExtentPosition=0.035,3.739,-0.765 NoseFork MinExtentPosition=-0.105,3.23,-0.987 MaxExtentPosition=0.106,3.553,-0.668 NoseWheel MinExtentPosition=-0.068,2.991,-0.988 MaxExtentPosition=0.068,3.533,-0.445 Cockpit MinExtentPosition=-0.33,1.827,-0.507 MaxExtentPosition=0.33,2.788,0.316 GunsightMount MinExtentPosition=-0.044,2.571,0.214 MaxExtentPosition=0.044,2.651,0.247 Gunsight MinExtentPosition=-0.04,2.579,0.225 MaxExtentPosition=0.04,2.693,0.373 GunGlass MinExtentPosition=-0.032,2.633,0.367 MaxExtentPosition=0.032,2.684,0.454 Gunsightreflector MinExtentPosition=-0.035,2.618,0.344 MaxExtentPosition=0.035,2.688,0.353 NoseGearBay MinExtentPosition=-0.171,2.79,-1.137 MaxExtentPosition=0.171,3.993,-0.548 RightScoop MinExtentPosition=0.588,-0.29,-0.604 MaxExtentPosition=0.734,0.035,-0.414 RightEngine MinExtentPosition=0.032,-0.479,-1.132 MaxExtentPosition=0.664,0.175,-0.516 LeftScoop MinExtentPosition=-0.758,-0.281,-0.595 MaxExtentPosition=-0.62,0.033,-0.437 LeftEngine MinExtentPosition=-0.674,-0.479,-1.132 MaxExtentPosition=-0.042,0.175,-0.516 LeftWing MinExtentPosition=-2.853,-0.801,-0.494 MaxExtentPosition=-0.53,1.686,-0.149 LeftFlap MinExtentPosition=-2.859,-0.716,-0.401 MaxExtentPosition=-0.833,0.275,-0.207 LeftWheelDoor MinExtentPosition=-2.136,0.479,-0.417 MaxExtentPosition=-1.758,1.207,-0.356 LeftMainGear MinExtentPosition=-1.448,0.957,-0.515 MaxExtentPosition=-0.714,1.037,-0.229 LeftMainBolt MinExtentPosition=-1.323,1.019,-0.381 MaxExtentPosition=-1.282,1.099,-0.35 LeftMainFrontHy MinExtentPosition=-1.299,1.058,-0.4 MaxExtentPosition=-0.728,1.105,-0.329 LeftMainBolt2 MinExtentPosition=-1.056,0.901,-0.383 MaxExtentPosition=-1.013,0.981,-0.351 LeftMainHinge MinExtentPosition=-1.813,0.763,-0.407 MaxExtentPosition=-1.343,1.048,-0.334 LeftMainWheel MinExtentPosition=-2.084,0.527,-0.361 MaxExtentPosition=-1.446,1.172,-0.203 LeftMainRearHy MinExtentPosition=-1.363,0.869,-0.415 MaxExtentPosition=-1.037,0.96,-0.326 LeftGearWell MinExtentPosition=-2.136,0.479,-0.471 MaxExtentPosition=-0.723,1.213,-0.235 LeftOuterWing MinExtentPosition=-5.064,-0.149,-0.37 MaxExtentPosition=-2.849,1.605,-0.126 LeftAileron MinExtentPosition=-4.82,-0.149,-0.312 MaxExtentPosition=-2.853,0.67,-0.161 LeftGearDoor MinExtentPosition=-1.769,0.479,-0.471 MaxExtentPosition=-0.728,1.207,-0.368 VertTail MinExtentPosition=-0.093,-4.84,0.071 MaxExtentPosition=0.093,-2.142,1.698 AntennaWire MinExtentPosition=-0.007,-4.5,0.162 MaxExtentPosition=0.73,1.912,1.609 Rudder MinExtentPosition=-0.082,-5.38,-0.221 MaxExtentPosition=0.082,-4.776,1.665 LeftStab MinExtentPosition=-1.877,-4.864,0.443 MaxExtentPosition=0.0,-3.653,0.565 LeftElevator MinExtentPosition=-1.877,-5.23,0.451 MaxExtentPosition=0.0,-4.753,0.533 RightStab MinExtentPosition=0.0,-4.864,0.443 MaxExtentPosition=1.877,-3.653,0.565 RightElevator MinExtentPosition=0.0,-5.23,0.451 MaxExtentPosition=1.877,-4.753,0.533 RightWing MinExtentPosition=0.53,-0.801,-0.494 MaxExtentPosition=2.853,1.686,-0.149 RightGearWell MinExtentPosition=0.723,0.479,-0.471 MaxExtentPosition=2.135,1.213,-0.235 RightFlap MinExtentPosition=0.833,-0.716,-0.401 MaxExtentPosition=2.859,0.275,-0.207 RightOuterWing MinExtentPosition=2.849,-0.149,-0.37 MaxExtentPosition=5.064,1.605,-0.126 RightAileron MinExtentPosition=2.853,-0.149,-0.312 MaxExtentPosition=4.82,0.67,-0.161 Pitot MinExtentPosition=4.275,1.493,-0.227 MaxExtentPosition=4.315,2.083,-0.193 RightGearDoor MinExtentPosition=0.728,0.479,-0.471 MaxExtentPosition=1.769,1.207,-0.368 RightWheelDoor MinExtentPosition=1.758,0.479,-0.417 MaxExtentPosition=2.136,1.207,-0.356 RightMainGear MinExtentPosition=0.723,0.957,-0.417 MaxExtentPosition=1.448,1.037,-0.312 RightMainBolt2 MinExtentPosition=1.013,0.901,-0.383 MaxExtentPosition=1.056,0.981,-0.351 RightMainBolt MinExtentPosition=1.282,1.019,-0.381 MaxExtentPosition=1.324,1.099,-0.35 RightMainFrontHy MinExtentPosition=0.736,1.058,-0.4 MaxExtentPosition=1.298,1.105,-0.33 RightMainHinge MinExtentPosition=1.344,0.763,-0.406 MaxExtentPosition=1.813,1.048,-0.334 RightMainRearHy MinExtentPosition=1.038,0.869,-0.415 MaxExtentPosition=1.363,0.96,-0.326 RightMainWheel MinExtentPosition=1.446,0.527,-0.361 MaxExtentPosition=2.084,1.172,-0.203 TailDest MinExtentPosition=-0.03,-4.84,0.064 MaxExtentPosition=0.057,-3.619,0.625 DropTank MinExtentPosition=-4.991,-0.034,-0.699 MaxExtentPosition=-4.571,1.966,-0.289 Plylon MinExtentPosition=-4.819,0.702,-0.39 MaxExtentPosition=-4.756,1.537,-0.198 The last two I'm just working on as I've seen some drop tanks on a couple of pictures. I could probably use a hand on getting them into the proper format for game use. Also - I'm moving this week so I have my hands full and probably will for the next couple of weeks. If anyone is interested in making the skins from the bare maps I'll be happy to send them to you.
  17. I've got it mapped - just have to paint the skin when I get a spare minute.
  18. The model is centered in max so the wings have the same relative coordinates - positive and negative values for left and right or vice versa - I can't remember which is which without looking at it. If I need to extract points so Lex can place them in the ini I'll be happy to do it.
  19. I want to add my vote for Mustang's videos being the greatest thing since 'Girls Gone Wild.' With those videos and some pointers from Capun who helped me figure out getting the models into the game and most importantly filled in the blanks on how to put the skins on the models I can now add my small part to the community. Many thanks TD
  20. That sounds fine to me. I have the left wing mapped but I probably won't get much time to work on it until Monday.
  21. Kevin - I'll take it! Lexx - PM me with an email address and I'll send you the unskinned beta to play with. TD
  22. I started with Column5's F-80C flight model which is in my estimation the closest existing FM to the MiG-9. I change all the mesh names and animations etc to match (I still have to change all the collision points and whatnot to reflect the Mig's shape and size) and that gets it into the game for testing. I'm going to try to get the FM more suited to the MiG but that's going to take time as I'm no math wiz and have little understanding of the process. Of course, I didn't know how to use Max until last November so I'm confident that I can do it, but it will take me a while to figure it out. Alas, on to skinning...
  23. If anyone is interested in working on the Flight Model I'll be happy to send you the beta to play with. I'm just now getting it skinned so I should have something new to show in a couple of days.

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