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Posts posted by Timmy

  1. I figured I'd keep everyone up to date as to where we are with this project.


    Here are some screen renders.






    I've got it in game so Lexx can work his magic on it - but she still needs quite a bit of 3D work. You know the drill. Two weeks.


    I'm happy to fix things that aren't right so if you want to complain that something is wrong - do it now.

  2. Guys


    I'm about two weeks :biggrin: away from having the Lansen model complete but I have a few questions.


    I'm planning on making an A and a B model. There are modest changes between the two types structurally. I'm currently working on the J-32A bomber model but am having problems finding some detail on the engine section. I've got plenty of pics of the E with it's funky afterburner can - but what did the tail pipe of the A look like? Or the B for that matter.


    Am I thinking too much about it? (Stigler need not reply) Would everyone be happy with a generic J-32 or are you interested in a seperate B with the cannon shell deflecting fins and different tailpipe shroud from the A, C and E?


    Anywho - any help and or input would be greatly appreciated.



  3. Nothing like what I can produce, I'll tell you that. But perfection's not the goal. Accuracy is. But the point you're missing is there's a big divide between desired perfection and not even caring if there's any quality at all. The "right" cockpit is not a "small detail". Those who are accusing me of being a rivet counter for wanting something approximating a correct cockpit, all I can do is shake my head.


    And, to everyone, the initial point I'm making is STILL valid. Same as it ever was.


    The point is valid. I have no qualms about it.


    Simply stated, I build aircraft for this series for my own personal use. I build things that I want to fly or fly against.


    When I play the game, I almost never look at the cockpit - I turn it off so as to have a better view. My opinion is that a real pilot can see something like 180 degrees - with the cockpit in place I feel as though I'm looking thru a tank driver's slit. Therefore, I don't waste my time on building something that I'll never use. If anyone wants to use my MAX files to build pits - I'll be happy to send them - but I'm not going to spend a great deal of time building something I'll never use when I could be off building something that I will, like another airframe.


    So to sum up - you shake your head at me for releasing aircraft without pits and I shake my head at you for having a problem with that fact.


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