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About rugrat

  1. graphics in flight sims

    I believe the truth is its time and money Microsoft make there flight simulator x Then you have lots of other company’s Making and selling add-ons So it can be done and it’s the same reason We get games full of bugs its time and money A company says we are going to Make a game let’s say its called storm of War then they say we are going to spend So much on making it let’s say it’s $20.000 And we are going to make it in 6 months And that’s it once the money as run out And the time is up They don’t care what the game looks like Or what bugs are in it All they want to do is get it in to the shops And start making money from it Then its up to the mod’s to try and make the Game what we wanted in the first place And it happens time and time again We forget we are doing these for fun But the game company’s are in it for the money
  2. Flight simulators got me in to computers About 20 years ago with games like Aces over Europe and interceptor And F22 now can someone tell me Why in 20 years the graphics are still Rubbish the planes are good but the Ground detail stinks if they can make Something like the battle of midway With half way good ground detail why O why can’t they make a really good? Flight simulator with great ground Detail I think storm of war is just going to Be IL2 over England with no better detail why can't they to it?

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