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Everything posted by 12ams

  1. VERY unlikely, as most fighters can do only a max sustained turn of about 9g, but missiles are designed to turn at 20+g Rick
  2. How the devil do you successfully complete a mission. I usually Ctrl-N directly to the action after takeoff (I'm a father of two, and a military man, so I hurry up and wait enough in my life, thank you ). I either can't find my primary target, or I hit them outbound. And when I do find them, there is no way I have enough ammo or armour plating to survive long enough to shoot down the whole flight. Any advice? Should I relax the settings? Thanks, Rick
  3. I solved my own problem. I installed SPF1 and went from there. Everything is cool now. Thanks for all the help, though. I know I should have went with SPF1 right from the start, but I didn't even have the wrapper off (and I've had it for almost a year now). I just never really saw a need until BoB. Is there any other recommended mods for SPF1 or WoV? Unfortunately, I can't find WoE anywhere in Ottawa.
  4. I am using WoV, but it is patched up to 08/30/06. Are there any other patches that I am unaware of? Here are some screenshots.
  5. I found out the reason. If I disable collisions, I noticed that my aircraft was "shimmering" or "flickering". As I advanced the throttle, I realized that the "shimmering" and explosion were because there are 2 aircraft placed on top of each other. For V0.61, how about fixing the aircraft placement for 1 Cdn Sqn. Thanks.
  6. I have a problem (not that one....one with BoB). When I enter the campaign in 1 Cdn Sqn, I blow up instantly. Anyone have any suggestions? BTW, I love what you have done Baltika.
  7. Canada did not send any fighter units to Korea (although our transport sqns were heavily employed); however, there were quite a few exchange pilots flying with the USAF and USN. Several scored victories flying Sabres, and at least on was shot down and became a POW.
  8. I'm getting the same error since last week.

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