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About Gianky

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    Oh, well! Aviation, of course! :)


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  1. I have only WOV, patched to last version. I'd like to know if I can use with it the mods made for SPF1, like Edward's Korea and Falkland ones and, if changes are needed, which ones are to be done. Thank you in advance.
  2. Nothing to do, USAFMTL, I've checked my old magazines, but I couldn't find any better info. All I know is that AMX has an RWR, a jamming system and 4 chaff/flare dispensers, but I can't tell you the names :P
  3. Here is a picture of the ELT 555(V)3, I hope it's the one you're looking for It's taken from the manifacturer web site, there's even a .rtf info document, don't know if it can be useful for you: http://www.aiad.it/upload/aziende/azienda_/ELT-555_engl.rtf As for the internal jamming system, I should have something at home about AMX, I'll check it, but no promises. :)
  4. Not only... there's support for guided weapons too.... :) And I still hope there will be a future patch with trim!
  5. EHEHEHEH Seriously, now: I just saw the patch has been released and, reading the readme.txt, I noticed that no trim control has been added yet. Can we have it? I know SFP1/WOV/WOE series is not meant to be a hardcore simulation, but I find really annoying not having trim control, especially on pitch axis, just think about how easier dive bombing would be! It would be nice if Thirdwire would include such a feature in a future patch, it shouldn't be that difficult to code. :)
  6. Do you play Aces High or the "two weeks" it's just a videogame industry cliché?
  7. Any hint about when the patch will be released?
  8. Wilco, sir! :) Thanks again for help, USAFMTL, I hope it won't take long for the patch to be released.... can't wait to see the lil' commies' faces when they're about to be blown!
  9. Thanks for reply, USAFMTL. But, what about the pictures in the WP manual? When I said "I can't get the monitor view" I couldn't explain what I meant: I saw pictures in manual where what the targeting pod/seeking head were seeing was shown in the radar scope of an F4... is that a feature of SFP only, or it's in WOV, too? Or do I just have to wait for a new patch? Cc on that, I guess the acquisition/tracking/locking procedure will be "automated" like for air to air missile.
  10. Hi. I'm new to the WOV world (I have only this sim, not SFP) and I dowloaded yesterday Bunyap's weapon pack with the 2 updates. I installed the Vietnam era mods (copied Objects folder in WOV directory, installed Deuces' Effects pack 3, then copied WP's Effects folder; finally copied the 2 updates files in the right directories). Everything seems to work fine, the only problem is that I don't know how to use the guided weapons: I can't get the monitor view for GBUs, AGMs and so on (yes, I loaded the Pave Spike ;)) and I don't know how to point and steer them. Is there some new command to bind? I couldn't find anything in the WP manual or here in the forum (but I admit I have few time for searches :P). Can you tell me if I can use those weapons with WOV only and what I have to do? Thank you. [P.S. WOV version is the last one, 7.05.05]

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