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Everything posted by JD_116th

  1. If you dont like the speed of your snap view you can change it like this. [HookView Config] AzimutSpeed=0.1 TangageSpeed=0.1 LenSpeed=1.0 MinLen=1.0 DefaultLen=20.0 MaxLen=3000.0 Speed=8 (speed=6 is default) I changed to 8 it helps. This is in the Config.ini 8)
  2. Who uses this for launching of SF P1 in MP ? If not used it may go away.
  3. Ummmmm......

    I have looked at this sim and have some questions as far as weapons multi play ect..ect.. Screen's look good?? Hope to find out more. 8)
  4. Biohaz site down??

    I cant hit it. also I cant hit the HL site. Strange. :shock:
  5. I use one, I will ICQ you, If I post then all will know how they get shot down. I ran onto this guy named Striker he is good, got me not many do that :D I may have been on a off night. lol 8)
  6. Jeff call off your SPAM GOONS

    I tryed not to post on this. But it will probably not end that easy. As you can see what happend over at the IL2 center. http://www.il2center.com/modules.php?name=...=showpage&pid=3 Let's hope this is the end. JD
  7. Yes thats right, if you jump over to JDs Hangar you can read my post about the HyperLobby and Strike Fighters. Just hang in there. It will be fixed. 8)
  8. You may want to check here also. http://www.strategyfirst.com/en/downloads/
  9. I have been using HyperLobby since Jane's Combat Net went down. I was there to see why the one you talk about was banned. I was reading the boards at SimHQ when the same thing happend. So as a beta tester for the HyperLobby I can tell you that it is safe and much better then GameSpy with the all seening eye !!! :D
  10. Multiplayer ?

    Just wondering what most use for online play GameSpy,Hyperlobby,IP or other ? I use HL or IP and never GS I just dont like the all seeing eye. What do you prefer ?
  11. Who's Next

    To be banned at SimHQ ? L J. or FE. L J. said "But you were, right? Why not now? Is the patch process "kaput"? It HAS been a while since we have heard from TK, and Strategy First has never addressed the issue in this forum, as I recall. As a supporter of TK and SF:P1, even I am getting nervous-and all of the "the patch will be here when it gets here" rhetoric is beginning to get stale. " But FE. said "PRIVATE??? this is the internet, what the hell do you see private about this??? if it was private then we all would not be here posting opinions. the fact is if we disagree with the admin or developer then we will be censored or banned BULLs**t is what it is " Andy said"Fast Eagle OK. You don't like the way I do things. Fair enough. I hate to get you all riled up, so can I expect to not see you here anymore? I'm not showing you the door, but if the way this forum is moderated is not to your liking, then perhaps somewhere else may be more to your liking." So who will it be ?? maybe Me.?? :?
  12. Hi the release is much better go to page 10 of this forum and read what TK has to say. hope this helps. :D
  13. Who's Next

    Only what is said at the forum's. I know that some are getting anxious for a patch and say things in anger. I think that Andy takes some of these remarks personal. As he has worked on this project. Just my thoughts.
  14. Well DK I think that a lot feel the same as you. I cannot recommend SF to any of my squad at this point. We are always looking for new sims and hoping this would be the ticket but with the MP issue and lack of support for MP its on hold for now. BTW if you need any help on Falcon just give a yell as I was one of the original beta testers over at the H.L. have a look at the read me. lol anyhow good luck my friend see you in the sky's.
  15. The New Biohazcentral

    Looks good keep up the good work. 8)
  16. Great job MJ. This will be a good feature. Thanks
  17. Happy new year from JDs Hangar

    Just stoping by to say Hi.
  18. Same here . Do you have the sfp1launcher ? helps when HL is down !! :shock:
  19. Welcome to the 116VFS

    Thank's. We are all new to SF. I hope to get more pilots involed in SF. Some of our squad has it we are looking hard at it and like it so far but needs a patch like all flight sims. We are also looking foward to LOMAC Thank's JD out
  20. Looks like it is. Should be up soon check back !!
  21. Well as you know DK I like to have a good flight, it was fun. The adjustment to the F-100 FM was noticeable. :shock: But in the wrong hands may not be a good thing. :roll: As long as it is used right to make the sim better it makes for a better flight. 8) That = fun and thats why we do this. :thumbup: P.S. If using a mod one should let that be known so others dont think that you are cheating and not fly with you.
  22. Well now DK who better then old friends from the old days of jcn ? But how about your F-100's against some mig's ? Ill look for you on Monday, should be fun.
  23. DK are the FMs also changed for online play ? I have noticed some doing some fancy moves online.
  24. Hi pcpilot I run WinME and have n/p with MP. So I dont think its the OS. Strange :shock:
  25. You both may want to try what Sundancer did. It may help. Look here. 8) http://www.simhq.com/simhq3/sims/boards/bb...TML/001750.html

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