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Everything posted by kazamashin

  1. Such a weird looking plane. Dont like the asymmetrical configuration too much. I bet it would have made a poor anti helicopter/CAS bird.
  2. I have to agree w/ raidenandsolid here. People make what they want and if you dont like it then you dont have to use it either. Granted the sim engine may not support be best suited for space flight but who knows maybe TK will give us the neccesary updates should they be enough interest. Personally i don't like both the horrible Stealth movie and Talon(of we have an excellent downloadable here) but the knowhow gained from all these proof of concept exercises help other projects too. Just my cents.
  3. wow..did McCoy make that Crusader capable of hauling 2 extra Sidewinders ? If only SF could handle composite squadrons.
  4. The selling point of the F-20A was it had Sparrow capability from the get-go not something that "could-be" added later like that of the F-16A plus the better radar and low upkeep. How long did it take F-16A to get that upgrade prior to the ADF to get BVR. Plus it was able to get of the ground quickly..something i heard only matched by the F-104. Definitely something worthwhile for this sim.
  5. Nice skin but why not use the Mirage Factory version of the IAF F-15A..those have a 3D model closer to the F-15J but i guess you're stuck for the 2 holer for now. Who knows maybe they will eventually release true J/DJ models.
  6. Maybe Gux got annoyed by people badgering him to release it before it was ready
  7. Of course its worth downloading ;) You get a much better SP4 HUD update.
  8. http://aircraftwalkaround.hobbyvista.com/p...48_enforcer.htm <--must see New 3D model required because the Enforcer is quite heavily modified. Probably only 5 % similar to a F-51D. Other than the fuel tanks you need new pylons, remove the guns and scoops, new lycoming nose, new tail, lenghtened fuselage..new 70's era cockpit.etc
  9. F-35A

    Looks like the Firefox would need to be build from scratch too. At least we get a better quality model :D
  10. Had to go for the gunner because the Rattlers made poor fighters compared with Skystrikers. Cool idea though and should be alot more durable than Harriers.
  11. Anyone with plans to work on a Cobra Rattler VTOL A-10 ? The toy comes with weird proportions but the show version looks exactly like a modified A-10A. This could even lead to a full blown action force mod for SF series. Pics from Yojoe.com
  12. Yea ? Cool......i am sure we'll get more talent in to fill up the demand. In the meantime i'll enjoy what we have. Google Image is your best friend :P. Photoshop looks better with the 23-style nozzles than the ones on the actual Namco X-02 design. Sparrowscratchbuild has some nice X-02 models for your viewing pleasure http://homepage2.nifty.com/sparrow2/build20-x02wyvern.htm
  13. I know i am happy to just be able to fly and shot in a Macross series variable fighter..even without battroid or gerwalk modes. There are plenty of cool valkyries out there like the sleek VF-11/5000, the F-117 like VF-17, A-6-like VA-3 or the monstrous VB-6. You can also add all the non transforming vehicles from the series like the Catseye AWACS, Commanchero gunship or the Dragon fighter jet.
  14. I would like to see the X-02 Wyvern and the real world what-if planes like the (A-10B, F-16XL.etc) from the AC series. The Wyvern looks alot like a highly modified F-23 Black Widow from certain angles.
  15. Trying to add some decals to my custom skin and discovered when i had more than 3 different decals on a single mesh that part of the plane started turning transparent. Thirdwire decal notes indicate the following: Any ideas ?
  16. Ok thanks for the tips. Lots of helpful information so far.
  17. I dunno what TK might think but perhaps someday. There have been several macross games for the pc but there are all for the japanese market and wouldnt run well on non-japanese pc's. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/games/...ft_software.htm The best macross game out there is the Sega AM2 Macross title for the PS2..see the screenies below and you'll see why. Its in Japanese but all menus in english with storyline taken out of the series/movie. http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/games/...t_homevideo.htm http://www.opensenses.com/games/choujikyuu...-macross-review Too bad we'll probably never see a proper english macross game
  18. More VF-1 color scheme ideas http://www.t3.rim.or.jp/~jagdvogl/vffan/vfcolor.html
  19. Something like this 70s USN style scheme would be nice even though it isn't described as canon(who cares about being canon right ? :P). I am sure alot of people would also like to see the Legioss/Alpha fighters too.
  20. I'm not Kirsten but you 'modernize' the F-8 and give it a new low-vis paint job you might very well end up with something looking alot like the prototype A-7F http://www.vought.com/heritage/photo/html/pya-7f_0.html
  21. F-22

    Yeah..and TVC is kinda overrated too. The production F-23A would have been slightly longer with an extra(or longer) weapons bay, a more modern cockpit and automated doors for the gun at least thats what i heard anyway.
  22. Most probably you'll see a lot of new WOE sales to masses of Robotech and Macross fans dying for a chance to fly the VF-1 in combat sim.
  23. Hey sorry man..didn't mean to cause such reaction nor was it ever my intention in the first place. If my 3d skills ever get good enough to build it i really would .
  24. wow..a darker looking Freestyle..and it blends into the background really well. BTW this upgrade mod works really well..the only thing i would change is the entry for engine sound to retain the original loudish Yak41 sound.
  25. I believe it can be made too(with the exception of battroid mode) but we don't have the so-called over-tech to make them strong enough to withstand all the punishment from flying though buildings and obstacles and stuff.

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