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Posts posted by Husky42

  1. What is the latest IL-2 game?I just bought IL-2 Forgotten battle because i was told it was the newest one.This thing is old outdated and doesnt look any differance than the first game.I feel like i just threw $19.95 in the trash.


    None of them are going to "look" much different.


    And if you say they look bad, turn the resolution up, enable perfect mod and go fly over Italy.


    8800 GT here and this sim cans till tear my system apart.


    Its a flight SIM not a Game. More processing power is used on the FM and accurate plane and combat representation, not overall graphics quality



    Although it still is a good looking Sim IMO.

  2. So I'm not new to IL2 per se, but never dabbled with missions or anything like that, and TBH have been more addicted to race games for a very long time, but i'm now back to SH4 and the IL2 series.


    I've gotten a fantastic BOB mission and have been wondering,


    What are the best, most detailed historicaly accurate campaigns in your opinion that have been released?


    I prefer RAF or US/USAF Campaigns as i'm all germaned out at the minute. But i'm willing to give any campaign a try as long as its very detailed or very accurate :)


    Thanks for the info.

  3. naw... DX-10 all the way. Only the best gfx for the best game, i agree the AI is fairly stupid. Im looking into my game to do some tweaking with that.



    And that is about the most ridiculous attitude - What happens here is a company misses 80% of the simulation market in sales.



    DX10 is unreliable and medial at best in what it offers over DX9. A multi engined DX9/DX10 is what some devs use, and many have not and will not migrate to DX10 because the market is not ready.


    If a simulation is released with DX10 as the only platform. Dont expect every simmer to run out and buy it. The graphics are always a nice touch but not what keep us enthralled in a sim. There is still in no existence a truly beautiful DX9 Military Sim that utilizes what DX9 can do, what you do by saying only DX10 is alienate a large group of people, those of which who would be your primary market.


    Event hough some of us are DX10 capable, many of us still refuse to use Vista, many have given it a shot and have seen absolutely no reason to migrate from XP and DX9.


    Learn your market before you choose the graphics platform, DX10 only for any title = Suicide in terms of profitable margin.


    That is how I see it :)


    Desireable to me woudl be fully modeled cockpits and cabins in which i have lots of buttons to click and switch. I want bombers with fully modeled crews all able to communicate orders with me. I want full wing flex and stress to be modeled and shown. I want fully 3D objects and worlds. etc Basically I want the most detailed, accurate simulation of aircraft ever made.


    Granted I'm dragging up a old post here but hell nobody is posting much in these parts anymore anyways.

  4. So I'm not sure whats wrong here. I have PF and 1946 installed seperate and finally decided to merge, so i uninstalled reinstalled PF and wanted to merge adn it all appears to go well. But after merged I'm not able to launch the game. It just hangs.


    Is there a way to manually merge the files ?


    I got PF as part of that pack for $20 over a year ago, and bought 1946 separate at the same time. Never bothered with the merge until now since i'm back to playing them.


    Any advice would be great




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