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Everything posted by KnightWolf45

  1. okwill do so more news later tonight my time.
  2. Its mapped and im working on the texture heres the frist in game img now tere his one small but very very aoining issue this the top mesh i named it had turret his that my problem? should attach it to chassi? in the ini there turret sisteme but i dint assing a mesh to it should delete turret sistem entry? tomorow will finish texture Cocas sorry for all question but its my ground object
  3. Shilkas 57mm flack his the one to fear 14.5 mm flak also there the ones howto me out more times
  4. Memorial Day

  5. great work glad its going to rain all day here
  6. great to era from you Subarug can supply screen of the A/C skins that whould to make the skins i got the animes but im lite short on time and dont know how o take screens for media players but mi skining ablitys are very small ok Bounder all i can say his welcome abord all how want to help are welcomed see watt you can do and tells us to all thanks for your help Cocas
  7. WW2 Aircraft

    some time ago i have that same problem whit the added weapons and the real responsable was directX not updated for the new patch i never understood wtf was going on but updating the DirectX solve the issue hope this can help you out
  8. ok glad to have you on bord you make missions right? any chance on skins? we need mostly skineres for this to get going and someone for screens mainscreen loadoutscreens etc the terrain his about 85% finnish and the campaing can get done after the skins are ready there still some aircraft missing like F-20 but the F-5 can go has placeholder that about it for now any help his welcomed
  9. ok the modeling on radar his done now im going to map and do texture do you the normal green color or Camo paint on it? sorry about the spelling on the last post
  10. thanks got the pics i will get on it this weekend or monday
  11. ok i got a ideia on the shape of bulges but the more detail the better do you the gun bulges to i remanber someting about on your Gustav mods from wolf´s 109´s
  12. I already google the truck EricJ im going to manage whit pic that are on thge new and PDF that found in outre sources thanks for the help
  13. im heaving trouble getting some 3-view drawings for M939 truck so its going to be very hard for to make a acurette truck whiout good references can some one help me out? edit spelling mistoikes
  14. im not the best 3dmodler in the house (still learning) but show me bulges and i try my very best to make the 3d model for you Cocas
  15. i use them a lot wend working whit guns
  16. cool man great skin like desert camos i guess you all know that by now
  17. im glad to be able to work whit you. well i got to this point but by monday its done that mi sure(almost any way) tell me if you like it not all details are add yet do you the radar truck that i found in the net whit the main control stacion? can be done if needed Cocas
  18. hey i learned the hard way mysell to dont worry
  19. File Name: Mirage IIIC Sharnak desert skin File Submitter: cocas File Submitted: 19 May 2009 File Category: Fictional/What If Skins Mirage IIIC Sharnak skin This his a fictional skin for the TMF Mirage IIIC that represents the 1st interceptor wing of the Sultanate of Sharnak Im posting it whit a minor decal issue no numbers that e cloud not fixe at this time, So if any can fixe it please do and re post the skin. This release falls under the the fair-use term here CA Click here to download this file
  20. antes que esqueça outra vez obrigado(before i forget again thanks)
  21. then your skin bitmaps need to be named Mig-29C-001 or they wont show up the mesh in max was to 29c-0..ect it only that the bmp that a have that file name.
  22. someting i forgot thanks for wanting to work whit a noob like me i will the radar done was much has possible tomorow the model at list sure if can also map it tomorow
  23. ok think i the formosa taiwan campaing use Marc´s Su-27sm

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