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Everything posted by SlapStik

  1. Ok, it worked fine, thanks. I accidentally put it the SF2 folder also, do you think this is a problem?
  2. Oh, I'd screwed that one up! Thanks for your reply I'll give it a go.
  3. Hi, I'm new to WOV2V and downloaded your beta package but am a bit confused on where it goes. I see your example for XP but I am using Vista and cannot locate a Mod folder. I did find the Thirdwire Folder in User name-"Saved Games" but there was no Mod folder after running the game a couple of times. Am I correct in assuming that I create a Mod file and then dump these folders into it? Here is the string for current Mod folder in Vista: Username - Saved Games - ThirdWire - StrikeFighters2 - Mods ( I have installed both Strikefighters 2 and WOV2 ) Thanks for any help on this! Doug aka SlapStik
  4. Alrighty then, sign me up!! Post #27

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