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Files posted by Wood

  1. Smallest Fighter, Fastest Gun Update

    This is just an UPDATE, you still need to download V1.0
    List of Updates:
    The O-1E fac airplane now shoots smoke rockets at the target (1 group of targets, it doesnt have any more rockets for the second group.)
    Corrected the O-1E waypoints so that now he gets in the action when you get to the action.
    Corrected the choppers waypoints. He now lands near the troops for a med evac and then lifts off again (hopefully)
    The O-1E can now carry rocket pods, essencial if you want it to FAC.
    You probably need the weapons pack, but you probably have it already, dont you?
    Something i forgot yesterday, i apologise, i must give credit to the aircraft authors, they did a great job:
    the A-Team (capun, Gramps, Charles and The Wrench) for the A-37
    zerocinco for SH-3J
    Kesselbrut for the infantary squads
    and last but not least, pablo499 for figuring out how to make the FAC shoot smoke.


       (1 review)




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