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Everything posted by Wood

  1. how do i lock ground targets and drop GBUs? In WOV by the way.
  2. I'm posting my campaign on youtube if anyone is interested. here is the link: http://www.youtube.com/user/DVAFP?feature=mhum#p/c/DC7B466E951C29F4 I'm open to tips and suggestions, leave a comment.
  3. Campaign on youtube

    finished another mission will be uploading soon. strangest thing happened. Never knew June had 33 days.
  4. Campaign on youtube

    ill try my next mission without labels
  5. Campaign on youtube

    i would prefer to fly without labels but i cant see a thing without them. and i risk doing a mission without encountering any enemy aircraft.
  6. i can understand if the aircraft had a tendency to tilt forward but the way it is now its like im pushing the joystick forward, it goes down really fast and i cant get it level, seems like something is wrong. just wondering if it happened to other people too. im using msff2 with centering force but no force feedback after changing something in the registry. the centering force is quite strong.
  7. do you use trim with this plane? cause every time i take off, the nose wants to go down as if i was pushing on the stick.
  8. File Name: Smallest Fighter, Fastest Gun Update File Submitter: Wood File Submitted: 25 May 2006 File Category: SF Missions/Campaigns This is just an UPDATE, you still need to download V1.0 List of Updates: The O-1E fac airplane now shoots smoke rockets at the target (1 group of targets, it doesnt have any more rockets for the second group.) Corrected the O-1E waypoints so that now he gets in the action when you get to the action. Corrected the choppers waypoints. He now lands near the troops for a med evac and then lifts off again (hopefully) The O-1E can now carry rocket pods, essencial if you want it to FAC. You probably need the weapons pack, but you probably have it already, dont you? Something i forgot yesterday, i apologise, i must give credit to the aircraft authors, they did a great job: the A-Team (capun, Gramps, Charles and The Wrench) for the A-37 zerocinco for SH-3J Kesselbrut for the infantary squads and last but not least, pablo499 for figuring out how to make the FAC shoot smoke. Click here to download this file
  9. Where can i get te TGA files to go in the cockpit folder for the ccip to work?
  10. there's no such thing as a dumb question
  11. whats the time period in KMD for? every time i try to select a more recent time period for a mission and then save it reverts back to 1968.
  12. how do you change them? from nav to AA to AG
  13. i still cant implement ccip in the f-19
  14. only the GBU-12D/B seem to work, the GBU-16 doesnt neither do the laser guided BDUs
  15. LP was exactly what i was looking for thanks, it works now but i still have a problem. The stupid bombs arent guided at all, they allways miss. am i missing something? (besides the target)
  16. thanks another thing im trying to do but cant is to make the f-19 carry AAQ-14 lantirn pod so that i can drop LGBs but for some reason it doesnt show up in the loadout list. i've changed the loadout ini but i think i have to change something in the data ini probably concerning the rack or pylon. does anyone know how to do it?
  17. will it erase everything? should i backup?
  18. regarding the bomb terrain, it will be installed to a different folder than the VietnamSEA terrain. weather you fly on the the bombing range or vietnam depends on the mission. in missions built for the bombing terrain you'll fly in the bombing terrain. The weapons pack is really good , you should get it.
  19. its the seat thats sitting on the pilot and flying the plane of course...
  20. How do i make an AI do a FAC mission and mark the targets with smoke?
  21. Version


    This is just an UPDATE, you still need to download V1.0 List of Updates: The O-1E fac airplane now shoots smoke rockets at the target (1 group of targets, it doesnt have any more rockets for the second group.) Corrected the O-1E waypoints so that now he gets in the action when you get to the action. Corrected the choppers waypoints. He now lands near the troops for a med evac and then lifts off again (hopefully) The O-1E can now carry rocket pods, essencial if you want it to FAC. You probably need the weapons pack, but you probably have it already, dont you? Something i forgot yesterday, i apologise, i must give credit to the aircraft authors, they did a great job: the A-Team (capun, Gramps, Charles and The Wrench) for the A-37 zerocinco for SH-3J Kesselbrut for the infantary squads and last but not least, pablo499 for figuring out how to make the FAC shoot smoke.
  22. i think it can if you put a comma in KMD target objectives. the problem im having is that the FAC shoots all its smoke rockets at the first target and there's nothing leftfor the second.
  23. is here any way for a plane to have 2 targets?
  24. i got it now, it was something to do with the objective. or the waypoints. works with O-1E too. but its not very accurate. they shoot every rocket they have and most of them hit far from the target.

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