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Everything posted by Sheriff__001

  1. According to Meteor, Sabre and Mirage (Stewart Wilson), the double grey is real. Mirage IIIO schemes: Natural metal (initial scheme) Green/Grey (As stated above, and in the mod) Two tone grey (As stated above, and in the mod) Dark Grey upper, Light Grey lower (not in the mod) ARDU (Aircraft Research and Development Unit) had some of the best looking Mirages, they had a striking Dayglo and White colour scheme: http://www.adf-serials.com/gallery/albums/...RF_3A3_115a.jpg http://www.todo-aviones.com.ar/francia/mirage3/3a3.jpg Prior to this scheme, they had a yellow-upper, dark green-lower scheme One more, for good measure http://www.todo-aviones.com.ar/francia/mirage3/3a3.jpg For the 60th anniversary of the RAAF's formation, a special Mirage scheme was used, of white with red and blue trim: http://www.gjsmith.net/images/Textures/Mirages-A3-15.jpg
  2. Thanks. The RAAF considered buying the 23 surviving (one crashed off Evans Head, New South Wales) F-4E's leased from the USAF, the Americans certainly favoured it, and were asking only $54m for the lot. The Government decided not to because they would have to disband a Mirage IIIO unit, it would have taken several years to get the Phantoms units fully manned (the F-4 crews would be converting to F-111s), and they believed (wrongly) that the F-4E was marginally superior to the Mirage and the A-4G Skyhawk. I would have said "disband the bloody Mirage squadron, and a few years is an OK wait", but then again, I have a Phantom phetish.

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