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Posts posted by Sheriff__001

  1. Early CF-101B Voodoo flag fix

    View File

    Hey guys, first upload.


    The original Early F-101B Voodoo skin had the flag of Ontario on the tail. With the permission of Dave, I have uploaded a replacement file. The replacement file substitutes the Canadian Red Ensign for the flag of Ontario.


    This will replace the wings.bmp file in the RCAF skin folder of your Early F-101B Voodoo.


    You simply need to extract it, and overwrite Early_F-101BRCAFwings.bmp


    Original aircraft: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8071


    Discussion thread: http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?showt...mp;#entry271247


  2. Ladies and Bruces, I noticed something this morning with the RCAF skin for Early F101B Voodoo (folder name: Early_F-101B\RCAF). The red ensign on the tail is actually the flag of Ontario.


    Here is the flag of Ontario:



    Here is the Canadian Red Ensign (pause for tears to well in eyes):



    I've developed a fix using the Canadian red ensign in Wikipedia.


    The process I used was as follows:

    1) I found a place in wikipedia to place a 156 pixel wide image of the beautiful Canadian Red Ensign (I used my own talk page, and the image I posted in the thread is 156 pixels wide)

    2) I saved that image to me PC

    3) I copied the crest out of it

    4) I pasted it into Early_F-101B\RCAF\wings.bmp


    I was wondering if I could have the permission of Dave to upload a replacement skin, or just the replacement file?

  3. A side-character perhaps?


    Pilot name: Grant "Bluey" Hawkins

    Age: 40

    Country: Australia

    Aircraft: Mirage IIIE

    Rank: Squadron Leader (Major to the septics)


    Joined the RAAF in the late 1950's. Vietnam veteran with 2SQN (Canberra B.20), flew Mirages, Phantoms, and F-111s after the Australian withdrawal. During 1976 he experienced two traumas: the loss of his navigator in a road accident, and the murder of his wife and child. Not quite himself after that, he drifts, and finds solace in drink. A ground accident gives him the wake up call he needs, but it also results in him losing his wings. After seeing an advertisement in a local paper, Hawkins resigns from the RAAF, and signs on with the Dhimari Air Force.


    His new occupation as a mercenary gives him the direction he lacked.


    Suggested endings for the character: Returns to Australia to write a book after Burning Sands II (1983), decides to sacrifices himself in order to be reunited with his wife and child.

  4. Sorry to drag an oldie back into life, I had a nuclear weapons-related problem. Effects, and visuals are good, except that when I try to bomb a generator building with a nuclear weapon, it doesn't get destroyed, even if I use a big bomb, and even if the generator building is close to ground zero, it still stands. I can get them with conventional bombs, and I can get pretty much everything else with nucelar weapons. Playing with the yields of the bombs hasn't helped.


    Suggestions, please?

  5. Another idea I've had is to pick two time periods, late-1950's, and late-1970's, and fly aircraft from either.


    For late 50's, we'd have the following:


    Fighter: Avon Sabre or Vampire

    Light Attack: Meteor F.8

    Strike: Canberra

    What if: Hunter for Fighter


    For late 70's we'd have:


    Fighter: Mirage IIIO

    Multirole: F-4E

    Strike: F-111C

    What-if: F-104G (data.ini modded to take Sparrow, because it would be Australia's main air defence fighter), A-5B

  6. Another Aussie reporting: On the RAAF's F-4E's, roundels appeared on the upper port wing, and lower starboard wing (just as on USAF F-4E's)


    On the same subject:


    A-4G: Both upper, and both lower

    F-111C/G: Port upper, starboard lower

    F/A-18: Both lower

    Canberra: Both lower

    Avon Sabre: Both upper and both lower (dunno if SFG will support it, but the Sabre uses old style red-white-blue RAF roundels on the wings, and the roo on the fusleage)

  7. According to Meteor, Sabre and Mirage (Stewart Wilson), the double grey is real.


    Mirage IIIO schemes:


    Natural metal (initial scheme)

    Green/Grey (As stated above, and in the mod)

    Two tone grey (As stated above, and in the mod)

    Dark Grey upper, Light Grey lower (not in the mod)


    ARDU (Aircraft Research and Development Unit) had some of the best looking Mirages, they had a striking Dayglo and White colour scheme:






    Prior to this scheme, they had a yellow-upper, dark green-lower scheme


    One more, for good measure




    For the 60th anniversary of the RAAF's formation, a special Mirage scheme was used, of white with red and blue trim:



  8. Thanks. The RAAF considered buying the 23 surviving (one crashed off Evans Head, New South Wales) F-4E's leased from the USAF, the Americans certainly favoured it, and were asking only $54m for the lot. The Government decided not to because they would have to disband a Mirage IIIO unit, it would have taken several years to get the Phantoms units fully manned (the F-4 crews would be converting to F-111s), and they believed (wrongly) that the F-4E was marginally superior to the Mirage and the A-4G Skyhawk.


    I would have said "disband the bloody Mirage squadron, and a few years is an OK wait", but then again, I have a Phantom phetish.


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