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About dbreaux

  1. Dated 5 June 06, correct? Ok, just installed the 3 July 06 version.....do u think that was the problem. We'll soon see
  2. Ok, maybe I'm just stupid. There are no actual weapons in weapondata_tornado.ini. I'm hopelessly lost on this one.
  3. Initially, I thought that the tutorial specifically dealt with the Tornado package and I almost started typing verbatim straight from the tutorial. Once I realized it was generic my struggle was this: How do I know what data to add to weapondata.ini. Then I stumbled across the weapondata_tornado.ini and was trying to decide if I was to renumber those headings or what. I've added other aircraft into SFP1 and WOV and it seemed much easier. This process, new to me, threw me for a loop. I did copy and paste the tornado data, renumbered the headings, but that still didn't work. So I suppose I still need to use the wep editor. Thanks for your help and patience.....I'm still at it. Anymore help u give me will be greatly apprciated.
  4. I've got the updated Tornado package (updated Aprill 22, '06) by USAFMTL. I can get it to fly but weapons other than guns are useless. I've read the tutorial for adding weapons in detail, but it makes no sense to me at all. I noticed that WEAPONDATA_Tornado.ini is created. Do I just copy that text into the WEAPONDATA.ini and substitute the XXX in each [WeaponDataxxx] heading with the appropriate numerals or what?
  5. Quite right....works like a charm. Thank you much!
  6. [quote To install, simply extract the contents of this zip archive into your main Wings over Europe folder. Are you sure about that? Shouldn't I zip the contents into the existing A10-A folder? If I extract all of the contents it will replace my entire existing objects folder, right? Just want to be sure.
  7. Tristan, I added some data to the AllowedWeaponClass line in the data ini file. All weapons are now available. Previously all those lines for each station were empty. The line now looks like this: AllowedWeaponClass=AHM,IRM,LGB,BOMB Still no sound, though.
  8. OK, I'm in the process of replacing AGRS with USN within the file....a txt file named NATIONS.TXT is included with the other F14 files. Here are its contents and do you have any idea what I'm supposed to do with it [NationXXX] Name=AGRS DisplayName=Aggressors Alignment=ENEMY PlayerFlyable=TRUE Mercenary=FALSE PilotNameList=NamesUS.lst RankList=RanksUSAF.lst CallsignList=CallsignsUS.lst Formation.Fighter=USFighter Formation.Attack=USFighter Formation.Bomber=USBomber Formation.Transport=USBomber Formation.Tank=USTank Formation.MobileAD=USAD PilotTrainingStandard=EXCELLENT GenderRatio=0 CampaignWinMusic= DebriefSuccessMusic=DebriefSuccess.wav DebriefFailMusic=DebriefFail.wav DebriefKilledMusic=DebriefKilled.wav SpeechFile=USAFSpeech.cat SpeechTextFile=USAFSpeechText.cat Medals=MedalsUSAF.ini MedalTextFile=MedalsUSAF.str
  9. I'm having similar problems with the F-14. The plane itself and skins are fine, but the only weapons available are the sidewinder, and I get no engine sound at all. I can hear the pilot breathing and radar and lockon sounds.

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