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Sky Captain

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Everything posted by Sky Captain

  1. Fulcrum Lag?

    Looks like it's off to find WoE then. Edit: Well, while we're talking about plane probs, anyone know why the F-7 and it's spinoffs is really messed up when I try to fly them? The skin is all funky, and the wheels and some other fueselage parts are not where they should be. Meh. Chinese Engineering.
  2. Well, I can wait for a good cockpit. But I can't wait for the plane. :P This is driving me nuts! All these high-tech American and British ******* to fly in, but almost no good Soviet fighters to drive.
  3. Fulcrum Lag?

    Bugger. :( Guess I'll have to wait for the Su-27, eh?
  4. Fulcrum Lag?

    Is there any way around this (Besides turning down me settings)? It's like the most advanced fighter the Russians have ATM (In the game, of course), and it's a really pretty plane.
  5. Bah, you can't just release the bird and work on the pit then? I can stand using a converted F-4 office. Pleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleasepleaseplease? I vant to keel somezing worthy of my Sparrows, not ze silly Yak's and MiG's!
  6. Framerate Issues

    Try turning down the options? What works for one game more than likely won't work for another.
  7. 2 U-Boats found

    That just sounds... Lol, sorry, I'm crazy today.
  8. a friend posted this I just had to share it

    This was his friend. And besides, nowadays you never know when your wife might get mugged or something.
  9. Well it is kinda hard to not fap over she-elves.... Uh, er, I, uh, I mean, ya, you did the right thing.
  10. I realize game makers are only there to make money, but I wish they'd give us SOME quality. It seems the bigger they get, the worse they get...
  11. Yes, I've no doubt practically all the hard-core simmers won't by them, but guess what? 2/3's of the gaming community are button-mashing kids, without a care in the world about how realistic or how good the gameplay is, they just want this game and that game because 50 Cent promoted it. The hardcore simmers are not a large part of the mainstream gaming community, and that means good games won't be a top priority.
  12. I know exactly where you're coming from, Stiglr. That's exactly how I feel some of the time. But the truth of the matter is that as time goes on, the companies who develop these games will become more and more focused on the money, and not gameplay, realism, and things like that. EA Games is a prime example - Take BF2142: It's basically an expensive mod of BF2, which is itself a steaming pile of cow crap, in it's unmodded state anyways. The days of the great sims are approaching their end, and the era of crappy, half-made games is very near, if not already here. I wish this weren't the case, but it is. There'll be a few companies on the side who really do care about their games (there always are), but the mainstream will be centered around the half-arsed "games" aforementioned.
  13. Obviously you've never played IL2. Anyways, the new sim looks awesome. Even if it's a lite-sim, there a dozens of modders who can and will make it fun, challenging, and more realistic. Gah, now I've got to choose between First Eagles and the '46 Expansion... SO MANY CHOICES!
  14. Sweet, something to hold me over until ThirdWire's WWI sim. Edit: Lol, just realized that this was FOR the First Eagles sim.
  15. Gawd dang, "Dated?" Does this guy live under a rock?
  16. Yay! WWI! Btw, 1st model? Does that mean there'll be mo'?
  17. a friend posted this I just had to share it

    ROFL. Funniest thing I've read all day.
  18. New Beta! Edit: Will there be changes to the structure this time? (I.e., nose, cockpit, etc. :P)
  19. Zur's stilll working on it, trying to work out the kinks.
  20. SU....

    [suave French accent]On le second page.[/suave French accent]
  21. Snakes... Why'd it have to be snakes... I hate snakes... lol, can't wait to use 'em.

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