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Sky Captain

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Everything posted by Sky Captain

  1. Nyaah!! Can't believe I missed this!
  2. Only chocolate I have is that on my chocolate covered donuts. But we have about 50 degree weather about now, and that's the low! Dontcha love Texas?
  3. If not Texas, my other vote is the secret Finnish Antarctic base, the one where it's illegal to detonate a nuclear device.
  4. Texas post-global warming.
  5. Infidel of the week

    Dude, Viggen, you aren't taking this seriously enough.
  7. Lockheed and Boeing are still working out the bugs, I see.
  8. I see USAF hasn't lost his sense of humor. Hawtness! That would be the coolest thing since toilet paper was invented.
  9. If only... So, seriously, what is WoI?
  10. Check for lead! I'll check this out, but some screenshots would be nice will the old bird is on final approach. (A la, downloading )
  11. So, what is this mystical WoI? Wings over India?
  12. Just thought I'd drop by and see how things are going around here. I haven't played WoV in a while, but I'm starting to get back into it... Mostly my time is spent with school and an Il-2 campaign I'm putting together at the moment. I see quite a few new faces have popped up alongside the old ones since I last stopped by. So yeah, just thought I'd drop by to bugger you with a Hello and to see what new creations ya'll have put out. (New smilies!) (By the way, the Add-on cockpits section is a bit of a mess... I pop down to see if anyone did a cockpit for the F/A-37 and see 50,000 WWI pits mixed with F-4s and bombsights!)
  13. SCLogoUSSR.png

    From the album General Pictures

  14. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    LOL I dunno, I kinda liked SM3. Well, I liked the music anyways... And Sandman was kinda cool... Evil Parker was just plain goofy though. And Venom could definitely have been done better. The parts he had were good, but not nearly long enough. And for a while I thought most of Transformers would be about Sam and his girlfriend with all the action in the sequel... Now that would've been a rip off.
  15. Who Cares?

    Paris Hilton is like a cockroach. No matter how many times you step on her she just doesn't die. Her jail stint will boost her popularity and publicity off the charts...
  16. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Bah, piece of junk is close enough to broken down old Camaro.
  17. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    *SEMI-SPOILERS* The Autobots present are Ironhide, Ratchet, Bumblebee, Optimus Prime, and... Gah, I forgot that other guy's name. Decepticons are Starscream, Megatron (NO WAI MAN), Bonecrusher, Barricade, and... Dangit, I forgot the tank guy's name as well. *Bangs head on keyboard*
  18. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Ah yes, I'd forgotten about that. I was mainly waiting at the bottom of the stairs for my friends and parents. (We'd gone with a bunch of friends and had to split up because the theater was packed) "... So I'm asking you to do the right thing and ask yourself: What would Jesus do?" "The boy's pheromone levels suggest he wishes to mate with the girl." *Awkward silence* "Very advanced robot! Probably Japanese; Yeah, definitely Japanese!" "If he can transform into a robot like that, why does he keep transforming back into that piece of crap?" *Bumblebee drives off* "Aww, look what you did, you pissed it off!"
  19. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    I thought Starscream (Am I the only one who thought his midair transformations were cool?) got shot down by the remaining Raptors?
  20. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    You know what'd be cool? If for the sequel they did something about Beast Wars... Now that was a cool show.
  21. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    Was awesome! Good quotes too. Not sure about the too much human part, but too much romance if you ask me. It's not a soap opera, it's supposed to be a movie about robots! Anyone else see that one mystery trailer with the flaming debris and earthquakes and that one guy named Rob? At first I thought it might be a trailer for Rainbow Six or Ghost Recon (Rainbow Six: Vegas had a series of trailers about everyday people going around and getting interupted by terrorist attacks for those wondering), but it couldn't be. Godzilla remake?
  22. Who is Looking Forward to Transformers?

    He might've said SABOT rounds... (Under cover of bullets and action and stuff Sabre and SABOT kinda do sound alike) Also... Chicks... That's the part I'm worried about. Transformers was a line of action toys, not Barbie and Ken romance dolls... If there's no cheesy love scenes I will be amazed. That's the problem with movies today - They've got so many gawddanged love and romance scenes.

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