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Everything posted by Peeppu

  1. Great support gentlemen! Thank you!
  2. Your longest lasting pilot

    68 hours with 56.sq. Shot down by infernal Archie during bombing attack on ground targets.
  3. Aldis Sight

    I prefer Aldis sight.
  4. OFF Current Status

    Good news! I'm looking forward to this addon.
  5. Oh yes, Jagd in Flanders Himmel is interesting, but very tendency book. I have 1935-issue and love this old German font.

    Will be this Salmson 2A2 for classic OFF campaign or only for "QC" please?
  7. My best Albatros D.III source is excellent Grosz´s Albatros D.III Windsock Special book. I can recommend this book.
  8. Both books are great. Very informative. Some errors in dates and places, but very well.
  9. Test your knowledge! http://www.wwiaviation.com/quiz/wwiquiz1.html Salute!
  10. 18/20 and i agree with Mr. Lucky concerning Zeppelin question.
  11. Superb movie, thank you!
  12. Which DM do you use

    I've never tried any option other than the hardcore and it is greatly!
  13. American SPADs

  14. aa curtis jenny

    Looks really greatly! You are very skilful.
  15. Se5 skins

    Thank you sandbagger!
  16. Se5 skins

    Great job! Please sandbagger don't forget Duncan W. Grinnell-Milnes red "Schweinhund"! Duncan W. Grinnell-Milne: http://www.theaerodrome.com/aces/england/grinnell-milne.php
  17. Thank you very much ttiger!
  18. I can´t open "profile" file using a web browser (right click on the file and select Open With and then select Internet Explorer). Please advise me, thank you. I want to try Homeboys Aces profile and OFF profile.
  19. OEFAG Albatros

    Not only on the Italian fornt, but also on the eastern front (already in summer 1917 D.II Oeffag got to Fliks 3, 14, 20, 22, 25 and 37 in Galicia on the Russian front) and in Albania as well. In postwar service served Albatros Oeffag in many countries (e. g. Czechoslovakia, Poland).
  20. OEFAG Albatros

    Albatros 153.198 with engine No. 19382 was delivered in march 1918 to Flik 17, in may flew this Albatros Feldwebel Johann Skvor and after it handed over to Flik 3J.
  21. TrackIR Q ...

    TrackIR 5 vs. TrackIR 4: http://www.naturalpoint.com/trackir/02-pro...omparison.html/
  22. Please, is Frog´s OFFTracers mod ( http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autoc...p;showfile=8748 ) included in official patches or not?
  23. I'm so sad

    R.I.P. Daniel from Jasta 5! Your aggressive and courageous heart was an example for us. Einheit Jasta 5! Gewehr heraus! Feuer!

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