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About agent036

  1. Thanks, for some reason I couldn't access the wiki earlyer (but I can now, go internet). Yes I know how to paste things, but thanks for the thought. I'm new to moding Strikefighters but have moded many other games. The data you gave me fixed the ordanace problem so at least it's now a proper multi role fighter, though my AAM rails are still mysteriously invisible.
  2. Well, no dice yet. I got the weapon data swaped but I still don't know what I'm doing to MiG-17AS_DATA.INI and MiG-17AS_Loadout.ini I looked at them but couldn't figure out what was whacked. BTW did the AS really have no after burners?
  3. Does anyone know how SFP1 determines how much money you recieve from a mercenary mission? Some times I'll go on a recon hop, not even shoot my guns, and come home with 20k. Other times I'm in a balls out dog fight and take home 3 kills just to be rewarded 12k. I'm thinking you might loose money for lost wingmen, and primary targets are worth more than secondaries but I really don't know. and finally, how does SFP1 determine airplane cost?
  4. Hmm I'm trying to work these fixes but I'm a bit new to this, which ini's am I editing here?
  5. I wonder if I installed this wrong. My AAM rails are invisible. The wings have a pair of aam's that just hang under them magically.
  6. That's beautiful. What variant of the F-8 is that? Any chance of it being released soon?
  7. Alright, nice to see other people in this. Here's what I've got:
  8. I made a Shin Kazama F-8 skin the other day, is anyone still interested? Also, these post all seem old but I can't find the skins pictured here for download anywhere. Does anyone know of anything available for strikefighters in the Area 88 catagory?

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