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Files posted by Pancho

  1. Nothing Phoney About This War, Mate

    Can you beat Cobber Kain in the race to be Britain's first ace of WWII?
    Nothing Phoney About This War, Mate is an historically based portrayal of RAF fighter operations from Spring 1938 until Spring 1940. Missions are set in Egypt, Palestine, England, and France. You will fly scrambles, intercepts, strikes, and patrols in Gladiators and Hurricanes, facing Bf-109s, Bf-110s, He-111s, and Ju-88s, among others. You might even encounter the elusive He-113. While all missions are based upon historical circumstances, certain episodes explore plausible alternatives.
    You won’t fly the same missions every campaign, either. Random variants present the opportunity of facing variable opposition, even during actions where RAF pilots did not actually encounter enemy aircraft, such as routine patrols. There’s also a chance that you might not face any opposition, depending upon which variant mission the campaign engine selects at random -- this is the Phoney War, after all. Nearly every mission in the campaign has at least one or two alternatives. This offers a new prospect with each restart. Every campaign you play should be slightly different. You will fly 40 sorties, with a pool of some 130 alternate missions to draw upon.
    This campaign is intended for IL2: 1946 with the UltraPack 2.01 mod installed. No additional mods need be enabled other than those active by default in UP201.


       (1 review)



  2. Attrition War 67-73 VERSION 1.1

    *Version 1.1*
    This update lowers the intensity level from Version 1.0. Only enemy squadrons located nearest the border will be assigned missions. Supply has also been reduced for friendly and enemy squadrons. As a result, fewer enemy aircraft should appear in the air, better reflecting the limited nature of the historical conflict. Make no mistake, occasionally the campaign engine will generate large aerial engagements; this is historical, as well.
    Some base assignments have also been altered to better reflect historical positioning. In particular, IAF 101 Squadron has been moved to Bir Gafgafa on the Sinai Peninsula. The IAF maintained a Mirage detachment there throughout the Attrition War period; expect plenty of action along the Suez Canal.
    *The Campaign*
    This campaign depicts the situation in the Middle East as it stood between June 1967 and October 1973. Based on the stock WOI Yom Kippur campaign, it begins in July 1967 and ends in September 1973. When combined with “War for the Water” and “Golan Stalemate,” the player can begin in 1963 and fly a continuous nineteen-year IAF career.
    There will be no all-out air offensive; this is a long, limited conflict. Ground offensive has been disabled, so borders remain static. Supply is minimal, restricting the number of aircraft in the sky. Mission mix includes routine patrols punctuated by occasional strike missions into enemy territory. You may fly a maximum of fifty missions, roughly one every forty-five days.
    IAF fighter and strike squadrons start out with their historical aircraft, entering the campaign at the time they were activated. Some squadrons will upgrade both their livery and their aircraft type during the course of the campaign.
    The Soviets also make appearances in 1970 and 1971.
    *Unit Start Guide and Upgrade Path*
    -- 69 Squadron (1969): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
    -- 101 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)
    -- 102 Squadron (1968): A-4H Ahit --> A-4F Ahit (1972)
    -- 107 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak --> F-4E Kurnass (1971)
    -- 109 Squadron (1967): A-4H Ahit --> A-4F Ahit (1972)
    -- 110 Squadron (1968): A-4E Ahit (no upgrade)
    -- 113 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak --> Mirage 5 Nesher (1972)
    -- 115 Squadron (1969): A-4E Ahit (no upgrade)
    -- 116 Squadron (1970): A-4E Ahit (no upgrade)
    -- 117 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)
    -- 119 Squadron (1967): Mirage III C Shahak --> F-4E Kurnass (1970)
    -- 144 Squadron (1971): Mirage 5 Nesher (no upgrade)
    -- 201 Squadron (1969): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)


       (2 reviews)



  3. Golan Stalemate 74-82 Version 1.1

    *Version 1.1*
    This update lowers the intensity level from Version 1.0. Only enemy squadrons located nearest the border will be assigned missions. Supply has also been reduced for friendly and enemy squadrons. As a result, fewer enemy aircraft should appear in the air, better reflecting the limited nature of the historical conflict. Make no mistake, occasionally the campaign engine will generate large aerial engagements; this is historical, as well.
    *The Campaign*
    This campaign depicts rising tensions between Israel and Syria from 1974 through 1982. Based on the stock WOI Lebanon War campaign, it begins in April 1974 and ends in May 1982. Played in sequence with the stock WOI campaigns, “Golan Stalemate” allows for a continuous career from the start of the Yom Kippur War to the end of the Lebanon War. When combined with “Attrition War” and "War for the Water," the player can begin in 1963 and fly a continuous nineteen-year IAF career.
    There will be no all-out air offensive; “Golan Stalemate” is a long, limited conflict. You will face Syrian aircraft in and around the Golan Heights and Lebanon. Ground offensive has been disabled, so borders remain static. Supply is minimal, restricting the number of aircraft in the sky. Mission mix includes routine patrols punctuated by occasional strike missions into enemy territory. You may fly a maximum of thirty-six missions, roughly one every ninety days.
    IAF fighter and strike squadrons start out with their historical aircraft, entering the campaign at the time they were activated. Some squadrons will upgrade both their livery and their aircraft type during the course of the campaign.
    *Unit Start Guide and Upgrade Path*
    -- 69 Squadron (1974): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
    -- 101 Squadron (1974): Mirage III C Shahak --> Kfir C2 (1975)
    -- 102 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
    -- 105 Squadron (1975): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
    -- 107 Squadron (1974): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
    -- 109 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 --> Kfir C2 (1977)
    -- 110 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 --> F-16A Netz (1980)
    -- 113 Squadron (1974): Mirage 5 Nesher --> Kfir C2 (1976)
    -- 115 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
    -- 116 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
    -- 117 Squadron (1974): Mirage III C Shahak --> F-16A Netz (1980)
    -- 119 Squadron (1974): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
    -- 133 Squadron (1978): F-15A Baz (no upgrade)
    -- 140 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
    -- 141 Squadron (1974): A-4H Ahit 73 (no upgrade)
    -- 143 Squadron (1979): Kfir C2 (no upgrade)
    -- 144 Squadron (1974): Mirage 5 Nesher --> Kfir C2 (1978)
    -- 201 Squadron (1974): F-4E Kurnass (no upgrade)
    -- 253 Squadron (1976): Mirage 5 Nesher (no upgrade)


       (1 review)



  4. War for the Waters 63-67 VERSION 1.1

    *Version 1.1*
    This update lowers the intensity level from Version 1.0. Only enemy squadrons located nearest the border will be assigned missions. Supply has also been reduced for friendly and enemy squadrons. As a result, fewer enemy aircraft should appear in the air, better reflecting the limited nature of the historical conflict. Make no mistake, occasionally the campaign engine will generate large aerial engagements; this is historical, as well.
    *The Campaign*
    This campaign depicts intermittent border clashes that flared between Israel, Syria, Jordan, and Egypt from 1963 through 1967. These disputes began with disagreements over water rights in the region, slowly escalating into the Six Day War. Based on the stock WOI Six Day War campaign, “War for the Water” begins in August 1963 and ends in May 1967.
    Think of this campaign as a short prelude to the Six Day War. There will be no all-out air offensive; “War for the Water” is a limited conflict. You will face Syrian and Jordanian aircraft in and around the Golan Heights. There might be encounters with Egyptian aircraft near the Sinai Peninsula, as well. Ground offensive has been disabled, so borders remain static. Supply is minimal, restricting the number of aircraft in the sky.
    Mission mix includes routine patrols punctuated by occasional armed recon missions into enemy territory. You may fly a maximum of twelve missions, roughly one every hundred and twenty days. Played in sequence with the stock WOI campaigns, and combined with “Attrition War” and “Golan Stalemate,” the player can begin in 1963 and fly a continuous nineteen-year IAF career.
    *Unit start guide and upgrade path*
    -- 101 Squadron (1963): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)
    -- 117 Squadron (1963): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)
    -- 119 Squadron (1963): Mirage III C Shahak (no upgrade)


       (1 review)



  5. Second Marne / Hundred Days Offensive Campaign Pack

    This pack contains two campaigns for Third Wire Production’s flight simulator First Eagles: “Second Battle of the Marne” and “Hundred Days Offensive.” These campaigns portray events in the Verdun Sector during the German offensive and Allied counteroffensives between 15 July and 12 September 1918. Players can now begin their FE careers in mid-July rather than mid-September, covering the entire period when the USAS was equipped with the SPAD XIII.


       (3 reviews)




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