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Posts posted by ReiFukai

  1. Mod Man 50012 Flaming Cliffs Enabled

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    ModMan 50012 Flaming Cliffs Enabled, allows users to more or less "Safely" modify there Flaming Cliffs Enabled Lock On. Decided to send this up due to Loman incompatibility for flaming cliffs (especially with sound mods of all things). I had to hunt around quite abit to find this and felt it may be of use for those that still wish to diddle/tweak there Lomac/FC.


  2. Just for my reference what is the part number/manufacturer of your motherboard; I will take a minute and look up the onboard chipset and see if there are some things in the LoMac options (and or ModMan) extended options that will clear up your issue. It is possible that a setting in lomac for "distance to cloud render" is stepping on a memory allocation for something else. In which case by changing the distance vision for cloud render would fix it... just some food for thought.

  3. Just to be sure that its the stick and not the game, be sure your either in a fly by wire aircraft, or that you have your aircraft trimmed propperly. Also make sure your totally patched up; as the "smooth" option slider in 1.1 is broken on the axis, it is corrected in 1.12a available here.


    Official Flaming Cliffs DL Page



    I have to agree with Buzz, flight sticks are generally somthing of a personal preference... personally I started with CH products but found I was replacing them every year or so due to normal wear and tear... then again I try to put in a couple dozen hours a week on the sticks. Since then I have moved over to a Saitek X45, although the X52 looks like a nice second choice it dosn't offer (me) the same feel that the 45 does; as the 45 can have the spring set pretty tight and the 52 "felt" a little cheap. The STT programming software for the x45 works fairly well opening up quite abit of compatibility to alot of titles, plus mode selections exc exc... offering alot of keyboard functionality to the stick. I.E. for lomac I have an air to air mode, air to ground mode, and Air def/Nav mode which changes most every key bind on the stick with a flick of a toggle. Product support is not quite as good as the CH stuff, for example, to do a lomac setup you either have to hunt for a file, borrow one from someone here, or create your own (expect to take 2 hours to do this). There is some incompatibility with some titles that usually has to be patched out; due to the way its setup on the USB (dont want to go into it) but you see this on games like "planetside". As far as CH goes I am interested in picking up some of there rudder pedels before the end of the year. I think most will agree though that CH and Saitek both put out quality products, its a matter of options and what "feels" right to you, I would suggest a trip to Frys or Bestbuy and put your hands on some before you order/buy anything.

  4. Lets see if I can rummage some links that you may find interesting...


    Sim HQ Library o' Articles


    Wikipedia general info


    As far as Lomacs limitations in ordinance... and other aspects; thats just sorta how it is; for the purposes of the sim some things where left out such as (functional) AG radars, NATO/US laser guided munitions like the paveway series and GBU's. Your not the first to mention this, I recall some time ago there being some mod work/ discussion on adding some of these back into the game, (the AG radar most noteably). This for the most part works pretty well as there is not much of a call for any sorta precision bombing in the hog... honestly I can't rightly say I have even engaged a ground target above 10k feet in the 10'. and if I am going to be that high I am going to use CCRP bombing in a short interval ripple (drop em all) fashion, and call it a day. Of course that is going to depend on how hard core the AA/SAM installations are going to be at your target, how many wingmen I have to sacrifice, exc exc... of course if eagle dynamics keeps up with the expansions / add-ons, then we may well see precision ordinance NVG's for the 10's; and some other cool stuff. :ok:


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