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Posts posted by Sora

  1. Well let's see,


    Being allowed to live this long and being able to work happily with the job that I have for the past 31yrs, and counting. (YIKES! has it been that long?)

    My first and only house, playing with several different flight sims and last but not least, watching the NFL. :drinks:



    A simple world for a simple man

  2. No, I never heard of that one. That's odd.

    Is it gone from the screen saver selection list (switched to none) or does it just simply not activate although it says it should?


    Thankyou for the fast response Jedi Master, per your question, it says None on the screen saver. I hope this helps. Thanks again. Sora

  3. Greetings All,


    I was wondering if anybody has this issue. When ever I stop playing Strike Fighters P-1 or Wings over Vietnam or Wings over Europe, my screen saver gets turned off. It doesn't happens when I play IL-2 1946 or Lock On. Does anyone have this same situation? Best Regards, Sora

  4. is there any mod so i can get this beauty flying on my pc cos i have been looking for it so long time ago.... i would be great that some of te best demveloper from this comunity can make something like this. to everyone that read this topic lets joint forces and bring to live this baby...


    Here you go sir. http://www.zur-tech.com/default.htm


    Enjoy the flight, I know I do. It's not fully completed yet.



  5. No apalogies need here Tristan. I'm just gratefull for your help. If I'm gonna learn this, I'd better learn all I can about this sim, long way, short way, anyway.lol

    You may be right about the downloading thing, my rig ( computer ) will be going into the shop sometime this week. They will probably have it for about a week so if you don't see my responses, you know where I am.

    I have downloaded the patches from Third Wire website. Patches: 051506 & 071006 in that order.

    I'll look into 7-zip and try it out ( thanks for the address by the way ).

    I'll keep experimenting with the skins as soon as I get my rig ( computer ) back from the shop. It's passed due for a physical anyway.

    @ capun: I'll do somemore reading on this ( thanks for the link ).

    As a wise man once said: The Ox ( me ) is slow, but the Earth ( C.A. Forum Members ) is patient.

    Salute, Sora :ok:


    I think I'll just wait for your program Tristan. I checked with the knowledge base and I just can't seem to get the skins working. Sorry I took so long for a reply, my PC just came back from the shop. Been doing some reading but its like a first grader is reading college level material,lol. Best Regards, Sora :dntknw:

  6. I get the jibberish letters sometimes when I left-click on a file to download. I solve that by right-clicking and choosing the download command from the list, then things download just fine (at least for me).


    I don't know what to say about missing configuration files; there has to be a least a TextureSet.ini file in the package or the skin won't load. Might be a download thing, or a decompression thing; it's hard to tell from this end. Perhaps we need a talk-through to solve this problem.


    SP4 is the latest service pack for the SF-series games; WoE already has SP4 incorporated into it out-of-the-box. The place to check for the latest upgrades/patches is either here in the downloads section, or at:




    Make sure you download *all* the updates from Thirdwire, not just the SP4. And get the June 2006 build of Direct X 9.0 from Microsoft if you haven't already installed it or the April 2006 build.


    As for a decompression program, the one I recommend is a program called 7-zip. It's freeware, and you can probably download it from a number of different places. I downloaded my copy from:




    Sorry about giving you all of that jazz about manual configuration file editing. It's good that capun stepped up with his info. Modding should not be made more complicated than necessary. I know I already have enough to do with weps and flight model editing.


    Incidentally, I've been setting skin defaults by labeling my favorite skin [TextureSet001] and literally erasing the other [TextureSet] entries in the aircraft configuration file. The entries for the other skins will eventually reappear in the configuration file automatically, but with the favorite [TextureSet] at the top of the list. Wonderful. :good:

    No apalogies need here Tristan. I'm just gratefull for your help. If I'm gonna learn this, I'd better learn all I can about this sim, long way, short way, anyway.lol

    You may be right about the downloading thing, my rig ( computer ) will be going into the shop sometime this week. They will probably have it for about a week so if you don't see my responses, you know where I am.

    I have downloaded the patches from Third Wire website. Patches: 051506 & 071006 in that order.

    I'll look into 7-zip and try it out ( thanks for the address by the way ).

    I'll keep experimenting with the skins as soon as I get my rig ( computer ) back from the shop. It's passed due for a physical anyway.

    @ capun: I'll do somemore reading on this ( thanks for the link ).

    As a wise man once said: The Ox ( me ) is slow, but the Earth ( C.A. Forum Members ) is patient.

    Salute, Sora :ok:

  7. OK, capun, since you've picked up the ball here, maybe you ought to tell Sora how you designate a skin as a default skin, since he's probably wondering.

    Sorry for the late reply gentleman ( work and all, yuk! ).

    I've been downloading some skins from this sight and something strange is happening. I don't see the config. files when I open it. Some file's I've downloaded even has a strange one with all jiberish lettering in capitol letters. Is the zip file ( using windows zip ) I'm using the correct one? I know of some websites you have to download a RAR program to download there files. Thankyou for taking the time Tristan and Capun, I apreciate your patience and understanding here. If I understand this right, theres an SP4 program? Where have I been ( duh? ). @ Tristan- it's perfectly ok for me to learn your way too. Any help here is so greatly apreciated truly. Thanks again. Sora :haha:

  8. OK, I'm going to be a little meanie and give you an assignment, heh-heh. I want you to open the folder of one of your installed aircraft and locate the configuration file for me.


    You'll know it's the configuration file when, after you've scrolled to the bottom of it, you see a list of [TextureSet]s. Hint: this is a text file with a gear attached to it, a/k/a an "ini" file.


    Post back when you're done.

    Thanks for taking the time to advise me on this Tristan, here we go........

    I'm gonna use the A-4B aircraft.

    I see three files that looks like a note pad with a gear next to it.

    1st file: A-4B

    2nd file: A-4B_DATA

    3rd file: A-4B_LOADOUT

    I'm thinking it's the first file. Cause when I look inside it, there is a listing and came across the [TextureSet]

    So far so good,lol. :ok:

  9. Greetings all,


    I have been reading the instructions on changing the paint job on an aircraft.

    But I'm afraid that topic just flew right over my head,lol. ( pardon the pun )

    Maybe I have missed a few topics on this but it seems that the one's I've read are a little too, you could say complicated ( I have a very simple mind, or computer illiterate ). Files like ini,exe,CAT look foriegn to me. Is there a topic on skinning that is really easy to understand? Please excuse my ignorance. I knew I should have paid attention in school way back when,lol. Thankyou.

  10. Greetings all,

    Just wanna tell ya that I think this sim is just super. I've been flying props for awhile now and let me tell ya this sim rocks. It's a whole new ballgame.

    For the people involved in making the add-on's,skins,terrains,etc. My hat's off to you. :clapping:

    Well I got alot of reading to do and catching up. Also THANKS TO ALL who put up web links to this game. I know I can get alot of information there to help me out ( comes in really handy ).

    Keep up the awesome work! Best Regards..................Sora


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