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Posts posted by SpaceHogg

  1. I just had a great flight using the new F-101 B Voodoo with CAF 425th sqnd. Allouette markings, I took off from CFB Comox in the morning with a low cloud cover and medium percipatation, tower cleared me and I was off. Using radar the intercept mission began, set a course and go full tilt to target. I was able to intercept the Tu-95 Bear just off the coast of Vancouver BC, it was in and out of cloud cover at 13000 ft. made a few turns then climbed and maintain a 32000 ft. alt.

    I pulled up along side and intercept became escort, flying side by each, After 25 minutes of formation flying and escorting the big Tu-95 bear out and over the ocean it seemed now that he was heading in the right direction (away from the Canadian west coast) I broke patrern and proceded to radio Vancouver intl. and requested full stop landing.


    I took all these great screens along the way but...That was a pretty cool mission, pretty good flight, I own a few combat sim as well as MFS2000, 2002 & 2004, who needs combat flight sims...




    P.S. Can't wait for lomac demo next week.




    I did a couple of skins for the new model in 2002 & 2004....


    :arrow: :arrow: :idea:http://www.villagephotos.com/pubbrowse.asp...selected=444253

  2. Worked those settings out and still have the same problem :shock: I'm still flying it just is'nt the same without the engines running, I hear all out side noises but not my own engine??? maybe I need to find out what the sound file is called? maybe I need someone to send that sound file? :lol: i need to figure this out or i will be grounded till the crew fits my rig proper!! :D


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