Hi, new to flight sims. Just wanted to say hi. I have a Tracker IR 3 pro and waiting on the upgrade in the mail. 6DOF. The games i have are SFG, WOV, and WOE. My steppdad got me into flight sims but haven.t had any luck getting them to conect. So oh well. I opened all the ports on the routers but still no luck. I mostly play FPS with my team. Xpertwarriors in the TWL ladders. Im running XP w/ SP2, AMD FX-57, 2x XFX 7800GTX in SLI, 2GB Dual Chan. mem, 10,000 rpm 150GB HD, x-fi SB, and a 250GB 7200rpm HD. An help would be great. I wouldn't mind getting on and playing so big dogfights with you guys also. I do have Teamspeak and your server info.
Thanks Robert (ski.xw)