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Everything posted by jimcarrel

  1. DH2 - 14 Squadron - Available

    Great work! Seems that I can see a little "shine" on the fabric,,, goood stuff. Thanks for you work.
  2. Help with Hard Mode

    greetings, peter01. I also prefer flying in hard mode, although I never live long that way. It is a bit hard for me to completely enjoy most of these aircraft in "Hard". I'd rather put up with their wierdness, than see a cockpit all filled with "help graphics". I try it once in a while, but not for long. I guess I am hard headed. Most of the new planes have some real weird tendancies in Hard mode, since they are tuned for Normal mode. With the new Nieuport 28 I love the torque in hard mode. I used the Nieup on normal mode last night. To me it wasn't much fun, I had a long boring flight across front. No torque to speak of, didn't have to fly it much at all , just hit the right speed let go of the stick and she all but flys herself, plus I have to put up with those "helper graphics". Then there is the BristolM1c. I lose half of my flight , in hard mode, if I don't remember to get a lot of altitude right after take off. I could fly more in Normal mode and not lose them,,, but then again, my cockpit is filled with extra stuff I don't want. Not really griping mind you, I just like more of the stuff modeled in Hard Mode. The majority ofthe wonderful new planes are tuned for Normal. Just putting in my 2 cents on the subject. JimC.
  3. Nieuport 28

    To all of you that are working on this wonderful Nieuport 28, I'd just like to say that I for one, and I'm sure there are others,, have tremendously enjoyed being able to observe and watch the development of this aircraft. There has been a tremendous amount of aircraft added to this sim in a very short while. I'd like to praise and thank everyone who has worked at adding planes to our favorite pastime. The way you all working on the 28, that is, allowing all of us following to keep track of proceedings has been well appreciated. The best part of all of this is that the Nieup is in fact a great work of art, IMHO. Thanks again for all your efforts. Including, letting all of us observe the preceedings. Wonderful effort, JimC.
  4. Eyepoint View

    Catch, this is a quote from Tailspin, that I cut and paste, " Hi EmlD...Just a quick comment, its WILDCARD SATURDAY for the NFL. Took a quick spin and she's looking pretty good. The pilot position can be fixed by making the pilot position in the data.ini match the one in the cockpit.ini (cockpit.ini is the correct postition). " so your adjustments are plane specific, the cockpit ini and the data ini. as noted they should match Cheers, JimC..
  5. Eyepoint View

    Catch,, when you open up the cat extractor, directly to the right is a box with" ..... " in it , you click on that, it is a browse button You then direct it towards the third wire/WW1/objects folder then pick what you want to extract. you also find cat files in someother directories, like Flight, etc. What you trying to adjust is going to be plane specific, so you dont do it in the viewlist.ini file,,,, to the best of my knowledge that is global setting. By, the way, the extracted file is in the folder from which you found the cat that you wanted to extract. hope that helps a small bit. Cheers, JimC.
  6. Computer freeze

    Same thing I experianced last nite after patch, Actually that was the first time ever, that I had ALT=N'ed It locked comp. up tighter than a drum. I havn't tried it since. JimC.
  7. World War V mod?

    Great idea, You made me think of "Mad Max". What a deal that would be. Would be great if every one could throw together their own ride., 'course that is out of the question. Not to steal your thread or turn it in another direction, but if we had a world where two or more groups were building their own "airships" to obtain and guard rare petrol dumps. Fantastic notion. grviper. JimC.

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