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Everything posted by ThomasJ

  1. Hello, i've just got into strike fighters a few weeks ago. I suspect because of my vid card(mx420) i'm only able to patch to sp3. The newest weapons pack wont work either, i've downloaded twice and done numerous installs, and always get the missile.dll errors. Searching around i found a thread on SimHq from 2005 where someone with a similar problem was able to revert to an earlier pack and play without problems (jan 2005?). So i'm thinking the easiest thing would be to try some earlier weapons packs. Is there anyplace they're archived, or would someone be able to send me a zip ? Thanks
  2. It's in the GF 4 series, but the mx is really the cheapo card, inferior in many ways to a GF 3. I got Bob2 for christmas for example, and they list that it wont work with mx series cards but it will work with GF 3. Guess i'll have to suck it up until i can get a new vid card.
  3. Thanks, I had read that, that's why i was looking for a version compatible with sp3, i can't patch to sp4. I suppose i can manually add weapons when i download planes?

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