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Everything posted by foxmonter

  1. We need you.

    Español y portugues.... I don't think so.. al menos yo no entiendo un pepino.. jaja!
  2. Making a flight model for a TIE is a nice challenge... Landing Gears??? Aileron??? Rudder???... but... INI files is not my field, I know there is someone who can do it.
  3. Like you say bpao... time is short ! Cheers...
  4. We need you.

    I can help with spanish.. I'm from Argentina...
  5. A few past weeks my HD stop running... But good News !!!!! I can recover my data from my hard disk after hard work with recover programs. !!!! (Never made backups copies !!! a terrible mistake) Another HD... and I'm ready to go again !!!... The SV-51 is on mapping stage. I planned to made 3 skins, so far... See you!
  6. Macross comunity is big.. very big... and I never see a game based on macross saga for PC! Perhaps TK can be make a new engine for a game based on macross saga, a engine that can support space combat, gerwalk and batteroid mode, new animations, new weapons and a history to play in single player. My favorite is macross zero ! I love those sv-51 specially fighting against older f-14... JAJA too easy, no?
  7. I'm sure that when this mod come out.. is gonna be a lot of downloads... :fans:
  8. More images.! all renders from max. And a Wire view. Very complex, so far with weapons 10600 polys and still need to modelling the landing gears and vtol doors. Cheers.
  9. Excelent work. ! Thanks!
  10. CVS-101 Prometheus ... Source Draw. Carriers are comming... next the SLV-101 Deedalus (not a Valkyrie carrier only mechs) to fininsh the sdf-1.
  11. Sorry for the delay. A small help. A blueprint for russian AG missiles. Also I have another with AA missiles.. Cheers
  12. First preview Cockpit render.
  13. Pilot model. So far, the A,J,S and fast packs are made. Next.. the SV-51 and some carriers maybe I try to made a nice and complete mod, for that I don't release the models in separate ways.
  14. I don't know how to do that.... I think is not possible in the games.
  15. For my, modelling carry the most of time 1 or 2 hours by day (In good days), and then testing.. just 10 or 15 mins.! until crash...

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