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Everything posted by USAAF

  1. Neat! What is the status of details like the flight model, weapons bay, landing chutes, and other things? A beta release to play with until it is completely sorted out would be awesome!
  2. I can't get any of the Tu-22 Blinder aircraft available for download here to work in WOV. Am I missing some simple fix or is it more involved? Practically all of the other planes I've downloaded work fine, just the Tu-22 and the Tu-16 don't work when I tried them. I've installed the 5.15 and 8.30 updates from Thirdwire, if that helps. Thanks.
  3. I read somewhere here that the M2 and M3 versions of the Soviet Backfire bomber are in the works? If so, how are they coming along? Forgive me if I am being nosy, but that is a favorite plane of mine and I just was curious as to the progress.
  4. This will be neat to fly.... :-) I have a question though, what weapons was the XB-70 supposed to have actually carried in the production bomber version? I take it that it also had some kind of ejection mechanism to push the bombs/missiles out of the bomb bay at such high speeds to limit the possibility of damage to the plane?
  5. I could not find any of these aircraft as add-on downloads either on this site or any other, and I was wondering if anybody has made or knows where to get the following aircraft: -Tu-22M3 Backfire -Tu-160 Blackjack -B-1B Lancer -B-2 Spirit -SR-71 Blackbird (or maybe the YF-12 interceptor prototype?) -XB-70 Valkyrie I know some of these might be strange requests, but I am just wondering if anybody has made those planes. Thanks.

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