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Everything posted by graven

  1. Tried to add F-5E to WOE and it won't fly . Any help?
  2. When ever I hit Alt N my AC just blows up .Any input is Needed Thanks
  3. Well If I Alt N on a Recon I think I just git shot down by a Sam! All other missions no prob.
  4. Singel Mission ,Game Created
  5. ? Can anyone give me some info on LGB's in WOE . Every time I drop a GBU it just go's off some place and missis the target? Do I need a Latrain Pod on the AC?
  6. OK , Iv'e been droping them too close 2-3 nk
  7. ?? Are the Holes.tga's slave to the .lod or the Data.ini ?
  8. This is my sortof Mig cockpit If you want I'll upload the .bmp's
  9. OK ? So if I want to make a diffrent model of a aircraft (Say a Z99a into a Z99b) and I change all the .ini's ect. do I have to rename the the holes.tga's Keeping the stock Lod's and Bmp's
  10. Got the new F-5E Works fine ,Old F5 Is stuck in the runway
  11. Strange the Mig-28 version flys OK [Engine1] SystemType=JET_ENGINE InputName=THROTTLE_CONTROL EngineID=1 HasAfterburner=TRUE NumAfterburnerStages=4 SLThrustDry=14590 SLThrustWet=22240 ThrustAngles=0.0,0.0,0.0 ThrustPosition=-0.331,-0.47,0.00 ThrottleRate=0.5 NozzleAnimationID=9 IdleThrottle=0.10 IdleRPM=0.68 IdleNozzle=0.0 CruiseThrottle=0.37 CruiseRPM=0.82 CruiseNozzle=1.0 MilThrottle=0.65 MilRPM=1.00 MilNozzle=1.0 MaxThrottle=0.78 MaxRPM=1.00 MaxNozzle=1.0 FullABThrottle=1.12 FullABRPM=1.00 FullABNozzle=0.0 AltitudeTableNumData=10 AltitudeTableDeltaX=3048.0 AltitudeTableStartX=0.0 AltitudeTableData=1.000,0.802,0.634,0.496,0.381,0.288,0.206,0 .147,0.105,0.000 DryMachTableNumData=4 DryMachTableDeltaX=0.4 DryMachTableStartX=0.0 DryMachTableData=1.000,0.980,1.172,0.000 WetMachTableNumData=7 WetMachTableDeltaX=0.4 WetMachTableStartX=0.0 WetMachTableData=1.000,0.991,1.207,1.683,2.473,2.750,3.027 MaxInletTemperature=120 GyroscopicInertia= TSFCM0=0.860 TSFCM1=1.270 AfterburnerTSFC=1.930 MinFuelFlow=0.01 ExhaustEmitterName=F5ECleanExhaustEmitter ExhaustPosition=-0.331,-5.944,-0.0 AfterburnerNodeName=afterburner AfterburnerEmitterName=AfterburnerEmitter4 MinExtentPosition=-0.58,-5.907,-.21 MaxExtentPosition=-0.07,-5.700,0.22 FireSuppression=TRUE
  12. If I start in the air It won't gain arispeed, even at full AB, If I start on the runway it won't move at all. In the air I can get abought 135kn

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