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Everything posted by steelflanker

  1. Enjoyed flying a F-16A for the RDAF again today.
  2. I've had this too on the odd occasion.
  3. There you go, do as eburger68 says! My apologies for not noticing it was the A-6B & not the stock A-6A with the problem. Never the less, its an update thats still required. SF
  4. There have been numerous SF2 up dates since the Vietnam expansion pack was put together so there is a very good chance that those files are out of date. Back up your A-6 folder & update or replace them with the latest version using the Cat extractor . Its easy to do & certainly worth a try.
  5. Make sure you are not using an out of date _data.ini & _loadout.ini. If you made your A-6 flyable from an older mod good chance those files will need updating. SF
  6. Any PM that will look great in the cockpit would be most welcome. Looking forward to what you can come up with.
  7. I experimented with this a while ago but it ruined the planning maps in mission briefing screen. When I tried to match the scale of the planning map it was low rez & not much improvement over what we already have. None the less the few I tried out looked great in the pit even if they were of the wrong, scale & region. Something like this looks more realistic or at least better than the stock/standard pit maps.
  8. Best Terrains + Mods

    Stary, I am currently using your Baltic tiles in the European terrain & I'm loving it. I had to add & remove a few TGA files though to stop forests of power lines & road signs occurring though. I Could do with a Baltic tile GERMANYCE_DATA.ini..............hint, hint For me your Baltic tile set its the best by far but a 1024x1024 version of your previous tile set would be most welcome. My Europe with the Baltic tile set.
  9. Personalizing my viewlist & adding a few of Stary’s & PureBlue’s tweaks to it. I’ve added a working pannable weapons view that I used to use aged ago but it messes up the F12 Action Cam view. I’m seriously out of my depth when it comes to understanding how the viewlist works, so any suggestions on how I can get a panable F9 Weapons View with out breaking the F12 Action Cam would be gratefully received. Thank SF Here’s the old but working entry's I’ve used: Probably a lot of unnecessary & outdated entry's in there? [ViewClass011] ViewClassName=WeaponViewClass ViewType=TRACKING_VIEW ViewGroupID=4 DefaultView=FreeView AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=FALSE FOV=45.0 ObjectDistance=40 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=TRUE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=FALSE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE RememberAngle=TRUE RememberPosition=TRUE RememberFOV=TRUE TrackObjectPitch=FALSE TrackObjectYaw=FALSE TrackObjectRoll=FALSE LimitPitch=TRUE LimitYaw=FALSE ZoomFOV=FALSE ZoomScale=0.04 PanScale=0.00140 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=63550000.0 Acceleration=63510000.0 AngleRates=720.0,600.0,600.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinAngles=0.0,-100.0,0.0 MaxAngles=0.0,100.0,0.0 //distance to zoom MinObjectDistance=3.0 MaxObjectDistance=1200.0 OffsetDistance=0.0 ResetTime=5.5 [View024] ViewName=WeaponView ViewClassName=WeaponViewClass UpdateAlways=TRUE ViewGotoControl=GOTO_VIEW_WEAPON CycleNextControl=GOTO_VIEW_WEAPON CyclePrevControl=GOTO_VIEW_WEAPON ObjectFrom=SearchPlayerWeapon PositionOffsets=0.0,-15.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=0.0,-15.0,0.0
  10. My apologies PureBlue! Seems I didn’t pay enough attention when checking out your viewlist & that you have the pannable weapons view all sorted & working. Some how I miss this one..... [View033] ViewName=PB_WeaponViewAll And like you said, adding it as an additional view works with out upsetting the Action Cam. Could have saved myself a lot of head banging if I looked a little closer. Thanks for the reply & a fantastic view list too. SF
  11. We may not be able to refuel but we can rearm. In your Controls Default.ini add the following at the bottom of the [ControlSet001] section. REARM_WEAPONS=ALT+W It will rearm your missiles & bombs only though, guns, fuel, chaff & flare or any ordnance you have jettisoned won’t be replenished . Being a honest , steely eyed pilot like we all are, I’m sure you will always land & taxi to the arming bay before pressing ALT-W. :qt2: SF
  12. Thanks for the reply guys. I’d forgotten about this as the post disappeared down the form. lol Yes, that's the problem. It flickers back & forth as if it can’t decide what view to select. The weapons view works great though & you're able to pan & zoom as your missile or bomb makes it way to its target. I had a go at this but didn’t manage to get it to work. I’ll give it another go when I get home from work tomorrow. Any sugestions in the meantime would be welcome. Honestly I don' know? This is a copy & past I’ve kept from the first SFP1 series. I can't for the life of me remember who made it either. I’ve juts removed the CycleNextControl & its made no difference. This is a great little view mod & I hope we can get it working either as the standard F9 Weapon view or as an extra entry.
  13. Yeah, I think he just meant "new" as in new textures & ini changes. There are a few out there, most been up for ages when WOV came out & lod’s were we automaticley extracted along with any other files you wanted. I'm sure any 3D files would have been included out of ignorance or zipped up along with any other unnecessarys when making a package with no bad intentions.
  14. I’m always impressed how sexy the Hunter looks with two pairs of Sidewinders. Ultra cool. Liking that F-16 shot donjoshr1.
  15. Nice work fr3ds3n! Looking really nice. Wow..... where did that come form? I believe that fr3ds3n already said that he is creating all new textures & never once mentioned anything about including ThirdWire lods? I read fr3ds3n’s first post as an honest newcomer who's making what looks like a fantastic mod & just asking for a little help. Strange thing is that if anybody wants to get their hands on the WOV Intruder cockpit lod’s along with all relevant textures, there are plenty of mods hosted by Combat Ace that include them already.
  16. Been flying for the RDAF today.....
  17. Harrier GR.3’s & MiG-21’s tangle over Europe......... Absolutely loving this tile set!
  18. Stary, your European tile set is the best I have on my hard drive!! Keep doing what your doing with the new tiles, its excellent.
  19. Stary those tiles are just beautiful! Nice work.
  20. This is fantastic!! Keep experimenting & don’t give up.
  21. Going through my screenshots folder & this view seemed somehow familiar........ Then the childhood memories at the arcade & blowing all my pocket money on what was then for me the coolest game in the entire arcade came flooding back. It even had a throttle & stick! Nostalgia lol
  22. WIP

    Fantastic! It beats me why TK & his team couldn't give us a menu screen like that? That's defiantly going to be my front page when you release it kout.

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