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Everything posted by steelflanker

  1. Not to worry, I have found the correct entry’s managed to get it working. Panable F9 Weapon View for SF2 & SFP1 viewlist.Ini [ViewClass011] ViewClassName=WeaponViewClass ViewType=TRACKING_VIEW ViewGroupID=4 DefaultView=FreeView AllowFromDiffGroup=TRUE SnapView=FALSE InsideView=FALSE FOV=45.0 ObjectDistance=40 PitchControl=CAMERA_PITCH_AXIS YawControl=CAMERA_YAW_AXIS RollControl= ZoomControl=CAMERA_ZOOM_CONTROL JumpToViewSameGroup=TRUE JumpToViewDiffGroup=TRUE SmoothAngleTransition=FALSE SmoothPositionTransition=FALSE SmoothFOVTransition=TRUE RememberAngle=TRUE RememberPosition=TRUE RememberFOV=TRUE TrackObjectPitch=FALSE TrackObjectYaw=FALSE TrackObjectRoll=FALSE LimitPitch=TRUE LimitYaw=FALSE ZoomFOV=FALSE ZoomScale=0.04 PanScale=0.00140 MinSpeed=100.0 MaxSpeed=63550000.0 Acceleration=63510000.0 AngleRates=720.0,600.0,600.0 FOVRate=60.0 MinAngles=0.0,-100.0,0.0 MaxAngles=0.0,100.0,0.0 //distance to zoom MinObjectDistance=3.0 MaxObjectDistance=1200.0 OffsetDistance=0.0 ResetTime=5.5 [View024] ViewName=WeaponView ViewClassName=WeaponViewClass UpdateAlways=TRUE ViewGotoControl=GOTO_VIEW_WEAPON CycleNextControl=GOTO_VIEW_WEAPON CyclePrevControl=GOTO_VIEW_WEAPON ObjectFrom=SearchPlayerWeapon PositionOffsets=0.0,-15.0,0.0 AngleOffsets=0.0,-15.0,0.0
  2. Harrier Winter Camo v1.1



    Here is my attempt at giving the stock Wings Over Europe Harrier GR3 a Winter Colour Scheme. My aim was to try and recreate the RAF Winter Exercise Camouflage used by No 1 SQN in the early 80’s. It is not authentic or accurate but achieves the desired effect any way. There are two colour schemes RAFWinter Camo 1 & RAFWinter Camo 2 one just the reverse of the other . Enjoy Update v1.1 24-10-08 --------------- Colour corrections to the air intakes & slightly smoother textures.
  3. http://forum.combatace.com/index.php?autom...ode=sst&id=4253 File Name: Enhanced Stock Weapons Skins File Submitter: steelflanker File Submitted: 6 Mar 2007 File Updated: 6 Mar 2007 File Category: Weapons Mods/Skins Enhanced Stock WOE Weapons Skins. -------------------------------------------- THESE SKINS ARE FOR THE STOCK WEAPONS ONLY. DON’T INSTALL IF YOU ARE RUNNING ANY OF THE WEAPONS PACKS I have attempted to enhance some of the stock weapons skins. They are not accurate and only meant to achieve a better look. To Install copy the weapons folder to your …………\Wings Over Europe\Objects folder. If you don’t like them just remove the weapons folder. They should also work with WOV or SFP1 patched up to (v08.30.06) Enjoy SF Click here to download this file
  4. Version


    Enhanced Stock WOE Weapons Skins. -------------------------------------------- THESE SKINS ARE FOR THE STOCK WEAPONS ONLY. DON’T INSTALL IF YOU ARE RUNNING ANY OF THE WEAPONS PACKS I have attempted to enhance some of the stock weapons skins. They are not accurate and only meant to achieve a better look. To Install copy the weapons folder to your …………\Wings Over Europe\Objects folder. If you don’t like them just remove the weapons folder. They should also work with WOV or SFP1 patched up to (v08.30.06) Enjoy SF
  5. File Name: WOE Landing Lights v1.1 File Submitter: steelflanker File Submitted: 18 Nov 2006 File Updated: 20 Nov 2006 File Category: SF Object Mods This adds landing lights to the flyable aircraft for Wings Over Europe patched up to v08.30.06. It includes landing lights for the following aircraft. A-10A, AV-8A, F-4C, F-4D, F-4E, F-4F, F-4M, F-15A, F-100D ,F -105D , HarrierGR1 ,HarrierGR3 & Hunter FGA Mk.9. I have done the best I can with the light positioning especially with some of the aircraft that don’t have their landing lights modelled such as the A-10A but they look close enough and have the desired effect any way. Update v1.1 20.11.06 Landing Light for the Hunter FGA Mk.9 now included. Enjoy SF Click here to download this file
  6. WOE Landing Lights v1.1



    This adds landing lights to the flyable aircraft for Wings Over Europe patched up to v08.30.06. It includes landing lights for the following aircraft. A-10A, AV-8A, F-4C, F-4D, F-4E, F-4F, F-4M, F-15A, F-100D ,F -105D , HarrierGR1 ,HarrierGR3 & Hunter FGA Mk.9. I have done the best I can with the light positioning especially with some of the aircraft that don’t have their landing lights modelled such as the A-10A but they look close enough and have the desired effect any way. Update v1.1 20.11.06 Landing Light for the Hunter FGA Mk.9 now included. Enjoy SF
  7. File Name: A-10A Hog's Teeth Nose Art v1.1 File Submitter: steelflanker File Submitted: 3 Nov 2006 File Updated: 7 Dec 2006 File Category: A-10 Skins I made some small changes to some skins for the stock Wings Over Europe A-10A . It includes a brighter USAF Euro I skin with ‘Hogs Teeth nose art’ & USAF MASK-10A Gray with ‘Hog's Teeth nose art‘. This creates separate skins in your A-10A folder so none of your original skins will be affected. Enjoy SF Update v1.1 09.11.06 Now Includes USAF MASK-10A Gray with ‘Hog's Teeth nose art‘. Click here to download this file
  8. Not sure what you did for that to happen.? Always backup any files or folders you plan to modify. In this case your stock A-10A folder. If you copy the USAFgreen3 folder form the download into your stock A-10A folder it should work fine and not interfere with any of your original skins. It should look like this when you are done. ………\Wings Over Europe\Objects\Aircraft\A-10A\USAFgreen3 If you have any trouble or don’t want to use the new skin anymore just delete the USAFgreen3 folder and you will be back to normal. Hop you get it up and running. SF
  9. Hi WDH Do your three stock A-10 skins still work? Try deleting the USAFgreen3 folder and downloading and installing the skin again. SF
  10. Yes I agree. "A face only a mother could love" Was the caption for one of the photos I found on the net looking for good pics of this nose art. SF
  11. Version


    I made some small changes to some skins for the stock Wings Over Europe A-10A . It includes a brighter USAF Euro I skin with ‘Hogs Teeth nose art’ & USAF MASK-10A Gray with ‘Hog's Teeth nose art‘. This creates separate skins in your A-10A folder so none of your original skins will be affected. Enjoy SF Update v1.1 09.11.06 Now Includes USAF MASK-10A Gray with ‘Hog's Teeth nose art‘.
  12. Adding Trees

    It took me ages to find this mod. Fortunatly I saved the link. SF http://www.sfmods.com/files/WOV_trees.zip
  13. File Name: Harrier Winter Camo v1.1 File Submitter: steelflanker File Submitted: 23 Oct 2006 File Updated: 11 Feb 2007 File Category: AV-8 Harrier Here is my attempt at giving the stock Wings Over Europe Harrier GR3 a Winter Colour Scheme. My aim was to try and recreate the RAF Winter Exercise Camouflage used by No 1 SQN in the early 80’s. It is not authentic or accurate but achieves the desired effect any way. There are two colour schemes RAFWinter Camo 1 & RAFWinter Camo 2 one just the reverse of the other . Enjoy Update v1.1 24-10-08 --------------- Colour corrections to the air intakes & slightly smoother textures. Click here to download this file
  14. File Name: Harrier Grey Camo v1.1 File Submitter: steelflanker File Submitted: 7 Oct 2006 File Updated: 11 Feb 2007 File Category: AV-8 Harrier Here is my attempt at giving the stock Wings Over Europe Harrier a modern grey look. Its not authentic or artistic as I only made some colour changes. I hope you like it anyway. Instructions in the read me file. SF Update v1.1 24-10-06 -------------------- New all grey 'Wrap-around' textures with a over all smoother cleaner look. Click here to download this file
  15. Harrier Grey Camo v1.1



    Here is my attempt at giving the stock Wings Over Europe Harrier a modern grey look. Its not authentic or artistic as I only made some colour changes. I hope you like it anyway. Instructions in the read me file. SF Update v1.1 24-10-06 -------------------- New all grey 'Wrap-around' textures with a over all smoother cleaner look.

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