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Everything posted by suhsjake

  1. If you where to use the weapons pack for WOE and earlier, then you have to open and save the weaponsdata.ini with the new weapons editor, the FM system is updated, the terrian is updated. I would keep WOE and WOI addons separate along with the installs until the new patch for SFP1, WOV, and WOE comes out.
  2. Try adjusting these areas of the object data Example from Stinger Site: [DetectSystem] TargetType=AIR DataLink=FALSE OpticalSight=TRUE NightSight=TRUE VisualRange=4500.00 <---------------------- ;2000.0 ViewportPosition=0.0,0.0,2.30 MaxVisibleDistance=2500.0 <----------------------- RadarCrossSection=1 [WeaponSystem] TargetType=AIR MissileRange=6500.00 <------------------------------------ MinMissileRange=100.00 <------------------------------------ PitchAngleRate=8 MaxPitch=80.0 MinPitch=10.0 ;15.0 works ;0.0 DefaultPitchAngle=30.0 YawAngleRate=30 YawLimited=FALSE MinYaw= MaxYaw= DefaultYawAngle=0 MissileLaunchTime=19.5 ;10.5 YawModelNodeName=Body PitchModelNodeName=StingerL I don't know about the VL launch system. The missile engine would have to be more powerful than an average sam. The only problem is that the VL would require a new ship model, as it would blow up the boat. Maybe talk to Hinchinbrooke.
  3. GTA IV

    Waiting for the pc version.
  4. Check your Stinger or SA-7 data for this section: [Missile] SystemType=MISSILE MissileID=1 WeaponTypeName=SA-7 WeaponPosition=0.16,-0.10,1.4 ShowMissile=TRUE <-------------------This must say TRUE in order for them to fire. IndependentPitchMovement=FALSE
  5. File Name: Arab F-16's for WOI File Submitter: suhsjake File Submitted: 26 Apr 2008 File Category: F-16 and Mitsubishi F-2A These are new Arab F-16s containing and EAF Blk.15 and the RJAF Blk.15 ADF. Please read the read me because you need the original Mirage Factory F-16A ADF and F-16A Blk.15 BAF. FOR WOI ONLY --------------------- Credits --------------------- The Mirage Factory - F-16A Blk.15 BAF The Mirage Factory - F-16A Blk.15 ADF F.M. Update - Kreelin ravenclaw_007 - Skins The Wrench - Weapons Modifications for the EAF ----------------------- Also, Here's a link to Kreelin's new TMF F-16 FM's http://kreelin.free.fr/ Click here to download this file
  6. What Are You Paying For Gas...

    Northern California Diesel - $4.25 (cheapest in town) Gas Regular - $3.95 (cheapest in town)
  7. Theirs a couple of F4Us at http://www.checksix-fr.com/.
  8. The Five year mark is if he builds a new engine. One man, a new engine takes a long time.
  9. Its too early to perceive TK's next sim. I bet a new one will come in about 2-5 years.
  10. Looks good, Can't wait. Does WOI have the new prop stuff like in First Eagles?
  11. Good Ship mate. Can't wait to see more.
  12. This will mess with your mind

    My math teacher told me his, and for the life of me, I can't remember what happened to the other dollar.
  13. A-3 Where?

  14. P-38

    Yeah, I'm 99% sure that its in Wolf's WWII Aircraft pack.
  15. So far no luck on the MF F-16 Flight characteristics. The only problem is the alierons, slats, and elevator flutter when auto pilot is engaged and on the AI aircraft. Anyone have any more progress?
  16. I've got a mod pack just about to go with a Jordanian ADF (MF ADF) and a temporary Egyptian Blk.15 (Blk15 w/ drag chutes until the MF release a regular Blk.15). I got them mostly working. Now I'm adjusting the AI flight characteristics. They should be up by the mid or end of the week (INI mods only) and will include your fixes and weapons wrench.
  17. Why Julhelm do you tease me with such great work. Keep it up. (and I expect to see it in two weeks ).
  18. I'd use the YAP Oriskany as it is more updated, but Capuns should also work.
  19. ARMA Woes

    It usually means that a BIS .pbo is broken, missing, deleted, etc. or your graphics card can't support it. Make sure you have the latest direct x version, and latest graphics drivers. By the way, what kind of card do you have?
  20. I believe he means Capuns, as the YAP one you have to pay for.
  21. everytime I try to post his link, it drops and L or and E. So use streakeagles site.
  22. http://mysite.verizon.net/streakeagle/SFP1Links.html Far Right, 3rd one down.

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