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Everything posted by suhsjake

  1. hard drive advice

    Caviar Blue are orentated towards mainstream computer use. Caviars Blacks are for enthusiast, performance, and IT users and have close to double the speed of the Blues depending on model plus better customer support. As for warranties, I think all HD Manufactures switched to 3 and 1 year warranties after the Thailand floods. I haven't caught up on my reading material though.
  2. hard drive advice

    As a computer technician and working with hard drives everyday, WD hands down for mechanical and OCZ for SSD. To test if your current drive is going out, use this and run a full error scan and look for bad sectors. Most times, loud noise isn't indicative of the HDD going out. When you start it up and hear click click is when you want to worry.
  3. Yes please. Make it easier for us who are lazy and not good with math.
  4. Neato, kinda looks like a Yak-15/17 with tip tanks.
  5. Meanwhile in Texas....

    It is not a bad field to get into and IT is in high demand in the civilian world. Thankfully though, I am an 11B for the Guard and an IT Tech in my civilian career, I get the best of both worlds. So where are they shipping you to?
  6. Instead of banning the poor soul (unless he had malicious intent), just disable the mod download until everything is sorted out/corrected then issue an infraction. Accumulate to many infractions, temporary ban, if it persists, then permaban.
  7. U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

    Two Arleigh Burke Class Destroyers, USS Laboon and USS McFaul, are also enroute to Libya.
  8. U.S. Envoy to Libya, Killed in Attack

    This is totally unacceptable. Why don't we have the 6th Fleet heading to Africa? Everything seems to be going pretty badly across North Africa and the Eastern Med. In response, the only thing the Government is doing is deploying 50 F.A.S.T. Marines to Benghazi. What the hell is 50 Marines (no offense Marines) going to do against 3,000+ Angry Protesters. It seems like we are sending these men in to a bad situation that is only going to get worse. My thoughts are with the families of the four dead, especially Christopher Stevens' family, as he fought diplomatically for the damn Libyans so they could enjoy freedom from repression. R.I.P. to the two Marines. Semper Fi!
  9. No worries, between you with the F-5A and Centurion with the A-37 (I love my little fighters), I am going to be coming back to SF2.
  10. Muy bien. I can't wait to play with this beautiful bird.
  11. NOEZ!!!!! But now that you know how to make it, you can make it even better. Between this and the F-5A, I might have to buy SF2:NA and reinstall the other games. I didn't know you mad models for ArmA. Where you affiliated with a group?
  12. I have the EVGA 560TI 448 Core Classified Edition and it has three fans, plus the four case fans, and I can't hear it in my studio apartment. Any of the 560TI's are very good mid range card and are built for the casual gamer like you and I (ArmA once a week, FSX, WoT, and FIFA12. I do not like ATI so I do not know much about them.
  13. As the topic says, I am looking for a good racing game. I have my rally car fix with Dirt and Dirt 2, but I would like a hard track based game. I wish they made Forza Motorsport for PC, but Microsoft sucks, and they won't port it over. I prefer more common like Mustangs and Subarus over Super Cars, Hyper Cars, and F1 Cars. No NASCAR. I prefer realism over arcade, and I love tweaking my vehicle with new parts and stuff like that. Pointers appreciated.
  14. Syria massacre: UN team reaches Qubair village

    My apologies for misunderstanding you both. I'm just tired of the world viewing the US as the World Police. Let the Middle East sort out their own issues, they need to step up and take the lead in their region. Speaking of the U.N, Mr. Nutty himself (Glenn Beck), just interviewed Ami Horowitz on his new documentary.
  15. Syria massacre: UN team reaches Qubair village

    So let me get this straight, you want Western Troops in Syria to be a police force. You do realize a good majority of foreign insurgents in Iraq came from Syria and a majority of the Middle East has a pretty low opinion of the West. If you want to send the police force, let the Arab League do it. I personally wouldn't want to go, especially in a blue helmet where rules of engagement prevent me from protecting my buddy. I'm sorry, but most of Western Troops are burnt out from a long conflict in Afghanistan and Iraq, and in the current credit crunch, no one has the monetary funding to actually do something about it other than sanctions. Forget about China and Russia, they are interventionist, and only intervene when it threatens their profits.
  16. I just need to buy an Xbox 360.
  17. We lost Newkirk aka Richard Dawson

    RIP to a very funny guy. I loved him on Hogans Heroes.
  18. Not a Job I would relish!

    Off day that day I see.
  19. Secret Service Serviced by Service Professional

    At least they have good taste. Just don't marry any Colombian woman, they have a few screws loose.
  20. Nvidia 301.24 Beta Drivers Available Now

    I have been running the WHQL 301.10 with modified inf file on my EVGA Classified 560 TI 448 no problems. FXAA and dynamic Vysnc on ArmA are amazing.
  21. RED BULL F1 1st laps at Austin TX US GP track

    I know where I am going to be along with the San Antonio Scorpions. Busy year for me.

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