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Everything posted by suhsjake

  1. Once again, you have created a beautiful terrain. GREAT WORK!
  2. Nice. I have been waiting for this to come. Keep it up.
  3. Who said that we were really going to use it. It would have been a great NATO and export aircraft. It was designed to be cheap, fast, and easy to maintain. It probably would have been upgraded to carry more armaments.
  4. I believe a early 50's campaign is coming out in the next version of NATO Fighters. Unsure though, will talk to C5.
  5. US Release In Stores!

    I reserved mine, but don't get it until next week. Tarns!
  6. Spotted an A-10

    My school ocassionally gets buzzed by T-38 talons from Beale AFB. They go to fast and I can't get a picture. I have only seen a RQ-4 Gobal hawk once as well as the U-2.
  7. File Name: NF-5A Freedom Fighter File Submitter: suhsjake File Submitted: 25 Apr 2007 File Category: F-5 The NF-5A Freedom Fighter is the Netherlands Version of the Canadair CF-5A. Brought to you by: The Mirage Factory - Orginal aircraft suhsjake - compiler and weapons specialist RavenClaw_007 - Skins and Graphics Kristen - New FM Click here to download this file
  8. File Name: USAF MiG-15 "616" File Submitter: suhsjake File Submitted: 25 Apr 2007 File Category: Mig-15 This is the USAF MiG-15 Testing skin. This aircraft was surrendered at the end of the war by a North Korean pilot. Brought to you by: Pasko - Orginal Aircraft suhsjake - Skin Click here to download this file
  9. Version


    This is the USAF MiG-15 Testing skin. This aircraft was surrendered at the end of the war by a North Korean pilot. Brought to you by: Pasko - Orginal Aircraft suhsjake - Skin
  10. Douchebag of the day

    UPDATE: 4/24/07 He went to court yesterday and he entered a NOT GUILTY plea. Can you believe that! Unbelievable.
  11. Douchebag of the day

    Missed what? Oh that, a guy running around Yuba City and Marysville with a gun, bombs, and poison. But I got a question, what in world are you going to do with poison. I could see some guy running around saying poison poison like a roll player. But serously, I am happy that he is in jail. Currently, he has a million dollar bail set agianst him, and I'm pretty sure that he isn't going anywhere any time soon. Also, The schools knew about it the night before, but didn't do anything to lock down the schools earlier. My school didn't go on lock down until 10 a.m. and they didn't notify any students. Once the school went on lock down, 3/4 of my school left.
  12. Any Photographers Here?

    For Moving objects Camera settings tutorial At night use a slow shutter speed if there isn't enough light, but if there is a large light source (i.e. after burners) use a standard setting. as for the sun, safest thing to do is to stand with it behind you, unless you get really good at the shutter and apertures settings. I took a class in my high school my freshman year and I have forgot a few things.
  13. Douchebag of the day

    He just turned himself into the Sutter County Sheriffs Office with his laywer. His laywer says that it was a joke that got out of hand. Schools remain closed tomarrow as it is also the anversery of Columbine and to give us a day to cool. Will give more info in the morning.
  14. Douchebag of the day

    He stated that he wanted to commit sucide by cop. Also, they say that he is on drugs or something like that. I just got a call and all schools are cancelld in my county.
  15. Douchebag of the day

    Thanks to him, I have been on lock down in my school for most of the day. Half the school, no 3/4 of my school left at break, and all schools in Yuba and Sutter County are closed tomarrow. Yuba City P.D., Sutter County Sheriffs, Marysville P.D., CHP, and other agencies have been looking for him. The occasional CHP helo flys by. Let me tell you something, being on lock down for four hours sucks. At least we only had to go for a half day and school is cancelled tomarrow, but I get to clean my house instead.
  16. FS2004 UltraLight Aircraft

    simviation.com has a few ultra lights under props. I know FSX has some really good free ultra lights also found at simviation.com
  17. I'm Definately Buying this one. A very beautiful aircraft. Now I am going to have a good Banshee flying off my HMCS Bonaventure. Great Work guys
  18. Maybe form a team to update the weapons pack. I did be happy to help.
  19. I could never figure it out either. I downloaded this and rebuilt it from there. SuperFortress Pack by Howling1
  20. Download the F-5E Tiger II by MF (the F-5F uses the F-5E effects and sounds). The F-5F was my first modifcation and not the best. I probably need to update it. F-5E Download
  21. After the relase of the Netherlands skins for the F-5A by Ravenclaw, I repainted several textures for the tanks. Is there away to use the current tanks and rename them for use with the new textures with out having to create new ones. Thanks
  22. I hexed edited the the F5C_TKLW, F5C_TKRW, and F5C_TKW models and could only find two entries for the .bmp file on the wing tip tanks and one for the centerline tank. I have all the weapons data correct and added it via Weapons editor. I'm pretty sure I did something wrong. Could use some help here. Or Am I just retarted and can you do it an easier way.
  23. Hex Editing it works right. Cause I found the skin name while I opened it. Any Guide lines to follow while hex editing the texture name?

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