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Everything posted by suhsjake

  1. Try ebay or amazon. They're your best bet.
  2. I have modified the F-5E Tiger II by Marage Factory and turned it into a German verson, the F-5F Kleiner Tiger. Do I need to obtain there permission to release it or if I give the right people credit in the read me, will that be enough. I don't want to make anybody mad. Thanks, suhsjake
  3. I will be releasing it tomarrow at lunch. Regards, suhsjake
  4. Its the same model, just modded to go faster, squadron, numbers, and other fun stuff. Thanks for letting me release this a screen they now carry a sparrow and four sidewinders and goes 20-30 kts faster
  5. It says nothing about restrictions but I will try to contact them. The only thing I really did was modified the data file, modified the skins, added decals, and load outs for it. Thanks (Nice to see another Californian)
  6. Okay, I have made several German Airforce Skins for the F-5E by The Marage Factory. I used the base skin from the Swiss and modified it to look German. I am trying to use the F-4 numbers but they aren't working. I only get numbers on one side and they don't change from AF 163. WGGrey.zip
  7. Does any one know where the MiG-28 Pilot skin is at for download. Also, is there a 70's - 80's german pilot skin anywhere. Now one more question, how do you work on decals? do you use alpha layers to make them work. I am working on an F-5E skin for the German Lufftwafa and a verson of the F-5 which will eventually become the F-5J Kleiner Tiger (Little Tiger in German). Thanks, suhsjake
  8. I was wondering if anybody has done the aggressor skin for the F-5C Skoshi. Thanks, suhsjake
  9. Okay, I downloaded the F-5A and F-5E II from Column 5. I have also downloaded the Aggressor Blue from here but it won't work on either of them? Any suggesstions? suhsjake
  10. I just have a few questions about modding the ground objects in a campaign. I have downloaded Kressubut's back to the 80's US military pack 1. Can you have more than one type of unit in a ground attack, instead of just tanks vs. tanks? 2. Can they have upgrades like the jets? Thanks, suhsjake
  11. I cannot find the GroundObject_Data.ini. I know its in a .cat file but I have looked in every one. Much apprecated suhsjake
  12. I am having diffculties adding the A-26B Done by capun and his team-friend-colliueges. I have edited the Rolling Thunder campaign data. I wind up with a unit that I don't want. I wind up the TFS Foxy Few with the F-105 Thud. I will post my Campaign code if someone would could edit it. I don't know what I did wrong. Greatly appreciative suhsjake P.S. followed campaign tutorial in the knowlodege section. RollingThuderData.zip
  13. Isn't the name of the skin in the silver skin folder. I found an ini file that said something about texture and so I changed it to that. I am still hammering it out. I will probably contact you when I get home. I am in animation class right know. Regards, suhsjake
  14. I gave it a shot. Now instead of giving me a different unit, it know crashes the caimpaign. But I think that it has to do with the weapons pack. My main computer crashed yesterday and I have to take in to get serviced. I am working on my laptop and its time to redownload the weapons pack. Thanks for the help suhsjake
  15. I did change the end service date to 1975 (just to be safe) and editied the other date. I still get that stupid 12th TFS Foxy Few Squadron (which is the first USAF unit on the list in the Campaign data). Thanks for the advice though. I am trying hard to work on coding. Regards, suhsjake
  16. I am looking to see if someone has done the Douglas B-26K Vietnam era Light bomber, and if so, a link would be very nice. But..... If nobody has done it, I would very much appreciate if someone could build it, maybe, PLEASE. Thanks, suhsjake Just some stuff I found that might be useful SPECIFICATIONS: Span: 71 ft. 6 in. Length: 51 ft. 7 in. Height: 19 ft. Weight: 38,314 lbs. maximum Armament: Eight .50 cal. nose guns, eight wing pylons capable of carrying 8,000 lbs. of mixed ordnance, and 4,000 lbs. of bombs internally Engines: Two Pratt & Whitney R-2800-52Ws of 2,500 hp (maximum with water injection) Crew: Two Cost: $577,000 PERFORMANCE: Maximum speed: 323 mph/281 knots Range: 2,700 statute miles/2,346 nautical miles Service ceiling: 30,000 ft. Douglas B-26K Counter Invader
  17. I will try that. I found the main data in the mission data folder. But, I added the A-26B squadron, but I get a ramdom unit that I can't do anything with including the loadout.
  18. Okay, I am trying to modify the stock campaign for WOE. I can't find the Data file for it. I think it is in the flight folder but its in a security catelog. How do I get into it, or what editor do I need to download. Your help much appreciated, suhsjake (the noob to modding WOV and WOE)
  19. I must appologize. I never meant to be rude. Thanks for being helpful. I am a modder of CNC generals, and I am messing around with WOE right now to get the B-26B in the campaign and modify it. Thanks Everybody. suhsjake
  20. I was also wondering...... How to you add a squadron (I want to add the A-26B) to one of the stock campaigns? I want to add a squadron so I can bomb North Vietnam.

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