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Everything posted by suhsjake

  1. Anti Virus software

    Avast replaced AVG Gold on mine. http://www.avast.com...ivirus-download I also run malwarebytes once a week.
  2. From pictures, it looks like the BK-27 is smaller and more compact than the DEFA. I think it would be reasonable to use the BK-27, just post 1976.
  3. 10 year old joins army

  4. No worries and thanks for the response Dave. Always appricative of Eriks hard work. Without him, CA wouldn't be what is today.
  5. I am sure they are not done yet, but the layout is a bit annoying at the present time. Also Erik, are you planning on breaking down the SF2 section similar to the SF1 section. It definitely needs and organizational update.
  6. Thank you very much sir, I have been waiting for this for a long time.
  7. Pretty sure it is from Pasko way back in the day. Same dudes are seen on his KS-19s and KS-30s in the Euro Skin pack.
  8. Newbie Help.

    http://combatace.com/forum/99-thirdwire-woewoiwovsf-1-knowledge-base/ Some of that is still relevant, and should help out abit.
  9. Newbie Help.

  10. http://combatace.com/files/file/9385-better-widesky-for-sf2-series/ http://combatace.com/files/file/11363-cloudscape-v3-two-skies/
  11. OT-Memory Check

    Firstly, they need to be the same brand, model, and capacity. Doesn't mean it you can't use two different sets of sticks entirely, but it will cause problems in the long run. If you are running Windows XP 32bit, it will only support 4GB with only 3.67ish GB usable if I recall. Windows XP 64bit can support theoretically 128GB of RAM. Games that are memory intensive will benefit (meaning they pull information into RAM from the HD as well as writing it from the RAM to the HD), but in most cases, it will be only a slight increase. Load times will decrease, a few FPS increases, and a bit smoother game play, but not much else.
  12. Thank you Stary for the updated Realistic Effects sir. I can't wait for them.
  13. Probably A8M pre '62 then A-8 post '62.
  14. That Marineflieger Skyray looks awesome. Please release sir.
  15. NEW rifle

    CETME is the original developed by Vorgrimler, Heckler, and Koch while they were in Spain (they fled Germany shortly before the end of WWII). They eventually brought the CETME back with them into Germany in the mid 50's after the Belgians wouldn't sell the rights to produce the FN FAL in Germany (called the G1 in W. German use) for local production. Thus the G3 became the main battle rifle of W. Germany, with some minor mods of course. Original G3's used similar wood furniture to that of the CETME, but then moved on to the plastic/fiberglass simline hand guard. The wide hand guards were adopted later on in its life, but were seen issued on marksman rifles as they had the cuts for the bipod to fold into while the sim line did not.
  16. NEW rifle

    If it is a CETME, go for classic slim line hand guards. Very sexy. If it is a G3, the wide hand guard is much better than the slim. Classic OD is the best. http://www.robertrtg.com/pofg3widegreen.html http://www.robertrtg.com/g3.html I wish I had the money to actually get one. They are very nice rifles.
  17. Hey Dave, are you planning the 149th FW?
  18. Americas hardest Prison

    Welcome to Umerika where reality TV is king and people are slowly becoming dumber.
  19. Some Disturbed, Def Leppard, Queen, Moby, etc. As long as it keeps pace, no slow country songs while dog fighting.
  20. Gaming laptop?

  21. Snowpocalypse 2011

    Don't worry. My Guard unit was already alerted.
  22. Playstation Portable 2 Revealed by Sony

    I used a PSP for about two years. It just was not comfortable, so I went back to playing my DS (Nintendo does hand held systems better). Now I have a netbook that has a PSX emulator and DOS Box.
  23. Happy Birthday CrazyhorseB34

    Happy Birthday Sergeant.

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