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Everything posted by Streakfalcon

  1. Timor Campaign

    Yeah it makes for some interesting dogfights too, from F-16s vs. F-18s to Mustangs vs. Meteors. Almost Luft46 sort of stuff.
  2. ...NF-5B?

    I happen to use it in a gen 1 install, and I have the tanks all the time so im guessing since this is a gen 2 plane its just something endemic to the sim you use then right? Great plane BTW
  3. If you have could you please post the ini cause mine track well enough but never seem to fire. Im using the last Bunyap eapons pack and I down loaded the Chapparal from CA. My hawks and bloodhounds work fine.
  4. Russian raptor in the CA banner?

    Guys, what is that plane in the CA banner on top of the page?
  5. OK, well has anyone else flown hundreds of missions for RED, never gotten fired at and then found a fix that solved the problem? For clarity sake i have all the other sams working for both sides and all of the lods and inis for the launchers and the appropriate weapons data entries for multiple versions of Chapparal but still no joy being engaged. I even tried replacing the missle values for those of the Aim 9L and still nothing. Any input would be appreciated.
  6. Thanks for your hard work on these planes lately. We red side pilots appreciate it!
  7. Ok guys thanks again for the replies. It seems I am confused. This Germany terrain is wonderfull, no problems. I appear to have 3 germany terrains, none of which is WOE Central Germany! I have a 4seasons ww2 germany by Edward I think, a Deuchland terrain which I seem to start below the runway textures but at least i can take off, and finally Ansons Germany which is perfect. I got mixed up with the Black Sea terrain ( F-4E recon taking off from Kerch Airport, I blow up once loaded) and the Eritrea terrain(F-4E recon taking off from Barentu AFB, I blow up after spawning in midpoint of runway). Im patched to Oct 08. Since none of these are Ansons terrains, I sincerly apologize for the mix up!! I'd still love to know if anyone else had that problem with those terrains though?
  8. Thanks for the responses guys, but when i had the min base size issue before (like trying to take off in a B-52 from the Solomons Terrain), i would get a CTD before the game finished loading. For instance with the Black Sea terrain, if I start from the runway the game loads fully but im placed 90 degrees perpendicular to the runway and all the other aircraft in my flight are occupying the same space as me. A quarter second later we all blow up together. I can then move around using the F12 key and I notice Im at a large airbase. I wonder if some terrains were degigned with the WOE Germany cat file in mind and since I use SFP1, the desert cat is somehow incompatible. Not all 3rd party terrains do this but I have them all pointing to a desert cat file. Weird huh?
  9. Derk did readdressing the catfile work?, cause ive got it pointed to Desert cat which ive got but some terrrains of ansons still blow me up on the runway.
  10. Yup! Try a guns kill against one of the new Bears.
  11. hey guys, cant find it in the KB so here goes. In first gen SF I installed the Black Sea terrain and occasionaly Ill start perpendicular to the runway, any easy ini fix for this?
  12. No, I just downloaded the recenty released Black Sea terrain and Im patched to latest (08) standards. I get it with Eritrea too. weird huh?
  13. Using Desert cat i still end up 90 degrees off on the runways, but the Nikes work!
  14. Shame its the last. I was hoping someone would do the dark color skin depicted in the hangar screen that came with the aircraft.
  15. Re: the sound for the C model, I hacked the ini by putting // in front of the fuel dump engine lines, and the engine sound returned.
  16. Hi guys, could someone point me in the direction of a fuel tank tutorial from wrench, i cant find it in the KB. Im trying to make additional tanks for the SEA skin F102. It says in the download for the SEA skin to check out the tutorial but I cant find it.Thanks
  17. Got it, modded it , fixed it, did it. Sweet! That was easy, best community on the web. Its been said before but we appreciate you guys taking the time to help out others for the enjoyment of the sim.
  18. Love it! Are the flaps supposed to stay down at such low angles of attack and high speed? Also it might be my vid card but I get some funny environment shading on that awesome blue cammo. Anyone else notice that and is there a way to fix? Thank you for this mod! Its so beatifully lanky!
  19. Thanks Guys. Anyone reccomend a good freeware hex editor?
  20. Thanks man, of course youre right about the genie, just had it on the last version but aim26 works just as well. Great job on the bay animations guys, looks fantastic. IRL did the rockets fire from the sides of the doors from those little holes? Either way its sweet
  21. No Genie now? What about Nuke falcons?
  22. Weps on hard. Got it. You're NEVER too jaded for the KB! Thanks
  23. Cant wait for the inevitable german skins to arrive. Anyone else having a problem with torps not firing even when target is selected and under 2 miles distant?

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