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Everything posted by Centurion-1

  1. JonathanRL you mean something like this? note: This is only like two evenings of work so it is super early WIP, but i decided to try some methds for rapid work and prototyping to get something playable very fast and so far it has worked, not I'll get all the instruments working and THEN work on the eye-candy as opposed to making a complete pit first and then fighting with ini work... Also the draken you supplied me with (using the Bertil model) with the TSF package beta is a bit rough FM-wise, do you perhaps have some updated variant?
  2. Gannet aew-3

    Veltro you are a modeling machine! And my offer still stands to give a hand on the mapping but I respect your decision to learn it yourself! If I may say so your latest screnies show you have come a long way!
  3. texture example 1

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  4. Well, we all have our different ways of going about, but I suggest you put new layer above all the basic paint patches and colours but below the rivet and panel line layers. Then select in the color window two grey-ish colurs, one darker and one lighter. Now select filter->render->clouds. Now you can try different of the artistic filters if you want to sort of break up the clouds. Then add a noise filter with a pretty low setting, perhaps 2% and make sure monochrome is checked. Now change the layer properties to overlay or perhaps multiply, adjust opacity and check the results out. The effects should be quite faint but enough to break up the colours, to give it some "texture". I can have mulitple such layers with different effects applied to get the result i want.. It can't be too powerful or the map seams will be too visible and a pain in the ass to fix. Hope that helps! EDIT: Here is an example of the MiG-25 texture I am working on, as you can see i have three different layers that produce the final effect:
  5. If you need to remap some stuff I could do it, it's not a big deal really. But someone else is going to have to put that bird ingame ie do the export stuff Shoot me a PM if needed.
  6. Is that Lindr2's floggers? Looks very nice! Also, be sure to add a "base layer" with some basic noise or something to break up the flat surface a bit. At least I think it adds to visual realism. A good tip to add weathering is to use blending options - outer glow on the panel line layer and rivet layer. I use blending options a lot when i texture.
  7. My favorite is the Mirgae 5BA, hands down! Such a good low level strike fighter with a real within visual range dogfight ability after you drop the bombs. And those lines.. mm! I wish we had a red side bird of that quality with those capabilities...
  8. ME3 is so close now... ...having a release day is not a great relief actually, cause you know how long you have to wait still..
  9. Top notch stary! Really got that cramped feeling of Soviet cockpits! I guess they were in trouble once you had to add all those electronics ps. I think you could use higher res textures for the cockpit, perhaps as an optional DL?
  10. 3 new* screenshots on FB guys. Looks JUICY! *) At least, not seen here anyways..
  11. Is that Lindr2's flogger or? He is around stil right, maybe he could be persuaded to fix it or let someone else do it?
  12. Foxbat Power! Help needed with ini work and other technical know-how, please PM me or post in my thread if you can help me!
  13. Thx, yeah I have seen some very hi poly models of the MiG-25 afterburners. I don't think I'll be adding much more polies to the burners, I think they are good trade off now between looks and polycount. I have started the journey towards getting the plane in-game, can't get the decal enabled lod to show but the no-decal is ok. It also blows up on the runway. I would at this time like to say that if someone wants to fiddle with the technical stuff like the instruments, flight model et cetera, I'd be glad to partner up and focus on finishing the art part. It really is a very slow learning process for me..
  14. MiG-25PD In-game 1

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

    early wip
  15. Nice. I am really excited about the possibility to destroy carriers, and a proper naval warfare. It's going to add a lot to other scenarios too! I just hope like PureBlue that the community get's access to the new terrain tools ASAP after release!
  16. Don't worry guys, I will make the other versions too once the PD is done! And yes they will have appropriate cockpits et cetera. The only "maybe" is the U trainers, since they are game wise not super useful. I redid the engine exhausts since the old one was atrocious.
  17. render19

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

    New engine exhausts.
  18. These are some locations that come to mind, and I have recently started dabbling in terrain modding so I thought I'd ask for popular input before rushing in to some large project. The locations above are based on the fact that interesting air ops have happened there and/or could happen there. Anyway, the reading on the Angolan conflict or Alto-Cenepa war over at Acig.org makes for fascinating reading.
  19. Thx tio, and yeah I will also make a bomber variant with a slightly different cockpit. I think I've fixed the nose now, don't know at what stage the geometry had gotten so borked so I did a more or less complete rebuild of it. Also shown now is the rear so you can see the airbrake and drag chute cone.
  20. render18

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  21. render17

    From the album 3D work and WIPS

  22. Haha nice! Also nice Falcon model! Semi-OT: The AI really does not use those blinders or other bombers to their advantage, esp regarding speed. It would be nice if SF2NA introduces supersonic bombers which actually attack at super-sonic speeds. Reading the Bombed by Blinders articles on Acig.org gives you an impression of the Blinders potential.
  23. Yeah guys good catch, I actually noticed it looked off earlier but forgot to look into it. Modeling is still not done but enough of it is to work on the UVmap, I find it easier to notice shapes and stuff when there is a basic texture in place. Also looking at a gray model was getting very boring I work in iterations, sue me
  24. Thought i could share some progress just to let you know its not dead, started uvmapping. will be using single 4096*2 texture. Panel lines and everything just placeholders to give you a general idea.
  25. render16

    From the album 3D work and WIPS


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